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Grayson pov


She turned her head look at me. Tears in her eyes and down her red cheeks.

"I didn't know where else to go.. I'm sorry."

Her voice cracked with every word. She wiped her tears as more continued to drop from her red eyes.

"What happened Babygirl?" I asked

I sat next to her on the bed and she buried her head in the crease of my neck when I hugged her.

"Just family drama. My parents hate me, my grades dropped, and I've just become a mess. I don't know who I am anymore. After I gave myself to you.. a part of me has felt empty.." she explained in a low voice.

Those words were heart breaking. If im being honest I've never liked who I've become. Playing with girls and having sex with a different one every night isn't who I want to be. But it's what everyone expects from me. So scared to be a nobody again. I've done whatever it took to be at the top at school.

"I know you.. You're smart, gorgeous, and you've become stronger than you think. What happened between us.. I should've never treated you like that. You deserve better than me."

"Thank you for listening to me."

A small smile creeped on her face before she places her head on my shoulder. I placed a kissed on her head and hugged her tighter


Next Saturday

Mayah pov

I really wanted to go clubbing tonight, and Grayson said he could get all four of us in. However I know Tia and Ethan are on thin ice after their argument.

Flashback *the argument*

Tia pov
Once the air was clear with Ethan and I, we started to talk through our connected windows.
His window was open, giving me the chance to climb through. He was sitting on his bed wrapped in a towel and on his phone. I put on my shoes and the hoodie I stole from him earlier this week. Ready to climb into his room I hopped onto the branch, but stopped when I caught a girl coming out of his bathroom in a towel.

When he noticed her he tossed his phone to the side and grabbed her as she jumped on top of him. He turned to see me looking at him and his whole mood changed. He pushed the girl off and threw her clothes at her, telling her to leave. She put them on and stomped away after scoffing at him..

He opened the window and smiles at me.

"Stalking me now?" he smirked.

I stayed quiet while the anger rose in me.

"You were staring at me. Liked what you saw?"

"Finding out the guy I've been fucking is fucking other girls?"

"We aren't dating." He laughs

I could see in his face he kind of instantly regretted that.

"You're right" I roll my eyes ready to close the window when he threw a rock through it.

"Are you out of your mind?"


"You are such a cunt! One minute you want me and the next you're with someone else.. Make up you're mind. I'm not about to be your plan B."

He looks down not answering and I sigh.

"That's what I thought." I say closing my window then my curtains.

*Flashback over*

Mayah pov

They haven't talked since then. It's been a week and I've gotten closer to Grayson once he stopped all the bad boy shit he was on. But it's still really awkward.

"Mayah wait!" I turn my head and see Grayson after closing my locker.

I stop walking and turn to face him.

"Hi" He smiles.


"You still wanna go to the club tonight?" I ask.

"For sure. What time should I pick you up?"

"Me and Tia should be ready by 9."

Grayson pov
"He's crazy!" Tia says pacing back and forth as I sit on my bed because she's complaining about Ethan.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"You know, just because you and Ethan aren't on good terms doesn't mean you can bombard on me." I chuckle

She rolls her eyes and lays next to me.

"Gray I'm serious." She whines.

"Look, he's another version of me when it comes to the relationship shit. He doesn't know what he wants and he's scared of getting hurt or hurting someone else." I shrug.

"So what about you? What do you want?" She asks.

"I don't know.."

"Don't bullshit me Grayson. I know you have some feeling for her." She smirks and Wiggles her eyebrows.

"Fine. Maybe a little. But this is about you not me."

"Get the Fuck out of here. This is 100% about you and Mayah."

"No it isn't. Please change the subject." I sigh rolling my eyes.

"I have to get ready for tonight. I'll see you later."

Mayah pov
"It's so freaking awkward. We say hi.....then I walk away."
I sat pacing back and forth as Ethan say listening to me.

"Oh here's a great idea.."


"Talk to him"

I roll my eyes and sit back again.

"Maybe if you fuck him again then he'll loosen up like the last time."

"We fucked once and only once. Thats your only plan? You're bad at this friend thing." She chuckles.

"Well. All my life I've only had Grayson. We've been bullied our entire lives. People hated us. Now every girl wants us. So why not take advantage of it?"

I sigh. I sat on my desk chair across from him.

"So you don't wanna date?"

"The only girl I want is Tia."

This love rectangle should be fun..


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