<Chapter 5>

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Soon, the bell rang, signalling for students to return to their classes.

You followed Mingyu as he lead you to his and your class. As soon as the both of you appeared at the doorway, all of the students' head turned to stare at you. Most of the girls glared at you and whispered to the person beside them, while only 1 or 2 girls didn't even bother to glance at you. The remaining students, well, just continued doing their stuff.

  He led you to a seat that is right beside a window then sat down on the seat beside yours.

  "Here's your seat. Also, you're gonna be sitting beside me for the rest of the year.", you furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him, unsure.

  "Are you sure I can sit here? Maybe this is somone else's seat.", he leaned towards you until your faces are inches apart.

  "I sat here for ages and you still ask me whether someone sat here before. Really, Erica, really?", he teasingly looked from your eyes to your lips repeatedly and smirked. You gulped.

  "F-fine, I'll sit down.", you obediently sat down on your seat. 

  "Good girl.", he patted your head and showed you his sharp teeth. But you backed away and looked him up and down.

  "Since when am I a 'good girl'? I'm gonna be the baddest girl you'll ever know!", you sassed. He laughed and shook his head.

  "Ok, then. Good luck.", you were about to retort when the teacher came in and started class.

  "Good morning, class.", 

  "Good morning, Mr. Park.", 

  "Now, before class starts there is a new student in class. Miss....Erica?--", you raised your hand, "--Yes, please come up and introduce yourself.", you made your way to the front of the class and looked around. You caught Mingyu's eyes, he smiled and gave you thumbs up. You took a deep breath.

  "Hello, everyone. My name is Erica Chong Wei Lin. I was born in China but was raised in Malaysia so I'm not really fluent in Korean. Anyways, I hope we'll get along well.", you smiled and bowed. The whole class clapped.

  "Thank you, Erica. Now please go back to your seat. Class, take out your History textbooks and turn to page 17. Today, we'll be learning about......", 



  "Okay, we're going to end class here and you guys can go for lunch. Mister Choi and Ms. Lee, please follow me.", 

  Students flooded out from their classrooms and went to eat lunch or whatever they want to do. The both of you found Wonwoo standing outside of the class, waiting for you guys. 

  "Hey Mingyu, Erica. How's class?", he greeted you guys lazily.

  "Hey, Wonwoo-oppa. It was ok, but quite different from the ones in Malaysia.", he nodded understandingly. 

  "Hey, Wonwoo-hyung. As usual, it's the same.",  he shrugged at that.

  "Anyway, let's go to lunch. I wanna introduce her to the others.", Mingyu nodded in agreement.

  "Sure, that's a good idea.",

  Then, the three of you headed to the cafeteria.


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