<Chapter 13>

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"Oh ho ho.... Now let me warn you two once again, the game of 'Truth or Dare' is very deadly. Especially if it is with me.", her suddenly deadly gaze swept me and MingHao. Ashley narrowed her eyes and smirked before continuing. "For the last time, are you sure you want to proceed?",

Me and MingHao cast an unsure gaze with each other and we shrugged before turning back to Ashley.

"Yes, we are sure.", he said firmly, but with a small tint of reluctant. She looked at me, and I nodded.

"Just go on with the game, it's not like you're gonna kill us or something.", I raised an eyebrow before focusing on the pencil in front of us. "So, who first?", I asked.

"I'll go first.", she said as she grabbed the pencil. "The person who gets chosen by this pencil, truth or dare?!", the pencil spun around and around and around and it slows down to a stop. The point leads to...MingHao.

"HAH! Just as I predicted! The 8 boy is the CHOSEN ONE!", she suddenly shrieked, pointing at MingHao. I started laughing at her stupid gesture and laughed even harder at his shocked face. I guess he probably didn't expect such a big outburst.

"So.. truth or dare, pretty boy?", she asked with an evil tone in her voice. He thought for awhile before opening his mouth.

"Truth, I'm not going to risk using the dare now. And I am not a pretty boy, it's called swag.", he ended his words doing a 'peace' sign with his hands. I rolled my eyes at his cute gesture.

"Fine. Hmm...Hold on, lemme think.", Ashley said while stroking her chin, in deep thought. I internally sigh, and waited. "Ah! I know...", a devilish smirk appearing on her face.

"MingHao, me or Erica?", he started blinking rapidly and a faint blush appeared on his face. The smile on Ashley's face grew when she saw his reaction. "Come one, Hao, I am sure you know the answer very well.",

"R-really? I do?", his eyes wandered around for a moment before it locked with mine. Strangely, I felt my face becoming warmer and I unconsciously lifted my hands to cup my cheeks. He cleared his throat while the corner of his lips lifted up. "Honestly, I prefer Wei Lin.", Minghao answered.

Ashley faked a dramatic gasp and clutched at her chest. "H-how could you? I trusted you Hao! I trusted you to choose me, but y-you...You betrayed me, for HER!", she ended her act by pointing at me. Immediately, me and MingHao cracked up as she pretended to fall dead on the table.

"I trusted myself too, and this is my answer.", he managed between laughs. We glanced at each other again and began to snicker again. Ashley had her eyes open the whole time and saw the exchange between the both of us. I saw her look at us with another of her smirks, and I sighed, the smile not leaving my face.

"Don't worry, Ash. You'll find someone that's fit for you soon.", I reassured her, my hand patting her shoulder. A chuckle left her lips.

"Yeah, right. I have been waiting for 10 years but that person still isn't here.", she said with a joking tone. But I knew that sentence had a deep meaning, Minghao must've thought so too because the grin he had faltered a little and his clear eyes lost a little of the usual brightness.

"Get me a boyfriend.",


"Well, I don't wanna feel so lonely..", she laughed. "You guys are one of the reasons I haven't ended it all, you're one of the best things that happened to me despite all the shit that's going on right now.",


The small memory appeared and fade away in a flash, I felt my eyes get wet, but I didn't let the atmosphere go down like that. I grinned again and squeezed her shoulder.

"Cheer up, sometimes love doesn't appear so quickly in life. Now, spin the pencil, you female dog!", I picked up her arm and slapped it, lightly, down on the table, making MingHao jump at the sudden movement.

"Lin's right, maybe you just have to be patient and wait for a while longer. It might come quicker.", MingHao added while nodding, and Ashley just hummed as she spun the pencil again.

"Just call me 'Bitch', child. You don't have to be so polite every time", she nudged my arm, and I lightly scoffed.

I looked at him kind of gratefully and he returned it with an unexpected wink, catching me off guard and I blushed, making his smile wider.

We watched as the pencil the pencil spun around and around and around and it slows down to a stop. It points to.... me. 'Finally', I thought before internally slapping myself.

"My girl, truth or dare?", she said, returning back to her weird self.

"Dare. Try me.", I smiled as I answered without thinking. Her mouth stretched into another mischievous smirk.

"Of course, my brave child, is always up for any challenge...", we exchanged intense stares for awhile before she changed her gaze to MingHao. He cocked an eyebrow.

"Yes?", he slowly asked, kind of getting creeped out by her look.

"This is a dare that will involve our little HaoHao here. You want to proceed?", her eyes returned to me again as she asked that. Surprised by her words, I looked at him for confirmation but he just looked back with wide eye and shrugged his shoulders. Letting out a small sigh, I turned back and nodded. Ashley smiled.

"Great. Tonight, I dare you to have a small 'sleepover' in the same room as MingHao.", she said, sitting back with a satisfied look on her face. I stared at her, ignoring the fact that my face got warmer again.

"What?", was I could muster out, and she only nodded. "Can you give more information?", I asked. But she shook her head.

"I'm afraid I can't, all you have to know is that I dared you guys to spend the night in the same bedroom, doesn't matter which, and do some bonding together or whatever. I don't mean you have to sleep in the same bed but it depends on what you guys want. This is all I can say, accept challenge?", she said. I opened my mouth to say something but got cut off.

"I accept the challenge.", MingHao said. My head whipped to him, eyes wide, not believing what he said. Ashley grinned and turned to me.


I hesitated, looking at MingHao. He avoided my gaze, and I noticed his cheeks starting to turn pink.

"Fine, challenge accepted.", I said, and Ashley squealed. Minghao looked at me with a surprised face, and I just returned it with a shy smile and shrugged.

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