<Chapter 4>

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  "Well, aren't you gonna introduce us to your first girlfriend?", the yellow-haired boy smirked.

  You stopped eating and stared at him with shocked eyes. While JiHoon is blushing madly, and the tall guy is just trying really hard not to spit out his orange juice.

  "W-what?!", you and JiHoon exclaimed. The yellow-haired boy just continued smirking and gestured to you again.

  "Your girlfriend. Aren't you gonna introduce us to her?", JiHoon just stared at him with his mouth wide open. But you just shooked your head and said,

  "No, no, no. You're mistaken. I'm NOT his girlfriend, I'm just his normal friend.", he snapped back to reality and continuosly nodded his head.

  "Y-yeah, she's my friend. Her name is--", he started but you cut him off.

  "--My name is Erica, Erica Chong Wei Lin. 20 years old. Nice to meet you.", you held out both your hands for them to shake. They gladly shook it.

  "Kim Mingyu, also 20.", the tall boy said, smiling. 'Ah, so the tall one is Mingyu. Familiar, but I can't seem to think about any connections.'. Suddenly, a honk came from outside the house. The yellow-haired boy's eyes widened. He hurriedly took all his stuff and rushed to the door.

  "Bye, guys! See you later!", the three of you didn't even get a chance to reply but he's already gone. JiHoon sighed just continued with the remains of his food.

  "I'm done eating. Do you guys need a ride to school?", you and Mingyu both nodded.

  "Ok then. Let me get ready first.", he went in the kitchen again. Soon enough, you and Mingyu are also done eating. Then, the three of you headed to school.


When you guys arrived, you stared at the big school infront of you. 'Wow, I don't think I could explore the school without getting lost. It's practically huge!', you thought. He parked the car and the three of you walked towards the gate. You noticed that a few girls were glaring at you when you walked past.

  "Um, JiHoon-oppa. Why are the girls glaring at me?", you quietly asked him. He looked up and smiled leisurely at you.

  "Don't worry, they're probably just jealous.", he softly patted your back, which made the glares even more worse. You whimpered quietly and looked down.

  "Hey, Wonwoo-hyung.", you heard JiHoon say. You looked up and saw another boy, which you think is Wonwoo, smiled and waved. But when he saw you, he smirked and looked at JiHoon.

  "So, who's the new girl?", he winked at you in a flirting way. You cleared your throat and nervously looked around.

  "She's my....friend. She came from Malaysia.", you smiled awkwardly and stuck out your hand.

  "Hi, I'm Erica, Erica Chong Wei Lin. Nice to meet you.", he shook your hand.

  "Wonwoo, Jeon Wonwoo. I hope I'll get to know you better.", you guys stood there for a few moments until Mingyu finally broke the silence.

  "So, um, let's all go to our classes. I don't wanna be late.",

  "Right, of course. I'll see you guys at lunch!", Wonwoo walked away.

  "Well, I'm going too. Bye.", JiHoon went away too. Leaving you and Mingyu alone. You turned to him and asked,

  "So, which class am I going to?", he looked at you and smiled.

  "You're gonna be in my class. Let's go!", you followed alongside him till you guys reached the class. The whole class turned and looked at you, making you feel awkward.

  "Erica, you could sit next to me.", he offered an empty seat that's next to him.

  "Thanks, Mingyu.", you and him smiled at each other and he started explaining everthing to you.

  Soon, the bell rang, signalling for classes to start.

Heyo, I'm back with another update! Sorry, for the slow updating. I just don't really have much time to do that. Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter and don't forget to read my other book (s). Bye!

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