Chapter One- Memories

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     Love. Love is very addicting. It's a calming thing. But when you don't have it, it's nothing more than a spiral down. A constant beg for the feeling of being adored. Love always leaves it's mark, though. Pain. Regret. Hate.

     A trail of hazy gray smoke rose up into the night sky, slowly fading into the darkness. Brendon Urie, glanced down from the balcony of his apartment.
     He softly tapped his cigarette against the side of his finger, the specks of ash and dying embers falling down slowly, making it's way to the ground below.
     A soft knock at the door interrupted his tranquility as he moved quickly to extinguish the cigarette and hide the ash tray.
     Brendon picked a small cologne bottle up from a wine cabinet, covering himself in a light musk.
     There was once again another knock followed Brendon quickly opening the door.
     Spencer Smith glanced from his clasped hands opening his mouth to speak, Brendon beating him to it. "Hey, Spencer. How's it going?"
     Spencer raised an eyebrow at Brendon, who's hands were rubbing nervously against the sides of his legs. "Good... I just came to give you back your-"
     He stopped stepping slightly in through the doorway, "Have you been smoking again, Brendon?"
     "What? Me? No... I quit, remember Spenc'?" Brendon chuckled, coughing softly.
     "You said you would quit two months ago. You said you would quit two weeks ago. You said you would quit five days ago." Spencer folded his arms, tapping his foot in annoyance.
     Brendon looked down, sighing softly. "It's hard." He croaked.
     "Hey. No it's okay." Spencer pulled Brendon into a soft hug.  "But you can do this."
     "I can do this." Brendon breathed shakily.
     The two broke, Spencer handing Brendon the purpose of the visit, "I brought you your jacket. You left it at my house." He smiled sincerely.
     Brendon nodded "Thank you Spence', really." Spencer patted Brendon's shoulder, "No problem, Bren. See you later, yeah?"
     "Yeah." With that Brendon shut the door, walking to retrieve his cigarette carton and ash tray, setting them in the trash.
     "Goddammit..." Brendon made his way into the living room, falling onto the couch.
     He sat for a moment, then picked up his guitar, positioning under his right arm, bringing his left up to the strings.
     He plucked a few strings listening to them hum.
"Don't fade away."


     "Brendon?" Spencer opened the door, slipping in. A soft groan came from the living room and a behead Urie, lifted his head from the throw pillow on the couch. "Hey, Spencer."
     "Writing again?" Spencer leaned against the wall.
     "Yeah. I must've fallen asleep." Brendon ran a few fingers through his hair, fixing the fly-away hairs
     "No shit. It's very apparent." Spencer guffawed. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to a club with me? Get out of the house?"
     "Hmm? Oh yeah. Sure. Let me get ready."

A/N- Hey! What do you guys think of this fic so far? Kay hope you enjoyed, love y'all, bye

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