Chapter Thirty

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Life comes around once, so do whatever makes you happy, and be with whoever makes you smile -author unknown


The sun was shining as I packed up the last of my bags. In one week I'd be on my way to Colorado. I still couldn't believe that I was finally leaving this place. I also couldn't believe that my dad wouldn't be there to drop me off.

"Juliette, you ready to put that bag in the truck?" Jess asked me. We had decided that we were going to pack everything early except what we really needed.

"Yeah, but can you bring it. I don't want to go die of heat stroke," I responded.

"It's the middle of August, what do you expect."

"You make a fair point."

"Duh. Now go put your things in the car. I'm going out with my softball team."

A sad smile rested on Jessica's face. I knew it was hard for her to grasp the fact that she was actually leaving.

"Okay," I said after a few seconds, "have fun."

With that, Jess disappeared down the hall. I stood up and picked up the heavy box when something fluttered out of it. It took me a second but I knew that I had seen it before. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs to pack my stuff. When I came back in the room I found the letter Ethan had sent me nine months ago. After I had pushed him away the day he broke up with Paige I had ended contact with him.

With shaky hands, I picked up the letter and slowly opened it. It read: Dear Juliette, I know that I'm probably the very last person you want to hear from, but I saw a girl earlier today and she reminded me of you. She also reminded me of the biggest mistake I've ever made. If that's not clear, I'm referring to leaving you. I miss you and I want you back in my life. If you don't want that then I'm just gonna have to accept that, but if you do then don't be afraid to reach out. I promise that if you give me another chance I'll never leave you again. I really do hope that I hear from you. From, Ethan.

Even though the letter was short it said everything it needed to. I learned when I was little that it doesn't matter the length. You could have a five-page letter that said nothing but it wouldn't compare to a paragraph that said everything. My excuse had always been that he didn't know what he did. But the way this letter was written I had a feeling that when I ran into Ethan at the store, he thought I was responding to his letter. He also probably thought that I'd read it, therefore he didn't need to apologize.

Ethan apologized and promised that he'd never leave again. But he never should have left in the first place, I thought.

"But he came back," I responded out loud.

You're leaving town in a week, I thought.

"We're going to the same place."

He could hurt you.

"He could be the one."

Well, then why are we having this debate? You've made up your mind.

"That's true. Let's go."

I grabbed my keys and my purse before rushing downstairs.

"Oh hi, Juliette," Jess' mom said.

Shoot, I thought, I don't have time for this.

"Hi," I said instead. "What's up."

"Well, my daughter is leaving for Colorado so I'm helping her pack and crying at the same time."


"So where are you going?"

"I have to meet a friend."

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