<Chapter 3>

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BEEP, BEEP.', you slammed your hand on the off button in order to shut the clock up.

  You groaned as you slowly sat up and looked around at the unfamiliarly familiar(?) room. 'Where am I? Oh, this is JiHoon-oppa's house. Right. Wait, what time is it?', you checked the time, it was 6:00 am. Good, it's still early since school starts at 8:00 am.

  You slowly got up and start to prepare for school. You blasted your music as you did your morning routine. Then, wore your clothes that you thought was comfortable and suitable for the day.

 Then, wore your clothes that you thought was comfortable and suitable for the day

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  After that, you went down to eat breakfast. At the bottom of the stairs, you were greeted by a wonderful scent of bacon and eggs. You suddenly felt hungry so you quickly went into the dining room to eat.

  At the dining table, you saw a boy, who has yellow hair, scrolling through his phone. But he looked up when you sat down. 'He must one of the boys that JiHoon-oppa told me about. Hmm, he looks quite cute.', you internally smirked when you thought that.

  And as if on queue, JiHoon came out from the kitchen with two plates of breakfast. Behind him, followed a very tall, and in your opinion, very good-looking boy, who is also carrying two plates at once. 'Why does he look so familiar. Why?', you thought.

  "Erica?--", you saw the tall boy look up at you with wide eyes as JiHoon said your name. But you ignored him and focused on JiHoon."--I didn't know you were awake. I was about to go wake you up after this. Well, guess I don't have to then.", JiHoon placed the plates on the table and sat down beside you. Then he began eating his food.

  "Good morning, JiHoon-oppa. Don't worry, I could wake myself up. Thanks by the way.", you started eating yourself too. Suddenly, the yellow-haired boy clears his throat. All of you looked up at him, he gestures towards you and asks JiHoon,

  "Well, aren't you gonna introduce us to your first girlfriend?",

Hello, everyone who is reading my shitty book! I'm so sorry that I haven't update in forever, I promise I'll update more quickly in the future. I promise, I'll make it up to you guys. I'm very, very, very sorry. *bows down*

Anyway, I hope to see you in the next chapter. Bye!

(DISCONTINUED) Housemates || SVT The8/MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now