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*4 years later*

Mayah pov

"We need names Grayson. That's two girl names to think about. That start with a....."

He looks at me confused and I sigh, chuckling at the same time.

"We need a letter babe. Come on now." I whine.

"How bout "Z"?" He joked then burst out laughing.

"That's it I'm done. I'm going to eat food cause you can't be serious." I was about to get up but he grabbed my arm still laughing.

"Okay. Okay. I'm done." He said trying to calm down.

I roll my eyes and sit back down.

"Okay. What letter?" He asked

"Ok. How bout B. Brooklyn, Bailey-"

"Wait those are actually really cute."
I said

"Have i ever told you how happy I am to be with you?" He said with a cheeky smile.

He pushed a piece of my hair from in front my face and behind my ear.
I kissed his hand and smiled back.

"Can you even believe.. we're having kids? Like us? Married right after college, then boom.. pregnant."

"Your dad would be so proud of you."

He looks up at me with those gorgeous hazel eyes. They started to slowly fill with tears.

"He always wanted to be a grandfather." We heard from behind.

Ethan and Tia stood in the door way. Her being 7 months pregnant herself, only a month behind me..

"I know mom and Cameron can't wait.. have you.. heard from your parents?" Grayson asked.

"They haven't talked to me since I moved out. Never returned my call or voice-mail or text about even having babies. Some family huh?" I said, looking down at my feet.

"We're your family, M." Tia said with a smile.

To be honest, I never know what it felt like to have a family. My parents have always felt like managers or strangers that lived with me. They never really showed much love. Yeah, I respect them for pushing me and helping me be smarter and better at everything I do. But they weren't lovey dovey. They didn't tell me they loved me enough.

Tia has always felt like family. I hear on a daily basis how much I mean to her and vice versa. She's always been there when they weren't. And she probably holds my heart a little more than Grayson does.. lol.

When he came into my life he was.. arrogant, an asshole, and so self centered. Never did I think he would be my husband or father of my children.

Never say never I guess

Heyyyyyyyy. This is the final chapter. Lmao thx for reading

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