Chapter Twenty-four

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True friendship isn't about being inseparable, it about being separated and nothing changes - author unknown


So it was Monday and as I walked into the restaurant I worked at I thought about how I was going to break it to my sister that I was leaving. When I entered the restaurant my boss directed me to a girl who requested me. I walked over and forced a smile on my face.

"Hello, my name is Juliette and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" I said.

"I'll have a beer," the man said. I then turned to the women and the smile on my face disappeared as I looked at the black haired, she-devil I had to grow up with.

"Mother, what are you doing here?" I said with a deadly glare.

"Oh sweetie," she began, her voice mocking, "I'm on a date with my boy."

"Leave," I demanded.

"I'm sorry but no. I'll have a glass of red wine."

I took a deep breath and forced a smile. "Okay."

I turned around, my hands gripping my pen when she slapped my arm. I flung back around.

"Get the hell out of this restaurant and while you're at it, my life!" I yelled.

"Juliette," a voice said, "can I have a word. And Ms. I think you should go."

I turned around to see my boss standing behind me.

"I was just sitting here and she started being incredibly rude to me," my mother said. I wanted to say it was a lie but I kinda was rude. What could I say, she brought it out in me.

"Please leave," my boss repeated.

Once we were sure my mother had left, I was led into my boss' office.

"I'm really sorry-"

"Is that her?" Miss Fairfeild asked.

"Yeah. But that's no excuse to make a scene."

"Honey, everyone here knows your story. And everyone knows your mother, sadly. You aren't in trouble but next time, find me."

I nodded my head. "Thank you, Miss. Fairfeild."

"No problem. Now get back to work."

I spent the next four hours working and by the end of my shift, I wanted to pass out. So when I got back to Jess' house I took a shower, changed into some pj's, and called Ethan. I told him all about what my mother did today and he apologized about her being a she-devil. I said it wasn't his fault and then turned off my phone. Then, I smiled to myself. I was really happy to have somebody around who knew my mother for who she really was. I missed him, a lot.

As I put my phone on the charger I realized, once again, how much it hurt when he said he'd give Paige another chance. I know I asked for him to do that, but I wanted him to say no. For him to tell me that we were made for each other and to ask me to give him another chance. But this wasn't a movie. Guy's don't wait for what they want. They either have it or move on. That's what I needed to do, move on.


"Are you sure you're okay?" Layla asked as we walked into school.

"Yeah," I responded. "I needed something to get Ethan out of my head and Paige does that perfectly."

"I hate to break it to you but if you can't erase somebody out of your head, they probably should be there."

"Ethan's just another guy. He's nothing special."

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