20 - Test

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Finally we came out of my apartment. It was hard to come out, because I still wanted to be alone with Daniel and I wasn't really thrilled about going to the gathering.

"Where's your bike?" I asked as I only saw a black luxurious car parked in front of my apartment.

"Why would I bring my bike when we dress up like this? Get in" he said as he opened the car's door for me.

"What? This expensive looking car is your car?" I asked and he nodded.

"Really Daniel, what is it that you do for a living? Are you mafia gang or something?" I asked.

"Hhh, this absurdity again. Are you doing this to delay us from going?" he asked and I pouted my mouth unamused. "Come on. We're late" he said as he forced me to get into the car.

Once we arrived, we were both gasped in shock.

"Babe, I thought you said it was a gathering. It looks too grand for just a simple family gathering. I should've wear a tux" he said as he looked at the grand entrance.

"I know right" I was so scared, there were so many people. Even the family from my mom's side were there. "Shit! This ain't good" I said in my mind.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm here. We'll get through this" Daniel said as he held my hand.

"Daniel, I changed my mind, can we just go back? I'll just tell my dad that my fortune teller told me not to come" you said.

"You know that you're being absurd right now, right?" he asked and I nodded hesitantly. "You have to go inside" he said as he rushed me out of the car.

As we came inside, I looked for my dad to ask what happened. He didn't say much and just asked me to play along. Then I introduced Daniel, but he just waved his hand and took a quick glance before he sipped a glass of alcohol. Something was bothering him, I wondered what happened.

Then we went to say hi to my uncle and some other family members from my dad's side. They looked pretty okay. So what happened exactly. Then I squeezed Daniel's hand so hard when I saw my mom. He asked me if I wanted him to come with me, but I said no. "I think I have to do this on my own" I said in my mind.

"Geez my mom also looked pissed. What is going on here?" I wondered in my mind. "Hi Mom, how are you?" I asked as I approached her.

"Hhh, can't you see? I'm annoyed. Your dad's family is making a big deal just because your dad's brother come to visit. Your grandmother forced the in law's families to come too. What a pain in the ass. How much money did your dad spend just for all this nonsense. What a waste" she ranted.

"Did mom and dad fought because of this gathering?" I wondered in my mind.

"And who's your date? How much did you pay him to pretend to be your boyfriend? Next time you should pick someone who's more believable. See, now he's already flirting with someone else. But I'm not even surprised, who'll stand a gloomy and ugly weepy ass like you. I told you, you should've just accept your father's friend" she continued.

"It hurts, but I have to get through this" I convinced myself in my mind.

"(y/n)! Long time no see. How are you? Aw you're still look so cute like a kid" my aunt said when she saw me.

"Hahaha, yeah, maybe because I'm short" I said.

"Don't blame me that you're short. You always threw away your milk when you're a kid. And you smiled like a psychopath every time you got busted" my mom said.

"Sis, what are you talking about? She was just a kid, she didn't know" my aunt defended me. "You must've been worried a lot that time when your mom was sick. You're such a grown up to take care of your mom" my aunt continued as she stroke my hair.

"Thank you for your help that time" I said.

"Huh, I told you that was just a show. And what grown up? A grown up women should help their Mom doing chores. All she ever did is giving me a headache. Just like his dad's family. Look, she even looks just like them. All gloomy and ugly, and what is it that you're wearing. Did you even put some make up on? How come nothing look good on you? You're embarrassing. Good thing your brother take after me" my mom suddenly said.

"Shit! It still hurts. No no no. I can't let this in. My mom is just pissed about the gathering, it has nothing to do with me" I said as I tried to keep my mind sane.

"Sis, why would you say that?" my aunt said but I signaled her that I'm okay.

"Look she's even putting on a show now. She always makes me look like I'm a bad Mom" my mom continued.

My blood boiled. That's it. "Have you ever be grateful, even for just one second, that I am your daughter?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I was happy when you were born as a girl. Because your dad finally stop asking me to give him another kid. But I didn't know you'll grow become such a nuisance." she said.

"I never ask to be born like this either, Mom. But this is who I am, you like it or not" I said as I left her.

Then I saw Daniel. I wanted to run and cry in his chest, but I didn't want him to worry, so I didn't.

"I'm sorry, but do you mind if we go now?" I said as I flashed a smile.

"Not at all. Let's go" he said as he held my hand.

In the car, my head was spinning. I tried to remind myself the very reason why I came there. But then I remember every word that my mom said to me.

"Hey, it's okay. You did great" he said as he held my hand.

"Hahaha. How did you know? You weren't there" I said.

"Mmm actually I saw everything. I was contemplating whether to jump in or not but I remember you told me that you want to do this on your own, so I didn't" he confessed.

"There's no way. I saw you're flirting with a girl when I was with my mom" I said.

"Oh that girl, she approached me, and I didn't wanna be rude, so I accompanied her for a while. But I couldn't stop worrying about you, so I decided to follow you. Wait? You think I was flirting with that girl? I thought you trusted me" he said as he pouted.

"Stop doing that" I said as I tapped his pouted mouth. "Yeah, I get jealous very easily you know. I wanted to grab that girl's hair" I said as I made a fist.

"Hahaha. Careful, you'll burn someone with your eyes. Isn't she your family member? I put up with her because I thought she's your family" he chuckled as he stroke my hand.

"I don't know. There were too many people. My head hurt just by looking at them. But she's a looker so she must be from my mom's side" I explained.

"Nah, I still like you better. You also take after your mom too" Daniel said.

"What? Pfftt. No way. I take after my dad" I said.

"What are you talking about? You and your mom look exactly the same. I knew she's your mom right away when I first saw her, because I thought I was looking at you 25 years later or something" he said.

"Don't ever say that to my mom. She'll kill you" I said.

"But, you guys, really, look alike, though" he insisted.

"One day someone said something like that to her and she was livid. Anywaaay, haaah, I'm faileeed. I'm still saltyyy" I complained.

"It's okay. It takes time and practice. At least you tried" he assured me.

Then tears started rolling down my cheeks, "Shit, it hurts".

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