Chapter Twenty-seven

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Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn. And you have no choice to follow it to end up in the place you're supposed to be -author unknown


When we entered the house the smell of booze was the first thing to hit me. Then the sound of the music filled my brain. As we walked up to the door we saw people drinking on the lawn, making out on cars, and one group was even about to have a fistfight. Jessica and I rolled our eyes. I couldn't wait to get out of high school. When your life wouldn't revolve around a Friday night party.

"Juliette," Jess said, causing me to turn around so I could see her. "I'm not drinking and neither are you."

"Whatever," I responded. The only response I got was an eye roll.

Once Jessica and I moved past the couple that was rolling on the ground we were led to the dance floor. About a half hour later a boy gave me a small wave. He had deep brown eyes, was a little bit taller than me, and had fawn hair that was in a style I called "boy band style."
"I'm gonna go over there," I told Jessica, nodding my head in the direction of the boy.

Jess looked at me confused. "Why?"

"You really think I did all this," I gestured to my dress, "for you. I'm here to get somebody's number."

"Please Jul, don't turn into one of those girls."
"I have no idea what you mean."
"The kind of girls who go to parties just to flirt with guys. They don't care about hanging with their friends or anyone other than guys."

Jess gestured to a group of girls who I recognized immediately. They were the popular girls. All of them had on tight dresses and sky-high heels. I shook my head. That wasn't even close to me.

"That's not me," I said.

"Do you see yourself?" Jessica gestured to a mirror. I walked over to it. Oh God, I thought, I do look like them.

"We're leaving," I grabbed Jess' hand and dragged her to my car.

Once we got in, I grabbed the makeup remover that I used for band and got rid of that fake face. Then I put my hair, that was styled in a beach wave, into a loose braid. Kicking off my shoes, I grabbed my Converse and shoved my feet into them.

"Barnes & Noble?" Jess offered. I let out an airy laugh.

"Barnes & Noble."


"I am so getting this book," I told Jess.

She grabbed my book out of my hand. "This Is Where It Ends. No romance, I've never been so proud."

"Shut up," I said as punched her shoulder lightly.

"Hey, it isn't my fault that you live off of other people's relationships. You wouldn't need to if you give Ethan a chance."

The end of her sentence was hopeful. I really, really wanted to tell her that I'd be with Ethan. No questions asked. But Ethan never even apologized for leaving. A week after Jess and I started talking she apologized. Ethan didn't even know why I was mad at him. And I wasn't going to forgive him until he apologized.

"'It takes a strong person to say sorry, and an even stronger person to forgive -author unknown," Jess said.

I turned around to see Jess reading a book. The title was Amazing Quotes. I don't know why what she said had such an effect on me. It might have been the fact that I was refusing to forgive Ethan for what he did. It also may have been because it reminded me of a biblical quote my grandmother always told me. She always said, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do -Luke 23:34."

What if Ethan didn't know what that I was actually mad. Maybe I should have just forgiven him. Who knows, I thought.

"Juliette?" a voice asked. It brought a smile to my face because I knew who it was.

I turned to face Arianna and said, "Hey girly. What brings you here?"

"I'm at the mall with some friends. We wanted Starbucks."

"Of course you did. Is Ethan okay?"

"A little depressed but that's it. Wait...why? Shouldn't you know? You are his girlfriend."

I looked at Jess. She had a "told you so" look on her face. Arianna was so sweet and she always had faith in Ethan. I didn't know how to break it to her. Why did she even think that we were a couple?

"Ari, Ethan and I aren't dating."


"Ethan and I have never been a couple."

I saw Arianna's face drop. "I know. You just make him so happy and you two have always had such chemistry."

"I'm sorry, I just...."

I'm sorry, I just don't like him that way. That's what I was planning to say. But it was a lie. I wanted to be more than friends but I was petrified.

"Did you ever read the letter he wrote you?" Arianna asked.

Jess turned and faced me. "Excuse me. Ethan sent you a letter?" she asked.

"Um...yes. And Ari, I didn't read it. The letter is at my mother's house."

Jess grabbed my arm. "We're going to get that letter."

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