31 - Mom

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Daniel had been really protective over me ever since he saw the bruises. He never left my sight and halted me from going anywhere, so we had been staying at home for couple of days.

"Damn it! Can't it wait? I told you I can't come to any meeting for the time being" I overheard Daniel said on the phone, when I was about to tell him that most of my bruises has healed.

"I'm okay. Just go" I whispered as I approached him. He didn't say anything and just looked at me, he looked troubled. So I showed him my almost-no-longer-there-bruises. "See? They're gone" I whispered and he chuckled.

"Alright, I'll come, bye" he said on the phone before he ended it.

"You're unbelievable, come here" he said as he pulled me closer and I looked at him confused. "I was aroused when I saw your body, but your expression was just too cute" he said before he kissed my face.

I cupped my warm cheeks, when he finally stopped. I wondered why I could no longer think of what to say when I'm embarrassed. So I rushed him to the bathroom, because my absurdity wouldn't come to rescue me.

"Where do you think you're going?" he said as he grabbed my hand when I was about to leave, then pulled me into the bathroom.

"Be careful, don't go anywhere until I get back, it won't be long, lock the door ..." he ranted as he held my hands when he was about to leave the house.

"Sssttt! I know, I'm fine. Go on, you'll be late" I said as I tried to take my hands off him, but he tightened his grip. Then he pulled me into a tight hug and I chuckled before I squeezed him back.

"Alright, I'll see you soon" he said before he left as he stroke my cheek.

Then I went to my room to rest. Not long after that I heard rumbling sounds from the kitchen.

"Babe, did you leave something be...?" I gasped when I saw Daniel's mom in the kitchen. She was also shocked when she saw me. I never met her, but he showed me her pictures and told me a lot about her, plus how much he loves her. She looks so much better in person.

"G-g-good morning" I stuttered as I bowed to her. I panicked as I'm generally an awkward person, and even more so to moms because I had zero achievements in pleasing my own mom.

"Good morning, you must be (y/n). I'm sorry I must've startled you, I didn't know someone's here. I just stopped by to leave some food here. Have you eat?" she asked.

"Yes? Oh, yes I have" I said, "Shit! I should've said I haven't. Fuck! What to do?" I wondered in my mind. "Oh no it's okay, you didn't startle me. You should stay here, Daniel will be back soon" I said. "Oh, yes, my name is (y/n). Nice to meet you" I said after I punched my head because I almost forgot to respond the rest of her remark.

Then I blurted out everything that came into my mind and paused here and there, which apparently amused her because she was having a hard time to stop laughing.

"You're exactly as he described. You're so weird" she said as she wiped the tears from laughing too hard.

"Yes?" I asked confused. "I guess it's good that she thinks I'm weird? Or not? Fuuuck! What to do?" I wondered in my mind. My mind was like a jungle that time.

Ring, ring.

I was saved by the bell. I excused myself to take the call, it's from the hospital. They reminded me on my appointment to check on the bruises and discuss further on my scars treatment.

"I'm sorry, can we reschedule it?" I said on the phone before I tilted my head when I felt Daniel's mom's hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, just go" she whispered.

"Yes? Oh no, it's okay, I can go later" I said.

Then she suddenly took the phone off my hand and said on the phone that I will come to the appointment.

"Are you sick? Why would you cancel a hospital appointment?" she asked after she ended the call.

"No, I'm fine. I just had some bruises couple days ago, and they wanted to check on the progress so it's nothing serious. Besides how could I leave you alone when you came all the way here?" I said.

"Then I'll just go with you to the hospital" she said calmly.

"Yes?" I asked shocked, but before I could digest on what happened, "Why you just stand there, blinking? Go on, get ready, the appointment is in an hour" she said.

"It's really okay though" I still resisted.

"Shush! You're such a nag. Or is it because you don't want to spend time with me?" she asked.

"No no no. It's nothing like that, really" I said panicked.

"Good. Then move your ass. Go on, chop chop" she said.

I finally moved because I didn't want her to think that I don't like her. To be honest, I like her, a lot, I think she's pretty cool. I was just scared because she'll see my scar, and I'll be bothering her. "Oh, what if she doesn't like me" I mumbled. Then I took my phone to browse something like "how to please a mom".

"(y/n)! What took you so long? Come on! We're gonna be late" she said.

"I'm coming" I answered. "Oh, fuck this. I'll just go" I said as I ditched my phone to get dressed.

As we went inside the examination room, suddenly I was trembling. Then she held my hands and smiled as if saying that it's okay. So I mustered up a courage to follow through the examination.

The doctor seemed pretty satisfied with the bruises recovery process. Then he gave me some prescriptions to soften up the scar tissue that I needed to take for my scars before further treatment.

But suddenly, the doctor looked confused when he read my chart. Then he rechecked my body before he asked me to test my blood again.

While waiting for the blood test results, I asked her if I could go to redeem the prescriptions so we could save time and she agreed.

When I went to the pharmacy, I saw a familiar figure. I saw my mom.

Racers - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now