Chapter Eighteen

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A stranger stabs you in the front; a friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws -author unknown


The next day I watch Layla's family decorate their house. Her father and brother were on lights. The girls worked on the inside. It was plain awkward when the tree went up. That was a family thing. After the decorating was finished I sat down on the couch. Layla joined me.

"I love this time of year," She said as she looked around. I nodded. After a few seconds she took a deep breath. "Jul, we really need to talk about this faith thing.

I responded, "There's nothing to talk about."

"I'm in all advanced classes, I'm not stupid." She looked up at the clock. "We can still make it to the last service of the day." She grabbed my hand, yelled a goodbye to her mom, and then we walked out the door.

For the next two hours I listened to the preaching of God's words through a random man's mouth. I'll admit, the mood that filled the room was contagious. And best part of all, they gave out free hot cocoa.

It was when we were exiting that things got awkward. I completely forgot that this was Ethan's church. My mother, sister, and I used to go here with them. I saw Arianna pointing in my direction as she tugged on her dad's sleeve. Soon the family was walking towards us.

"Juliette, it's great to see you again," Ethan's dad told me.

"You too," I responded.

Arianna jumped in with, "Do you like my coat? I made it myself."

The jacket was pink, like normal, and tight fitting. But overall it was well made. "I love it," I finally said.

"Thanks," she responded before turning to her brother. "Treat her right."

I smiled as she ran to her father. He was talking to a random person. I turned to see Ethan smirking at me.

"You know," he began, "I'd love to treat you right. But you won't let me."

"Ethan stop," I demanded.


I shook my head. "I don't understand. There are a ton of girls in this world. Why can't you chase after them? What makes me so special."

"Everything," he responded. I walked into that one, I thought. But him just saying that made me blush. I forced my head down so he wouldn't see my face. I took a deep breath.

Then, I said slowly, "I'm with Paul."

"That's not a good excuse, but I know."

"Ethan, don't do this," I begged as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Foster," Ethan smirked as he came towards me. I felt my heart pick up speed. Then he whispered into my ear, "I'll have you in my arms one day."

Then, he backed away and disappeared into the crowd.

"What just happened?" Layla asked as she arrived by my side.

I responded with, "I have a lot to tell you."


"Please tell me that you dumped Paul," Layla begged on the way home.

"Layla," I started, falling onto into my hands, "we've been over this."

Layla sighed. "Okay, I'll drop it. I just need to share this quote 'Do you think that you have a choice in loving someone? The answer will always Your soul picks who you love and your heart seals the deal. How little a choice we have over things when your heart knows what it wants and your soul knows when it's real' by N.R. Hart."

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