1 - Why Can't I

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I was so excited that night because the best racer in town, Kang Daniel, would be joining my race. Which means, a lot of people would surely come and place a bet on him. Which also means, more money for me if I could beat him and win the race, which I knew I could.

The race was actually held on a regular basis, but we rarely had such a high profile joining the team because we were just a small community. I never saw this Kang Daniel guy in person before. But rumor had it, he got the whole package. Although, I wasn't quite sure what's included in the package, because I didn't see why I needed to care. I wasn't there for some lovey-dovey shit. I was there only because racing was the only thing that could somehow make me feel good about myself, and of course, some extra money wouldn't hurt.

When I arrived at the race track, I was shook. I mean, I knew that he was famous, and all that. I already expected that a lot of people would come, but I never thought that it would be THAT MUCH. The scale was MASSIVE.

"I guess this Kang Daniel is really famous, huh? Tsk tsk tsk," I mumbled to myself while shaking my head, completely blown away by his power to move people.

Apparently someone heard me, "Are you kidding? Of course he is. He's got this duality that's driving people insane. He's like a sweet little angel when he smiles. But when he's not, he suddenly turn into a hot demon. And his body? Oh My God. It is so good, it looks like it's photoshopped. Broad shoulders, muscular chest, defined abs, ugh. And those fingers? Oh my my. I could only imagine what they could do to me and what not," a girl near me trying hard to explain to my clueless ass why he was famous.

I chuckled softly seeing the girl continued drooling over him, before finally leaving her to check my engine.

Until suddenly, I heard the crowd started screaming, "Danieeelll!!! Awww!!! I love you!!!"

Until suddenly, I heard the crowd started screaming, "Danieeelll!!! Awww!!! I love you!!!"

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Photo Credit:
Kang Daniel, Wanna One

When I looked up, I saw a guy with a denim jacket, grey hoodie, white tee underneath, and ripped black jeans parked his motorcycle not far from me. Okay, not gonna lie, everything that horny fan said, was right. He seemed really kind when he smiled. He had this cute peach bunny vibe on him. But without the smile, he definitely looked like he would rip off your soul and choke you to death. And his body was definitely unreal. Yeah, I finally understood why that girl was putting so much emphasis on his fingers. They were so darn long and lean, it must be so hard to concentrate with those fingers inside somewhere.

"Hello, wake up. Why do I care about any of it? It's not like I will ever be able to taste it or something. I mean, look at me. I don't have anything to offer. I can't show off myself like those girls because my body is absolutely disgusting, and I'm not even pretty. I'm such a mess. So why would he wanna be with me? Why would ANYONE wanna be with me? Hhh." I compared all my lacking to the beauty of the girls around him in my mind.

I was never proud of myself. Most of the time I choose to be invisible because I knew I was sucks. Even if I went out, I always made sure to cover every inch of my skin because I had a lot of scars all over my body. I didn't wanna make anyone vomit because of my awful presence.

Third person P.O.V

When Daniel came down from his bike to greet his fans and fellow racers, he caught your presence. He never knew that there was a female racer in town.

"What is she trying to hide?" he asked in his mind, wondering why would you cover every inch of your body in your racing outfit.

while checking at your curves.

That's how he knew that you were a female despite you already being fully covered by your racing outfit. Pervert.

Welp, why do I care? There are lots of good looking sexy babes around me. I'm not losing out on anything," he cackled in his mind mockingly before starting to entertain the girls around him and having a good time.

Soon after that, the race started. As expected, Daniel was leading, all of the girls were cheering for him. But on the last lap, suddenly you passed him before the finish line, so you won.

"Shit! The kid?" Daniel cursed as he was shocked that he was beaten by a kid.

People were booing at you, because you won the race instead of Daniel. You didn't seem to care as you took the prize and went straight to your bike to leave. Before you got to your bike, a girl tripped you so you lost your balance and hit your body on your bike, which made the bike fell to the other side.

"Ouch, that was mean. That must be hurt" Daniel said as he's about to help you, but he stopped himself. "Why would I help her? And look, she seems to get everything under control already. She should've ask for help or something. Does she think she's a wonder woman? Gosh why the hell do I care about what she does. It's not like I'm interested in her anyway. She's totally not my type" Daniel said to himself.

Although he said that, something about her is bothering him. He knew that she was in pain but she just kept it in and kept going like nothing was wrong. Something about her attracting him to keep an eye on her.

End of Third person P.O.V

"Shit! if that's not hurt I don't know what is" I cursed inside. I saw the one who did it sneered happily. I don't like conflict, and I don't want to bother anyone so I got up by myself and rode my bike away from the race.

"Booo" the girls were booing at me.

I stopped by a drugstore for a painkiller before I went home as my whole body was aching.

"(y/n) look what time is this? Oh my God, and what's wrong with you? Your clothes are full of scrapes. Why do you have to add another scars on your already disgusting body? Why can't you be like your brother? He's so smart and obedient. He never gets in trouble. Or if you can't be like him, why can't you be normal like any other girl? Huh?" My mother ranted as soon as she  saw me.

"Exactly, why can't I?" I said coldly as I stormed back out and rode my bike far away from my home. I stopped by my favorite park, it has a nice river, I don't know why but every time I see a river I always feel calm. Until suddenly I felt tears coming out of my eyes.

"Hahaha. What the hell? Why do I still cry over this? I've been dealing with this my whole life. I should've get used to it by now. Why can't I just accept the fact that she'll never love me. I'm so pathetic" I said to myself as I was sobbing my miserable life.

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