14 - Babe (M)

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*Mature Content - Please skip this part if you're uncomfortable - Read at your own risk - You.Have.Been.Warned*

Daniel dragged me to familiar places, where I usually give some food to homeless.

"Go on, do your thing" he said.

"But ... how?" I asked, wondering how does he know what I usually do. When he looked at my confused face, he just signaled me to continue what I usually do, so I did. He even introduced himself to some homeless that I close to.

Once we're done, I asked "So how do you know? You even know the one that I close too"

"Hhh. Finally. I've been wanting to do this for sooo long" he said.

"Do what?" I asked, absolutely have no idea what he's talking about.

"Walk with you, holding hands, while you do your good deed, instead of just watching you from afar" he said.

"W-w-were you stalking me or something? Are you a serial killer? Please don't hurt me. I may act tough, but actually I'm just a total coward" I said as I removed my hand from his grip while stepping away from him slowly.

"Hahaha. Come here you silly. Too bad I don't do refund. There is no turning back. It's too late scaredy cat, you're life is in my hands now" he said as he pulled me and trapped me on his chest so I couldn't escape.

"I'm serious, this is the first time in my life that I actually want to live. Please don't kill me" I begged as I looked up at him.

"I know. Thank you for not giving up on your life" he said as he kissed my forehead, then hugged me tight.

I hugged him back. For the first time in my life, I feel so warm and safe.

After our stroll, we headed to the parking lot.

"Why did you bring your bike here? Now I can't take you with my bike, can I?" Daniel complained.

"Hahaha. And how am I suppose to come here without my bike? Walk? We didn't come here together, remember?" I remind him.

"Why you always pick the hard way? Don't you dare walking from anywhere to here again! Use taxi or something" he said.

"Hahaha, I'm too broke for taxi babe" I said. "Shit, it's just slipped out of my tongue. Did I just "babe" him?" I freaked out in my mind.

"Did you just call me babe?" he asked as he looked at me in the eyes.

I couldn't answer so I just froze and looked down.

"Yeaaay! Finally! So now you'll reply me when I call you babe, right?" he asked.

"What? So you meant it before? I thought you're just playing" I said.

"Of course! I mean it every single time. And you broke my heart every time you ignore it" he said while posing a sad puppy face.

I could feel the heat on my cheeks.

"Since you're blushing, I'll take that as a "yes"" he said before he kissed me. "I'll see you later in the race track my lovely sexy baby" he said.

"See you ... baby" I said.

He replied with a smile before he left.

Third party P.O.V

Daniel was waiting impatiently in the race track, because you hasn't show up.

Not long after that, you came. You looked curvier than usual in your skin tight black jumpsuit. When you took off your helmet, you flipped your hair to the side and fixed your slightly-wet-after-wash-messy hair. Everything was in slow motion in Daniel's eyes, you looked so effortlessly sexy and gorgeous. Daniel felt aroused as he was watching you.

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