<Chapter 10>

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  "UGH!! Why is the weather so HOT?! I wish I could get out from this hell!", you groaned as you sprawled on the couch. The8 just grinned and slouched on the other sofa. 

  "I'm used to it, so you'll have to too.", he smugly said. You wrinkled you nose at him before saying,

  "Oh, zip it, Flip Head. I'm trying.", you rolled your eyes at him.

  "Or maybe it's just the temperature inside the house...", he muttered.

  Ever since you taught him how to make ramen, the two of you became friends and are more closer than before. Although you and MingHao barely has time to talk and see each other, you guys make the most of the moments that you guys can.

  Back to the present, you were just lazing and watching TV in the second floor living room, when MingHao came back from his part-time job and decided to join you. JiHoon went to a concert and Mingyu is shopping with Wonwoo, and so you and MingHao were alone at home. 

  You were quietly watching a reality show, only until when you felt someone's eyes on you. At once, you snapped your head towards MingHao and caught him looking at you. When both your gazes locked, his eyes widened and he choked on the water that he was drinking. You smirked as you fully turned towards him.

  "You okay?", you asked while snickering quietly. He nodded and takes the tissue you offered him. "Why were you staring at me?", you said once he calmed down.

  "Really? I did? Oh....okay, I guess I was just spacing out. Sorry, heh.", he sheepishly said before turning back to the television. 

  "Hmm..just spacing out...", your eyes slowly return to the drama the both were watching, still in doubt. 'Just spacing out, eh. Then what's the choking on the for?', you silently thought.

  When a commercial was playing on the TV screen,  MingHao cleared his throat, making you look at him. You saw that he was also looking at you, realising that he was calling for your attention. 

  "Um, Erica? Can I ask you a question?", he said. You decided to tease him a little.

  "Of course, you just did.", you laughed, satisfied at your answer.

  "No, seriously, I want to tell you something." he said with such seriousness that your laugh faded into nothing. You cleared your throat and nodded, telling him that he can talk.

  "Actually....", he started.


Heyo! I'm finally back for what seems like an eternity! Yay! I'm not sure if any of you are happy about that but who cares, I am! Anyways, here's another chapter for y'all. I spent a lot of time on this, so I hope all of you will enjoy it! 

Talking about time, I know it's been a really long time since the last time I updated and I'm sorry for that. Nowadays, I have to prepared for exams, and school, and tuition, and auditions sometimes, plus next year is the final year of my current school so it's gonna be full of exams. Because of that, I'll have to prepared for it starting this year. 

I'm probably gonna be even more busier in the next few years, but I'll try my best to make good stories for you all! Please continue supporting and reading Housemates! I love you, thank you! <3 <3

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