30 - Communicate

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"(y/n)?" I heard someone called me when I visited a hospital to treat my bruises.

"Seongwoo? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm visiting a friend, she has a pretty bad cold" he said.

"Ow, girl-friend?" I teased him then he blushed, "I hope she'll get well soon" I said and he thanked me shyly.

"What about you? Where's Daniel? Don't tell me he let you go to a hospital by yourself?" he asked when he couldn't see Daniel around.

"No no no. I didn't tell him I go to a hospital" I explained.

"Why? Did something happen? Are you guys okay?" he panicked.

"We're fine. I just don't want him to worry. So please don't tell him you saw me here" I begged and he nodded.

Then we parted ways.

I went inside an examination room to test my blood sample to see why I got bruised easily. I didn't care about these things before, but I don't want Daniel to keep worrying about me.

Once the result's out, I was glad when the doctor said that there's nothing wrong. He gave me some vitamins and ointment to strengthen my skin tissue and speed up the recovery process.

"The bruises should be gone in a couple of days. And if you're interested, you can comeback after the bruises have gone to see what we can do about your scars" he explained.

My eyes widened in joy when he said that he could remove or at least reduce my scars. But I also worried on how could I hide the bruises from Daniel for couple more days.

Third person P.O.V

"Hyung! Over here!" Daniel called Seongwoo as  he came into a restaurant where they agreed to meet.

"So, what's wrong now?" Seongwoo asked as he sat down. He was annoyed because he should've accompanied his girlfriend who had a cold. But there he was with Daniel instead, since he begged to meet him and Seongwoo also worried about both of you.

"Why do you sound so salty? Did I do something wrong? Please Hyung, don't do this to me too" Daniel begged.

"Too?" Seongwoo asked confused.

Then Daniel told Seongwoo about what happened.

"I swear we're fine, but suddenly she said that she wanted to sleep on her own when we got home. Why Hyung? Do you think it's because of my hair? I already changed it this morning, but she still said that she needs couple days for some me-time" Daniel asked.

"I don't think (y/n) is the type who will do that just because she hates your hair" Seongwoo said and Daniel agreed. "She must've a reason" Seongwoo said. He was eager to tell his best friend what happened, but he already promised that he wouldn't.

"She wouldn't tell me anything other than the me-time thing, plus she's mostly locked herself in her room when she's home. It's like she's avoiding me" Daniel explained frustrated.

"Try to communicate with her. I have a feeling that she needs you" Seongwoo suggested.

"Hyung, is there something that you hide from me? Why do I feel like you know something that I don't?" Daniel asked.

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