13.An unwanted gift

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Clary's POV

I wake up with a huge grin pasted on my face which immediately disappears as I look to my left. On my left is my window to which a note has been stuck, and there is writing on it in the same neat handwriting saying
Enjoying yourself, are you? I will change that because I have a gift for you today.
I feel a mixture a fear, anger and grief gnawing my mind. I walk to my bathroom sulking and take a warm shower to calm myself down. It doesn't work because my mind is too busy thinking and stressing about the "gift" that I am about to receive today.

I exit the bathroom and dry myself off with a towel. I then shrug on a comfortable shirt and pants and walk to the kitchen to get breakfast. As I enter I see Jace making omelettes and that small action reminds me of so much. The memories along with my emotions almost overwhelm me but I stop myself from thinking too much by admiring at Jace. His back is facing me and his muscles are flexing each time he moves. His golden hair is curling on his head and I just want to run my hands through it. My desire is so much that I have to grab the kitchen counter with both hands to stop myself. "Like what you see?" He asks without looking back. I blush to the roots of my hair and sit down quietly. He looks at me with his usual cocky smirk. I just ignore his comment "I just came to eat breakfast, can you make an omelette for me also?"

"Hmmm let me think, uh....nope," he says popping the 'p'.

"Why not?" The note today morning has really shaken me up. And now this. Does he despise me so much that he doesn't even want to make an omelette for me. I can't seem to hide my emotions from my face.

"Oh Clary. I know you love me but don't be so crazy about me. Its just an omelette." He says, oozing cockiness.

"Oh you wish! I just want to see you burn the omelette and if I am lucky maybe your hands too." I retort. His cocky comment pulling me out of my muddled state.

He rolls his eyes heavily. "Oh Jace," I say using the same tone he used just moments ago "keep rolling your eyes, maybe one day you will find a brain back there."

Suddenly I hear loud laughter coming from out of the kitchen. Then Damon enters the kitchen, laughing like a maniac. He says in between laughs "Man, you got burned." And he lightly punches Jace's arm. He gives me a fist bump."Ohhh Clary, nice one!" he says, still clutching his stomach and laughing. Just then Vanessa enters and raises an eyebrow at Damon's state. Ugghhh how come everybody can lift one eye brow except me, it's so unfair! I tell her what just happened and she starts laughing softly. Jace just stands there glaring at everyone but I notice a slight blush on his cheeks. He storms out of the kitchen fuming. His handsome face was twisted in an expression in between anger, embarrassment and irritation.

After a few long moments when the laughter dies down, I sigh and get up. He didn't make an omelette for me, now I have to make it myself and risk burning down the kitchen. Actually this was the real reason why I had asked Jace to make me an omelette too.

Damon gets to the stove first beating me to it. "I'll make breakfast. So Vanessa how do you like your omelette?" He says in a fake British accent and I notice her looking at the floor and blushing. "Uh with tomatoes and onions," she replies softly. I just stand there feeling slightly out of place so I say, "Guys I'm just gonna take a walk outside,"


I walk out of the house and sit on a bench, completely immersed in my thoughts. So something bad will happen today. What will it be?

Suddenly I feel immense pain in my stomach. I take a sharp intake of breath and look down at my stomach and see an arrow sticking out of it. I look to my left and right and see no one around me. My head starts spinning and my vision is turning blurry. I try to scream but I can't seem to get anything out except a gurgle. I collapse to the ground and spit out blood. I feel excruciating pain in my stomach. I try one more time to shout but this time no sound comes out of my mouth. I start seeing black at the edges of my vision and finally the dark abyss comes to relieve me of my pain.

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