Chapter Twenty-three

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When she looked at him a hundred thoughts ran through her head, but all she could manage to do was smile -Emma Blake


"I can't believe you have a girlfriend," I said, happily.

Ethan and I were walking at the local park. I had to get outside and think so I called him.

"I know. I mean my first real girlfriend," Ethan said. I knew that he meant his first girlfriend that made him feel something.

I smiled. "I'm really happy for you." I was. Ethan deserved a girl who would put him first. Even though I wanted to be that girl, I knew that I missed my chance.

"I still can't believe that she is my first real girlfriend. I mean, I always thought you would be."

My eyes went wide and I stopped walking for a second. But then I started to walk again.

"Wait," I said. I counted to three in my head before continuing, "did you like me before? Back when we were little?"

Ethan turned towards me, smirked, and then picked up his speed. In the process, answering all of my questions.

"Ethan," I called out.


"Paul and I broke up."

"I know. Layla told me."

"I knew when we started that we weren't gonna last."
Ethan shoved his hands in his pockets. "That's how I feel about Paige."

"What? Why? Haven't you learned from me?"

"I'm going to Colorado in the spring," he blurted.

My eyes got wide once again.

"You're going to Boulder?"

Ethan nodded. "Is that a problem?"

"Nope," I lied.


"This is a sign," Jess said for the hundredth time.

We had decided to move my stuff to Jessica's house early on. Her parents had a moving truck that we were going to put my stuff in. Even though I had loved living with Layla, the first of June she would be on her way to Duke. Jess and I were staying in Ohio until July so I was moving in with her.

"It's not a sign," I responded as I rolled my eyes. This box was heavy and I couldn't wait to put it down.

"You are going to the same school."

"That means that we both have great taste in schools, nothing else."


by this time I was tired of waiting for her to grab the box and walked over to the moving truck. Then I walked back and grabbed another.

"Dude, can you just give it a shot?" Jess asked.

"He has a girlfriend. And is really happy. I hate to break it to you but when you have a best friend you have to do what's best for them."

"Well, you're his best friend. Is he really doing what's best for you?"

I shook my head. "That doesn't matter."

"Girls!" yelled a voice that I guessed was Jess' dad. "You're still moving those boxes?"

"Moving boxes. Gossiping. Same difference," Jessica joked.

"Well, dinner will be ready in ten minutes so hurry up." Jess' dad then disappeared.

We were able to move all the boxes into the truck. Then, we ate an amazing dinner, really I've never had a better dinner. Soon Jess and I were heading upstairs to study for our science test. Half-an-hour later my phone was ringing.

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