Chapter Twenty-two

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We are all a little weird and life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible. We join up with them and fall into mutual weirdness. And we call it love -Dr. Seuss


The girls and I decided that we wanted to go celebrate. After much debate, we decided to go to...Barnes & Noble. After the three of us picked out books, mine being romance, Layla's being nonfiction and Jess' being horror, we sat down with three steaming cups of hot cocoa.

"We should make a toast," Layla requested.

I thought about this for a second. I did have lots to be thankful for. I had Jess back in my life and my mother's gone. But at the same time...Ethan.

"Fine," I said, "but you go first."

"Okay. To us - being such dorks that we all were accepted into the same college that we wanted to go to in eighth grade."

"Cheers," Jess said, smiling. We then put our glasses together and took a sip.

"Juliette," Layla sang. Her eyebrows lifted in a teasing manner.

"To," I began, "having my insane mother be wrong about me going to college."

Once again we said, "Cheers." Then, we put our glasses together and took a sip.

Then Jess said, "To us being friends again. And to Ethan and Juliette's everlasting love."

I rolled my eyes while Layla laughed. She gave Jess a high-five.

"So mature," I said sarcastically.

"We know," they responded in perfect unison.

After paying for our books and buying more hot cocoa for the road, the three of us made our way to my favorite store, Aéropostale. The three of us split up the second we entered the store. And by split up, I mean Layla went one way and Jess and I went another.

"What about this?" Jess asked as she held a top up to her chest. It was green with a single white stripe in the middle. Both of the sleeves were also white.

"No," I said. 'Green isn't your color."

Jess started to shuffle through the rack of clothes. Then, a gasp left her mouth. I rolled my eyes.

"This is perfect for you," she told me, showing me the outfit. It was an army green, flowy shirt.

"Jess," I said, whining, "I have to save up for Colorado."

Although I had received a partial scholarship and my father saved up money for my college, I still need to save up just in case. Not to mention that vet school was going to cost a small fortune.

"I'll get it for you."

"No," I said crossing my arms.


"Baby, I'm so glad you're letting me check this place out. I need to know what's in since I just moved here," said a girl's voice.

Jess and I rolled our eyes before slowly turning around. There was a short girl. Her hair was red with blonde tips in a high ponytail. She wore a flowy purple and yellow dress. The only section that didn't have small flowers on it was the sleeves.

Then we noticed the boy next to her. He had shaggy, brown hair. Was tall and lean. And...looked just like Ethan. Great, I thought, here we go again.

"Hey, Ethan!" yelled Jess.

Ethan turned and smiled when he saw us. He grabbed the girl's hand. I winced in response.

Walking towards us, he said, "Hi, loser."

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