28.A nightmare

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Vanessa's POV

I decide to return to Damon's house that very night, after taking a quick shower. Right now, I am a lone figure, walking on the streets at night, but don't let the word 'lone' fool you into thinking I'm sad. No, on the contrary I'm really happy. Many great things happened today. I helped free Clary, Jace and that other boy. I found out where Damon goes in the day. The cream on my happy sundae is that I met Aurora. And the cherry on top is that this night is just mesmerising.

The pearly white moon is crescent shaped and not too bright tonight, nevertheless it feels great walking here at night on the tranquil streets where it is so quiet I can actually hear the sound of my own footsteps. The darkness of the night makes the stars sprinkling the sky shine even brighter. Each one is twinkling as bright as a diamond, or maybe even brighter.

The shops and houses all have turned off their lights and are completely dark. The street lights are providing pools of yellow light in certain parts, so when I walk in those parts I feel like I'm being illuminated by a spotlight.

A few cars zip past me, racing freely on the empty roads, but apart from that there is nobody around. I can feel a cool breeze kissing my exposed skin. The breeze is actually very cold, chilling almost, but I have always been a fan of the cold. I twirl around a few times, loving this feeling of peace after all those intense moments. I remove the elastic band tying my hair and let it fall loose down my shoulders, allowing the breeze to push it around. I skip towards Damon's house grinning like a five year old, but all too soon reality catches up with me. My mood becomes grey, like the clouds that are now obstructing the beautiful white moon.

I have to stay in Damon's house to spy on him. Not because I like him, not because he likes me. Though the former is true and I really hope the latter is too. I settle into a brisk jog, remembering the route to Damon's apartment all too well. I enter the building by pushing open the glass door and am immediately greeted by the warm air. I climb up the stairs and ring Damon's doorbell.

I hear a few footsteps and then he opens the door. He's wearing loose pants and no shirt. Oh my god! No shirt!

"Hey," he says coolly, not at all realising the effect he's having on me.

"Hi." He opens the door wider and lets me in. As I walk in, he touches my hair and says, "I like your hair down like this." I smile and finger it consciously. I didn't realise that I forgot to tie it back up into a ponytail. I feel safe in a way, when my hair is tied, but right now I feel too open. Too exposed. Damon telling me that it looks good, makes me feel a tad bit better.

"So, where were you? I was just about to go to sleep, but I thought I'd wait for you." Oh, so that's why he isn't wearing a shirt, he was going to sleep. But he stayed up for me. Why does even the smallest thing he do warm my heart and make me feel fuzzy on the inside?

"I uh, was looking for a place to stay, but I didn't find one. I had dinner outside because I didn't want to bother you," I say reciting the lines Jace had told me to tell. When I do say it though I don't miss the joy in his eyes when I say the part about not finding any other place to stay. Huh? Does he really want me to stay here? I think while I tug off my boots.

I smile shyly at him and ask, "So where can I sleep?"

He leads the way into his room and shows me his bed. I furrow my brows and ask, "Then where will you sleep?"

"The couch."


"No, buts. I love sleeping on the couch, so go ahead and get some rest you look pretty tired."

"Thank you so much."

"No problem," he replies, winking at me.

I fall on the bed and pull the blanket up to my chest and shut my tired eyes. Suddenly I hear screaming. My eyes pop open and I rush outside to see Damon thrashing around on the couch, screaming with raw white fear being projected into his voice. Sweat beads his forehead. I shake his shoulders gently and then with more force when he doesn't wake up.

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