<Chapter 8>

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!Warning! Long chapter ahead!

Erica's P.O.V:

"My, what a...blazing hot day. I think I'm turning into a...into a...", I sluggishly said.

What would I turn into? A cheese melting in an oven? Undone smores over a campfire? Leftover pizza heating in an microwave? Or a fly that accidently flew into a fire?


Whoop, there goes my hungry tummy. I guess I have to drag myself down to grab a bite. I tried to pull myself out from my comfy bed, but instead, I landed on the floor with a big thud. Amazing. After lazing around and staring at the ceiling for almost 10 minutes, I decided that I REALLY need to eat. So I finally went out of my territory and head towards the kitchen.

As I was walking down the stairs, I noticed that there was beautiful paintings and photos hanging on the walls there. Wow, how did I not notice these beauties here in the first place? I was shocked at myself. I was just halfway down the stairs when I noticed them, so I went back to the top and started to suck in all the prettiness again.

There were childhood and present pictures of JiHoon-oppa that I've never seen before. To be honest, JiHoon-oppa was really cute when he was little. Slowly, I stepped down the stairs one at a time. Further down, I also saw pictures of young Shua-oppa, JeongHan-oppa, SeungCheol-oppa, Hoshi-oppa, Wonwoo-oppa, Mingyu-oppa, JunHui-oppa and MingHao(? I can't believe I still don't know him.) all together with some other people who I think is the other half of their friend circle. And to be honest, MingHao has the most lit childhood pictures!

Wait, is that me I see in a picture? Shoot, don't tell me that the boys saw that old picture of me, I looked horrible.

But, at least it was memorable, right?


*6 years ago*

"H-hi, my name is Erica Chong Wei Lin. N-nice to meet you." ,

My parents had to do some business or work thingy in Korea(even though it's in December) so they had to drag me along. I offered to stay at home alone, but they said it wasn't safe because "Bad people will find and get you if you're home alone!". So I reluctantly followed them there.

And guess what? My mum decided to drop me off at some stranger(who she claims to be her ex co-worker)'s house. What could be more dangerous? Staying at a person who you don't know's house, or being home alone(and getting to do whatever you want)?

Anyways, when we reached her co-worker's house, we rang the doorbell and waited. Soon, the gates opened to reveal a middle-aged woman with a few wrinkles and a warm smile.

"Hello, Mrs. Chong! How are you?", she paused to give my mum a hug.

"Hello, Mrs. Lee. I'm fine, thank you for asking.", my mum replied, hugging her back. Then, Mrs. Lee turned to me and said,

"Hello dearie, you must be her daughter, Erica, right?", my eyes widened as she leaned in to give me a hug too. After she pulled away, I only managed to mumbled out a small "Nice to meet you". Some of you might think I'm silly, but come on, I'm shy ok? After my mum left, Mrs. Lee led me into her house and surprisingly, I find it quite cozy.

"JiHoon dear, please come down! I have someone to introduce you to!", Mrs. Lee shouted.

Then, I heard a muffled "okay!" and footsteps running towards where we are. She left to bring the "JiHoon" to meet me. As usual, I stood there awkwardly. Soon, She arrived with a kinda small figure tagging behind her. He had short black hair and a cute face. At first he look quite disturbed to come down, but after he saw me, his eyes turned round and he started to squirm nervously.

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