Chapter Nineteen

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Just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to doesn't mean your future can't be brighter than you imagined -Ziad K. Abdelnour


I paced the length of the bedroom. Layla was gone, she went out with Shawn. I was alone, feeling like a deer in hunting season. I needed proof that my mother faked my letter. I also needed to find out what Paul had against me. As if someone heard my thoughts, my phone went off. I picked it up to see a text from Paul. Great, I thought.

Paul texted: In case it wasn't clear, we're still a couple and when we go to school you will act like you're even more in love with me than ever. Okay? Good.

Then, I did something that was usually my sister's thing. I puked. When my stomach was even more empty than before I fell beside the toilet. Then, since no one was home, I screamed, "This is why I don't believe in you, God! If you were here then I wouldn't have this life! I want them back. Why did you take them!" Sobs had begun to take over my words. "And Ethan never would have walked away. My dad would be holding me as I cried right now. Our old dogs would be jumping on me, making me laugh. But Mother had to get rid of them too. I'm so sick of being strong."

Then, as if by some magic, the doorbell rang. I quickly washed my face before walking downstairs to open it. When I did I felt something ignite in me.

I mumbled, "Hailey."

"Hi, sis," she responded.

I felt tears trickle my face once more, but they weren't sad. They were tears of pure joy. Maybe, I thought, just maybe he did this. I wrapped my sister in a hug. When I pulled away, I saw her own tears.

"I've missed you so badly," Hailey told me. "I had to come celebrate Christmas Eve with you."

"It's Christmas e-" I started. I stopped when I glanced at the calendar, seeing that the day marked "Christmas Eve" was checked. How did I forget about my favorite holiday? Hailey chuckled.

Hailey softly punched my arm. "Yeah, Dork. Here," she said as she reached back for something, "I got you something."

"Oh," I squeaked, "I got you something too. Let me go get it."

I ran upstairs really fast before coming back down.

"Here," I said, giving it to her. "Oh, and come in."

We walked into the living room. Then, traded presents. Hailey's mouth dropped open when she saw mine, "What is this?" she asked, holding up the bracelet. It had a quote around one band it wrapped around, leading into an arrow.

"It's a bracelet," I said.

"Wow, really?"

"The band says, 'Our Paths May Change As Life Goes Along But Our Bond As Sisters Will Remain Ever Strong' -author unknown."

Then, of course, she complained, "We had the same gift idea."

I opened the box. Inside was a gold locket. "You still wear that cheap one I got so I wanted you to have a new necklace. And I know you love lockets so..."

I opened it to see a tiny picture of Dad, Piper, Hailey, and I. My heart started to feel like it was breaking again at the reminder of my loss.

"You need to know that no matter how far away we are, all of us are still with you. Dad and Piper would be so proud of you, just like I am."

Tears blurred my vision once again. "He is here," I said. God was here. I had tried to push my beliefs away because everyone pushed me away. But deep down I had to believe him. I had to have hope that I'd see Piper and Dad again. That they would watch me grow up. And, let's be honest, God brought Ethan back. The one person who could make me laugh when I wanted to cry.

"I know he is," Hailey mumbled, knowing just what I meant.

"I love you, sis."

"I love you more." She pulled me into her arms. I let the tears fall.


The next day was filled with time spent with Layla's extended family. They all questioned why Layla's parents took in a child. I sat awkwardly on the couch. Shawn came over and spent the day with his arm around his girl. The two of them were trying to spend as much time as possible together since Shawn had broken the news that he was going the army instead of going to college. Layla was proud and heartbroken. She had never imagined that she would be an army wife. Now she would have to live almost every day wondering if he was coming home.

By eight o'clock I had gotten tired of the festivities and headed up to Layla's room. I sat there for a while when my phone started to go off.

"Yes," I answered, not bothering to check who was calling.

"It's your boyfriend," he said, "Come to my house in five minutes to meet the family."

"No," I responded.

"Did I give you a choice?"

"I want to know how you're planning to blackmail me."

"That's for me to know and you to shut up about."

Why did I ever like him, I asked myself.

I hung up the phone, walked downstairs, mumbled a goodbye to Layla, and then left. On the drive to his house, I contemplated what I should say to his family.

"I'm here," I said as I walked into the huge house. I forgot he was rich.

"Baby," Paul said before he leaned in for a kiss. I shot him a fake smile.

Then, an older woman came in carrying a dishrag. Although she was older, she looked pretty. Her blond hair was tied up in a bun. A smile framed her face. She wore nice pants and a green blouse.

"You must be Juliette. I'm Callie. Paul has told me so much about you," she said.

"It's nice to meet you as well. It's great to meet the woman who gave birth such a great," Horrible, "young man."

"Have you eaten yet?" she asked. I shook my head. "Well, you must be famished. Come here. We still have some food out."

Paul and I followed his mother into an enormous kitchen. His grip around me felt like it kept getting tighter.

After eating, Paul led me to his room. I leaned on his door while he sat down at his computer.

"Your mom's great," I told him.

"Well," he started, "she did create me so..."

"Yeah, she created a lying, manipulative, blackmailing jerk. How amazing."

"Baby, don't be like that."

"Can I go now?"



"Why didn't you tell me?" Layla demanded. I had just finished telling her about Paul's threats. Let's just say, she wasn't happy. Now she was storming around her bedroom.

"I don't know," I responded.

"What he's doing is illegal. We have to tell the cops."

"Layla, think this out. We don't know what he has against me. It could be really dangerous."

"Well then, what are you gonna do?" Layla asked, placing her hand on her hip.

I took a deep breath. "I'm going to ride it out until I can leave without a trace."

"That's really dangerous. He already is demanding that you act like you love him. What if it gets worse?"

"Then, I knee him so hard that he won't ever do it again."

Layla pressed her lips into a tight line. I knew she didn't understand why I was doing this, but my future was my everything. I couldn't have anything mess it up.

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