Chapter Fourteen- Bittersweet

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When Dallon woke up, he wasn't on the tour like he expected, instead he was at home, or rather, Brendon's apartment. And more specifically, in Brendon's room with him. After months of traveling the U.S and even going to a few spots across the sea, it was nice to wake up in the same place as yesterday.

Dallon turned his head slightly, looking at Brendon, still out like a light.

The younger had his arms wrapped around Dallon, not letting go or allowing Weekes to leave anytime soon, that is without without waking him.

So Dallon remained still, looking at the ceiling and subconsciously counting the holes in it. He sighed quietly, turning his head to Brendon who was awake at this point, wearing a smile. "Good Mornin', Dal." He rolled over slightly, squishing up closer to Dallon, who yawned, ruffling Urie's hair, "Good morning." "Feels good to be back home." Brendon muttered from the crook of Dallon's neck.

"It does." Dallon agreed, sitting up. "No don't." Brendon draped an arm over Dallon, pulling him back down. "Why are you like this?" Dallon chuckled, pressing his forehead to Brendon's. "Why are you such a sour asshole in the morning?" Brendon asked back, bitterly kissing Dallon "Because I want breakfast and you are keeping me from accomplishing that task." Dallon put his arms Brendon, "I could starve you know." "Shut it. You aren't going to starve, you loser."

"Hey I guess you're right!" Dallon grinned widely, "I'll just suffocate you with a pillow and then resort to cannibalism." "What the fuck, Dallon-" Brendon gave Dallon an unsure look, bursting into giggles as Weekes dug his fingers lightly into Brendon's sides. "D- Dal!" He shrieked, slapping aimlessly at Dallon who continued to earn loud laughs from the other

Brendon had talked about how he disliked being tickled but it made him laugh, and Urie's laugh was the best thing in the world to Dallon. He would describe his laughter as warm and hearty, he'd make small snickers and hiccuping sounds from time to time. His eyes would scrunch and Brendon's smile was a mile long.  And Dallon loved every bit of it.

"D- Dallon Weekes you better- better knock it off or I s-s-swear..." Brendon threatened with not a trace amount of intimidation in his voice. "Or you'll do what?" Dallon inquired, sitting up and leaning over Urie. 

The sat there silently for a moment, just smiling at each other, Dallon's eyes slightly closed as they found Brendon's."I'll-" Brendon began, "Sh." Dallon hushed him before moving his finger over, and pressing a hand against his cheek, giving Dallon more support to lean in and connect their lips firm against the other, but the kiss remained soft and gentle.

There was something about being able to share simple signs of affection that Dallon loved. He was a very sentimental guy, he'd admit that. It made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. A kind of feeling that you get being around that person and one you want to stay.

And if that meant Dallon had to lay in bed all day with Brendon, so be it. Because that feeling, that's something Dallon wouldn't trade for the world. Of course Weekes didn't mind at all. It was nice to know and acknowledge that someone wants you to spend your waking hours with them. So as a thank you, Dallon stayed, and so did Brendon. The two stayed there until Brendon had to leave for the studio.

People say that the best part of waking up is getting the day started but days like these, were so much better in Dallon's eyes. You'd waste the day but it still made you feel loved. So in away, the feeling was bittersweet. And it was the best kind out there.

"It feels like we're pulling teeth, so bittersweet. I guess that's how it's gotta be."

A/N- And I'm back, sorry for the shortness of this chapter I just though you all deserved a little bit of fluff for being so fucking awesome. Fr the support on this book is awesome Ily guys.
 I've been writing a shit ton lately and working on a big project that I'd appreciate you'd give the teaser chapter a quick read. It's called 'Feel The Romance' (It's mainly MCR but also multibandom soooo) And so far I like where it's going, alright that's all have a great day/night

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