<Chapter 12>

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 A/N: Yayyyy, I finally have something to write, thanks to @chickenricesambal. Your comment on my A/N really helped me, strangely. But nvm, let's continue with the story! GO GO!

 "What the-!",

  "HELLO CHILDREN, I'M BACK!", the visitor announced as she barged right into our house.

  "Mom!?!", I shouted in disbelief and engulfed her in a gigantic bear hug, squeezing her as hard as I can, but also being careful not to choke her to death. She laughed and returned the squeeze with the same amount of pressure. 

  "Wait.... MOM?", MingHao asked, giving me a confused look. Me and my "mom" exchanged a look and burst out laughing.

  "No! No, I jut call her that.", I explained, linking arms with her. "We used to play this 'family game' when we were in primary school, and Ashley was the mom.", I continued and she nodded in agreement.

  "Oh. You surprised me for awhile, I almost thought that she was your real mom.", he huffed, shifting from his leaning position.

  "Psh, yeah right, who's mother is younger than her?", Ashley said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. I slightly laughed and MingHao also rolled his eyes at her remark. 

  He quickly changed the subject. "Never mind. How did you arrive here anyway?", MingHao asked, eyeing the road outside. She shot another eye roll before replying.

  "By Grab car. Duh.", she did an imitation of Karen Smith from Mean Girls, making my lips form into smirk. She never changed, that sassy ass girl. MingHao let out a small 'oh' before scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. I shook my head, a big smile still evident on my face.

  "Anywho. Enough with the talking and let's go eat first, aye? I'm hungry as eff, and the pizza's already going cold. Come on!", she exclaimed, making a beeline towards the dining room. We shrugged and just took a step before she turned back around.

  "Close the door, guys, we don't anyone peeping into your house.", she reminded and continued to make her way back.

  Me and MingHao exchanged glances. I slightly tilted my head towards the door, signalling for him to help us close it. He pouted cutely. And I pouted too while holding my hands together, mouthing a small 'pwease' and blinking innocently at him. We stayed in that position for a few seconds before MingHao sighed and gave in, finally closing and locking the front door.

  "Yay, thank you!", I playfully stuck my tongue out at him, happily skipping to where Ashley is. He hummed in response and followed closed behind me.

  As we entered the dining room, Ashley was already sitting down on a chair. On the table in front of her, was a single 2B pencil, placed right in the center.

  "Truth or Dare?", she offered mischievously, smirking with her fingers together.

I'm back after a good 5 months. Great.

This chapter is damn short.

(DISCONTINUED) Housemates || SVT The8/MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now