Chapter Twenty

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,Hurting somebody can be as easy as throwing a stone in the sea. But do you have any idea how deep that stone can go? -Wisdom Quotes


Two weeks later Paul and I were walking the halls of the high school once again.

"Two months. Congrats," said one of Paul's friends as he walked past us in the hall.

Paul ensured that it appeared as if I was a perfect, clingy girlfriend. Basically a trophy wife without a ring. The two of us were already hand in hand when he pulled me even closer, wrapping his arm around me. I bit my lip, stopping myself from saying something that I'd regret. Layla approached us.

Putting her hand on her hip, she said, "If you don't mind, I'll take my friend now."

"Don't treat her like an object," Paul said.

"You mean don't treat her like you do?" Layla mocked.

The two of them had a quick stare down before I grabbed her arm, leading her away from my boyfriend. We were entering the cafeteria, she asked, "He doesn't know that I know?"

"He would kill you...and me," I responded.

Then the two of us grabbed our lunches before sitting down at our normal table.

"Sloppy Joe's, score!" Layla exclaimed.

I shoved her shoulder with mine playfully. "At least one thing is going our way, right?"

Layla rolled her eyes. But they lit up when Shawn came over to our table. I wish I had that, I thought. Oh, wait, I do. With Ethan.

"I just found out that I'm getting deployed the first of June," Shawn told Layla.

Layla poked at her lunch. "Oh," she mumbled.

"Baby," Shawn started, "it's not like I want to leave you. But I have to follow my dreams."

"I know. I'm just going to miss you."

Shawn kissed her head. Then Paul came and sat down by my side. Layla's sadness left and anger took over her emotions.

"Go away!" she demanded.

Paul rolled his eyes. "I have no idea why you're so mad at me."

"Oh, don't you? Well let's just say that you said some things. Juliette said some things."

Paul bit his lip. He turned to me. I looked away quickly, gathering strength, before kissing him on the lips to help him forget what she said. When I moved away I saw that he was still annoyed.

"Well, Layla," he began. His hands folded on top of the table and his voice sounded as if he was planning to recite an important speech, "why don't you tell us what Juliette told you."

Layla's eyes opened wider as a smug smile filled her face. "Why don't you tell us what you said."

"Paul," I said as quick as I could, "why don't you and I go on a date tonight. You know, for the anniversary."

He looked down when I started to draw circles on his hand with my fingers.

"That be great," he responded. I titled my head and kissed his lips. What can I say, I'm a great actress.


"I can't believe that you're actually going out with him," Layla said as she held up the shirt I picked out.

"Well," I responded, grabbing the shirt and pulling it over my head, "you better get used to it."

I stepped back so that I could look at myself fully in the mirror. I was wearing dark skinny jeans and a white lace top. On my feet were silver Converse.

"You shouldn't have to deal with him," Layla commented.

"And you shouldn't have to watch your best friend walk on a plane to South Korea. Can you do that french braid, bun thing?"

"Come here, dork." Layla pulled me onto her bed. I laughed.

After awhile my voice filled the silence of her bedroom. "Do you remember the first time you met Ethan?"

"Yeah. We were at a football game and he looked like he wanted to shoot me."

I had always wondered why he acted so weird that night. Layla said that he was jealous that somebody else had my attention. I thought that he just didn't like Layla, but they get along great now. Ethan even helped me get Layla and Shawn together. But if Layla's right, then that could be when Ethan first started to like me. If he ever did. After this he did start acting differently. Weird.

"Jul," Layla said, giving me a little shove.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Paul is here."


I walked, no trudged, down the stairs. I had to remind myself frequently that I was only spending extra time with him to get information. I also really wanted to ask him why he wanted a girl who didn't want him. It was quite clear that he had been hanging out with my mother - she made boys get obsessed with things that they'd truly never want.

I mean, I'm sure Paul liked me at first. And maybe he would have really wanted to give us another try after he found out that I kinda cheated on him. But I was positive that he wouldn't have wanted to be with me after he found out I'd never feel the same way for him as he did for me. The worst thing about the situation was that Paul deserved so much better. He was truly a good guy and he deserved a great girl, who really loves him.

"Paul," I said once I opened the door.

He smiled and responded, "Hi, Jul."

I grabbed my bag and walked past him to his car. I didn't look at him once.

The ride to the restaurant was completely silent other than the faint sound of rap coming from the speakers. My head leaned against the window, feeling the cold winter air leak through the sheet of glass.

When we pulled up to the tiny diner Paul was a gentleman and opened the door for me. The waiter was a young boy with bright purple hair. He quickly lead us to a table. It wasn't until my food was served that I felt like I should talk.

"You know," I began, "I don't understand you?"

"Why not?" Paul responded, setting his fork down so he could give me his full attention.

"I just don't understand why you would want somebody who doesn't want you."

"So you just came here to attack me?"

My mouth fell open in surprise. "See! Those are my mother's words. Paul, take a look in the mirror," I gestured towards a mirror on the wall. "Is this who you really want to be?"

Paul sucked in a breath. His hand made its way to his hair, pulling back the blond locks only to have them fall back in there place. I knew that he was only doing this because he needed a moment to collect his thoughts.

He asked with a sigh, "What do you mean?"

"When I first met you...I were great. I like the person that you were. Then you turned into this guy that I don't even know. You're rude and selfish. I'm stuck here with you when we both know I want to be with Ethan. I don't know why you turned over this leaf but it has to be ripped into pieces." Paul looked down at his food, avoiding my gaze. "You're trying to take the easy way out. To save yourself from a heartbreak. Well guess what, the easy choice is rarely the right one."

Next thing I knew Paul was storming out of the restaurant. Leaving me there without a car.

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