Chapter Six

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Those who don't believe in magic will never find it -Roald Dahl


The movie was horrible, or at least the part I watched. My mind couldn't stop going back to Ethan and his girlfriend. I really wanted to say it didn't bother me. I mean my crush on him went away two years ago. Plus, I had a great boyfriend. He's handsome, sweet, and loyal. The one thing that really bugged me was that I'd have to see Ethan next year if he went to Colorado.

I shouldn't be surprised, Ethan was always a player. I also knew that he refused to hurt a good girl. He always said that good girls reminded him of me. And that he could never hurt somebody who he cared about. He proved everyone wrong with that. But why was he so loyal to Valentina? Was it to try to make me jealous? Did he really love, that's not possible.


"Thanks for the ride home," I told Paul.

The air became even colder and stars took over the sky. Tonight even had a good chance of snow.

"Let me walk you to the door," Paul half begged.

"Okay," I mumbled. A tired grin fell on his face.

Paul got out of the car and took my hand. He stopped in front of the porch.

"I had a great time, Baby," Paul stated.

"I did too." Paul leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

"I love you." For a quick second, I couldn't breathe. I took it as a good sign.

"I love you too," I responded, hoping with everything in me that it was true.


For the hundredth time, I sent Ethan to voicemail. Ever since our fight two days ago he had been calling me and texting me. I clicked on the voicemail he left me.

"Hey Juliette," Ethan's voice sounded thick with guilt. "Um, I wanted to say sorry about Valentina. You're totally right, she's a brat. I'm not even dating her. We've been having a fling for the past month. Please call me."

I sighed and texted: Meet me at the park.

Ethan texted: K ;-)

I packed up my stuff, grabbed my keys, and headed to the park. The second I got there I sat down on the swing, bundled up in my coat. Soon I saw the shadow of a man.

Ethan sat down beside me and said, "So?"

I folded my hands together and looked at them. I responded, "So?" When I looked up Ethan was staring at me, his eyes bluer than ever. "Ethan," I mumbled, "let's start over."

He smiled. "I'm Ethan," he said as he held out his hand for me to shake.

"Juliette. And I have a feeling that in a past life I pushed you up against a tree."

Ethan laughed. "I know. I can still feel it. I can't believe you pushed an innocent four-year-old against a tree and forced him to marry you." All the sudden I started laughing. This caused me to fall to the ground. Ethan helped me up and said, "Let's go get some ice cream."

"At the end of November?"

"Let's go get some hot cocoa."

"Better," I said, playfully.


"Okay. Would you rather swim in hot cocoa or coffee?" I asked Ethan.

"Hot cocoa," he responded. "Would you rather live in snow or sand?"

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