18. Awakening from my coma?

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Vanessa's POV

All of a sudden my eyes shoot open and I get up. I look around to see that I'm still in this accursed mansion. Then everything comes back to me. I remember the fight with those creatures. I remember getting slashed on the neck. I remember almost dying and being stuck in a coma for about a day. I also remember Clary saying that I need to get up soon or I'd die in a week. Good thing I'm awake now then, huh. I get off the bed and the world around me goes black. The air swirls around me, whipping around me at a very high speed.

When I begin to see stuff again, I realize that I'm outside the mansion. I'm standing right in front of the gate. There is no wind, unlike just a moment ago. It takes me moment to realize that I have been teleported to outside the mansion. I have been set free. I stand right there, frozen in shock. I blink my eyes many times, disbelievingly. I still see that I'm outside the mansion and only now do I let myself celebrate.

I grin like a madman and twirl around happily. My strawberry blond hair flies around with me, but suddenly slaps my face when I abruptly stop moving. I stand very still, thinking that I do deserve that slap. I can't believe I forgot about the rest of them. My friends. Jace. Clary and last of all Damon. He saved my life. Could I be a worse friend? No don't answer that question. Could I be more ungrateful? Don't answer that either because the fist of guilt squeezing my heart tells me enough.

Did they get released too? Only one way to find out. I walk up to the gate and reach my hand out to push it open. As soon as my hand touches the gate, I am thrown an entire metre away. Its like when you put two magnets both facing North (or South, it really doesn't matter, all that matters is that both should be facing the same side) next to each other they have a force of repulsion, just that this force is a hundred times stronger. I land sprawled on the ground in a heap of arms and limbs.

I don't feel any pain oddly, so I guess none of my bones broke. I pull myself to my feet and begin walking in a random direction looking for someone, anyone. I end up walking towards a forest with a brisk pace, keen on finding a warlock and saving my friends. Friends. I had finally made friends after all these years of being the shy, awkward, alone girl. That thought makes me so very happy and I have a tiny flashback.


I am wearing a pretty pink frock with a matching cute bow on my head. My strawberry blonde hair is tied up in two plaits which are swinging around right now because I'm skipping happily.

Somebody runs up to me and grabs my hand to which my response is to shriek in surprise. "Nessie, don't be so scared its just me, Heidi."

"Oh okay," I say blushing and looking down, embarrassed. She doesn't notice or she just ignores it, which I'm thankful for. She smiles at me, dimples forming on her face. Her eyes are shining with glee, illuminating her dark face and making her look so very pretty. She let's go of my hand and runs a little ahead of me before shouting, "Race you to the park."

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