Bonus - Surprise (M)

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*Mature Content - Please skip this part if you're uncomfortable - Read at your own risk - You.Have.Been.Warned*

"WHAT? TWINS?" Daniel's mom was shocked when Daniel and I delivered the news after I had an ultrasound a few weeks after the wedding.

"Hehe. Yes Mom. We're just as surprised as you are," I said as I sat down and caressed my belly. I was also still having trouble processing what the doctor just told me that morning.

Honestly I was pretty scared knowing that I was carrying not just one, but two souls inside me. "What if I messed up? What if I couldn't be a good mom for them? What if ..." I paused wondering in my mind, when Daniel suddenly held my hands.

"We'll figure this out together," he assured as he smiled at me.

"You've become more talented in mind reading, Daniel," I chuckled. I'm so grateful that I have him.

Daniel's mom started crying, but then the teary eyes turned into crescent eyes smile as she's showering Daniel and I with hugs and kisses. She looked so happy.

A few weeks after the labor

"Go and have some fun tonight," Daniel's mom suddenly said.

Daniel and I gave her a confused look.

"You guys have been really busy after the kids were born. You barely have time to breathe," she continued.

After I gave birth, Daniel's mom often comes to our apartment to help us. We'd been all over the place, because we didn't have an experience to take care of a kid, let alone two kids at the same time.

Sometimes we'd fall asleep as we took care of them, because we're so tired. But we always laugh as we saw our kids when we woke up. We're so happy that we have two beautiful and lovely kids, a boy and a girl.

"It's okay Mom. We're fine," Daniel said and I nodded.

"Ah, please, I wanna have sometime with my grandchildren too. They'll always choose you over me if you're here," she pouted.

"But it'll be hard for you to take care of them all by yourself," I said.

"Who said I'm alone? I already called for some backups," she said.

Knock knock

When Daniel opened the door, we're surprised to see my mom and dad. They ran to see the kids once they got in.

"See? Now, can you go? It's grandparents and grandchildren time," she said and we chuckled.

Daniel and I were looking at each other. We weren't sure if we could go and have some fun, because we'd definitely think about the kids once we go out.

"Let's try it, and we'll comeback as soon as we feel uncomfortable," Daniel suggested and I agreed.

Honestly I missed our time alone, but I also love to spend out time together with the kids.

"We'll be back as soon as we can," I said when Daniel and I were about to leave for racing.

"Aww. Look how cute they are," Daniel's mom said to my parents. They're busy playing with the kids.

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