15 - How

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I dreamed about Daniel last night. It wasn't "wet", but it's good. When I woke up, I quickly grabbed my phone because I couldn't wait to text him. However, I saw a text from my dad, saying that he wanted to meet. I agreed because he promised that it'll be just the two of us. So I asked my friend to cover my shift at the restaurant.

"I'm sorry for what happened the other day. Both your brother and I didn't mean to defend anyone. We just want to do what's best for the family. And I'm really sorry if what we did hurt you and make you feel cornered." my dad said.

"I know, and I'm sorry for what I did too. I shouldn't just walk out like that, but I'm so sick already with all of this. I just want to put it behind me" I said.

"That's why I'm here, I want to help resolving the issue. I know what your Mom did when you told her about my friend that day was wrong. In fact, I confronted her right away, because I was so mad of what she did" he continued.

"Yeah, that's why she was furious after that" I said in my mind.

"And I have no idea what else she did to you until you guys come to this point. I just hope that you could understand, just because she's a mom, it doesn't take away the fact that she's just a human being. She had a tough life when she was a kid. She often has a nightmare even until now" he explained.

"But it doesn't justify what she did to me!" I yelled.

"I know. I didn't say that. But you know your mom right? Sometimes she can say hurtful things, but she doesn't mean it in a bad way.  You know, the way people treat others is a reflection of how they feel about themselves" he continued.

"My whole life I also wanted to believe that she didn't mean it, Dad. But that doesn't take away the harm that she caused me" I said.

"I know it's hard for you, but I just hope that you could be the one who understand" he said.

I really don't know what to say right now. Like, my heart really hurts because my dad was just straightly ask me to understand and accept everything. But on the other hand, my heart was broken to know that my mom was also in pain when she was a kid.

"Just think about it, alright" my dad said before we parted

Then I went straight to the repairing center, although it's not my shift yet. I was confused, so I didn't want to think about it. But my body couldn't lie. I kept bumping to the tools and almost hurt myself.

"Hey, are you okay? You looked pale. It's not even your shift yet. You should go home" one of my colleagues said.

"(y/n), someone wants to see you" my supervisor called.

I saw my brother. Usually I will run and hug him right away. But this time, I knew why he came here, so I didn't.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked.

"Not good" I said plainly.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"Look, if you're here to ask me to understand mom, save it. I have enough already" I said.

"Can you at least hear me out?" he insisted.

I finally agreed. Then we sat on a nearby bench.

"I'm sorry for the other day, I didn't tell you that I was coming with mom and dad. Because I know if I did, you wouldn't want to meet" he confessed.

I couldn't say a thing.

"Do you remember, back then when we were kids, we used to be poor. Well, maybe you're still too little to remember. Mom was working her ass of just to feed us and take care of everything. Because you know dad, he couldn't really manage the money and his business weren't doing well at that time. Plus, he wasn't really the type who could show his affection to mom" my brother said with a teary eyes.

"Why are you guys keep making me to be the bad one?" I asked. "I know they didn't mean it that way, but I'm just ..." I couldn't even speak in my mind.

"That's not what I mean. I'm just saying that, after all that she did for us, don't you think that it's time to give back to her? By not making her worry and understand her. I know it's hard for you, it's hard for me too for asking this from you, but can't you just be the one who understand?" he asked as he cried.

It hurts my heart when I saw him cry. I do still remember what she did for us. I even remember when she brought 5 bottles of honey to a store and came back with 10 bottles, because the first one that she sent weren't sold.

But I'm also hurt. I hated myself for being who I am for as long as I could remember. When I looked at my old pictures I rarely found myself smiling. Why none of them want to understand me? "I know that I'm being egoist right now, but I'm just, I don't know" I said in my mind. I really couldn't think.

He left after he said sorry and I just sat there, staring on the ground. I knew I had to do something before I do things that I'd regret.

I went to the park without telling anyone and left my things behind. When I was about to go there on foot, I remember that Daniel told me to never walk to the park again. I wanted to run to him and cry on his chest, but I don't want to be a burden, so I didn't. I ended up using all of the money in my pocket to take a taxi to the park.

Thidr party P.O.V

Daniel has been looking for you all morning. He came to the restaurant, but your friend said that you took a time off. He's been texting and calling you, but you haven't responded. Then he decided to look for you in the repairing center.

"Excuse me, I'm here to see (y/n)" Daniel said.

"Oh, she left a couple minutes ago with a guy. They went that way." one of your colleagues said as he showed him where you went.

Daniel ran to check, but you were nowhere to be found. So he came back to the center.

"No one is there" he said.

"Oh that's weird, her things are still here" the colleague said as he gave your things to Daniel.

He was worried, he was imagining all sorts of bad things that could happen to you. "Why would she left her things behind? What if she was kidnapped by that guy?" he asked in his mind. He was freaking out. But he decided to check one more place before he called the police.

When he saw you at the park, he was relieved but also furious.

"Can you stop doing this!" Daniel yelled.

"God, you scared me. What are you talking about? And why are you yelling again!" I said annoyed.

"Can you at least please tell me where you are? Or pick up when I call?" he asked still yelling.

"I was preoccupied all morning Daniel. I'm sorry, I haven't look at my phone. Can you please stop screaming?" I begged.

"Am I not important to you?" he asked.

"Please Daniel, I have a lot of things in my mind right now. I'm sorry for what I did. But I just don't want to fight with you too, okay? Not today" I begged.

Don't you trust me? Why you always try to handle everything by yourself? Can you just lean on me for once!" he screamed.

"I don't know Daniel! I have never had someone to lean on. All this time, I have always been handling everything by myself, there's no one else, just me. So I'm sorry if I don't know how to do that" I screamed with a teary eyes.

Daniel's heart broke when you said that so he hugged you.

"I'm sorry Daniel. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just don't want to be a burden to you, I'm sorry" I said as I cry in his chest.

"Shhh. It's okay. I know. I'm sorry. I'm here. From now on, I'll show you how. Okay?" he said as he let you crying on his chest and kissed the top of your head.

A/N: I'm sorry for the late update🙏🏻. I can finally breathe after I saw Daniel's getting better, he's already flirting with his fans (Geez, what a cheeky bastard. I still love him though 😍). My "twins" is also resting, although she's still sick 😭. Thank you for hanging in there you two. I hope you both will fully recover soon. Take care and have some rest. I love you 😘.

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