<Chapter 9>

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  *there will be a foreign language instead of English, so please scroll down to the end to read the translations.

"I want you.", I mumbled softly, closely studying his features. MingHao blinked.

  "W-what?", he stuttered and stepped back, obviously flustered. I snapped out of my trance and shook my head vigorously.

  "N-nothing. I meant a loaf of bread and a bottle of mayonnaise. Thanks.", I blankly said. Then, I went under his arm and took out a big roll of aluminium foil from under the counter.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw that he was leaning on the counter while staring at me. But I ignored him and started putting all the ingredients to make the sandwich. Before I eat it, I wrapped it up in foil and headed towards the laundry room.

  After that, I placed the wrapped up sandwich on top of the iron board and turned on the iron. I know, some of you are probably wondering why am I doing this, but trust me, I know what I'm doing. After I checked the temperature and everything, I carefully pressed the iron on top of the sandwich and counted to 10 seconds. I flipped it over and repeated the same thing. 

  When I turned off the iron, steam started to fly out and a mouth-watering scent filled the room. I inhaled the smell and immediately felt like ripping off the aluminium foil and just stuffing the whole thing in my mouth.But I regained my composure and opened the door.

  "What the--", I started.


  Again, I opened the door to come face-to-face with Xu MingHao. He then tripped over his foot(or probably nothing) and banged his head on the wall behind him, landing on to the floor with a groan.

  "Oww...", he said while rubbing the back of his head. I just stood there with my mouth open, my whole mind became blank but it slowly came back to its senses. After awhile, I held out my hand for him to take but he just looked at my hand, then at me. 

  My hand then at me. My hand then at me. My hand then at me. My hand then at me. My hand then at me. My hand then at me....

  "Hey! Snap out of it! Did you hit your head too hard?", I snapped my fingers in front of his face, making him flinch a little. Only then, he took my hand and I pulled him up. MingHao rubbed the place where he knocked on his head.

  "Thanks.", his face slowly began to turn pinkish. 

  Suddenly, something triggered my curiousity. I glanced at him suspiciously and asked,

  "Why were you standing outside the door?", under my firm stare, MingHao started to fiddle with the ends of his shirt.

  "Well...", he finally said after a few second of fidgeting. I was starting to get irritated by him taking so long to answer my question, so I let out an impatient sigh, making him stop what he's doing and looked up at me.

  I raised an eyebrow before simply saying, "Well?", he straightened up took a deep breath before continuing.

  "Well, it's just because I was curious about why you took a sandwich into the laundry room. I thought you would just bring it upstairs or anywhere to eat it...", his voice faltered. I nodded my head, letting him continue. 

  "Also, to be honest, I actually want to ask you for a favor...", he murmured. I raised my eyebrow, curious about what kind of favor does he wants me to do.

  "Yes?", I questioned. 

  "Um, I was wondering if you know how to cook. 'Cause if you don't it's okay, I just wanted to ask you.", he scratch the back of his head, making him wince. Right, I almost forgot he fell over and bonked himself.

  "Fortunately, yes, I do know how to cook. Why?", I admitted. He immediately brightened up and looked at me with hopeful eyes. I internally rolled my eyes.

  "That's great! I mean,--", he cleared his throat,"You understand Chinese, right? And you probably heard most of what I said earlier. So, the thing is, I want to ask if you could help me cook some ramen?", his voice became softer and softer as he spoke, so it took me awhile to understand what he said at the end. I pondered for awhile as I studied him.

  His mouth will be slightly open, and his eyes will be slightly bigger than usual. I also noticed that both of his hands are fumbling with the end of his shirt, making it ruffled. His feet are shuffling around, so I guess he might be kinda nervous. But why though....

  My eyes snapped back to his face, and I saw that his eyes and mouth opened a little wider. I  smirked and finally decided what to do.

  "You want to eat ramen?", I asked him. He responded by nodding his head.

  "Ok, then. Let's go.", I gestured for him to follow be to the kitchen again.

  "Yay! I finally get to eat!", MingHao said enthusiastically. I lightly shook my head with a small smile on my face, then I started to make the ramen.


  "MingHao, you want me to teach ya how to make it?", I asked him. He simply replied with a "嗯,好啊。(en, hao ah.)", which literally just means 'ok'. I stood in front of the stove and scanned the things he prepared. 'Hmm, wrong noodles. Too much water in the pot. Why the hell did he take two eggs when you only need one? Welp, he forgot the onions. Okay, this guy needs help on cooking.", I spun around to face MingHao. 

  Unexpectedly, his face was just a few centimeters away from mine. Of course I was shocked, but I covered it. Well, although I try my best to look calm, I'm pretty sure my face is as red as a freaking tomato. What about MingHao? His eyes widened a little as he stared in to mine. Slowly, the ends of his lips started to spread into a sly smile. I gulped. 'Oh no, what's this boy gonna do to me now?', 

  "我并不想让人毛骨悚然,但你看起来有点可爱。另外,你应该看看你脸上的表情。", he suddenly said in Chinese. I stepped back and cocked my head to one side.

"什么?", I replied back in the same language. Now it's his turn to shake his head while chuckling.

  "你的脸啊,整个都红到完啦!多么像番茄啊,好可爱哦!哈哈!", he said, laughing. But I just rolled my eyes and continued to make the ramen.

  "Be thankful that I'm still helping you make your food. Idiot.", I mumbled while pouting. MingHao's laughing faded and he went to stand behind me. 

  "Sorry, but you were really cute. Thanks, by the way.", he said over my shoulder.

  I guess I still have A LOT to find out about this boy, or should I say a man with a heart of a child. Just kidding. He's Xu MingHao. Yeah.


Heyo! I'm back! I hope this chapter is good enough for y'all! Well, I don't really have much to say so Imma stop here. Bye!

P.S. Stay tuned for a special chapter (which might not be one, but whatever) after this. Bye!!

*pronunciation: wo bing bu xiang rang ren mau gu song ran , dan ni kan qi lai you dian ke ai. ling wai, ni ying gai kan kan ni lian shang de biao qing.

meaning: I'm not meaning to be creepy, but you look kinda cute. Plus, you should really look at the look on your face.

*pronunciation: shen me?

meaning: What?

*pronunciation: ni de lian ah, zheng ge dou hong dao wan la! duo me xiang fan qie ah, hao ke ai o! ha ha!

meaning: It's your face, your whole face became red! So cute, It's looks so much like a tomato! Haha!

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