Chapter Five- The Calendar

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A/N- I feel like this chapter is going to be sad but undertone sadness. You feel? Good. Enjoy the chapter.

April 15, 2008

Brendon glanced at the sheet music, some of it in his handwriting and some in another's. He took a moment to study the lyrics and set up the sheet music, looking down at the piano keys. Playing the melody quietly, humming most of the lyrics, "...As a boy, I eat my wishes on golden toothpicks, and digested them with wolf intestines..."
Brendon stared at the lyrics put down, chuckling softly, "What the hell..."
He felt a pair of arms drape over his shoulders. "Whatcha laughing at?"
Brendon grinned brightly, overly amused over the lyrics, "These lyrics. They don't make sense. At all."
"That's the point. It makes sense to no one. No one except me." The owner of the arms around Brendon responded.
"You know what else makes no sense at all?" Brendon cranned his neck to look at Ryan.
"What?" Ryan Ross asked, half-knowing the answer. "You." Brendon snickered.
"Predictable response." Ryan warmly smiled, kissing Brendon with the utmost chasteness.
Brendon savored the short, simple kiss, then turned back to his music, picking up from where he left off.
"I fell from the heavens as a fetish blessed with an operatic skeleton,"
Brendon sang, Ryan joining in,
"And as the stars watch me descend, I crack a family tree and, chopped off all of the branches." Brendon stopped inserting a brief piece of commentary, "Sounds violent."
"Shush, finish the verse." Ryan mumbled into Brendon's hair.
"I'm just saying, you're basically saying you're killing an entire family."
"Very violent of you Ryan. How could you." Brendon tisked, shaking his head. Ryan squinted at Brendon, poking his side.
"Ryan no. You know I'm ticklish."
"Oh I know. I know very much so." Ryan smirked, softly digging his fingers into Brendon's sides.
"R- Ryan!" Brendon shoved Ryan's hands away, standing up.
Ryan charged at Brendon, attacking him in tickles. "Ryan please. I s- submit!" Brendon shrieked, pulling away and making a run for it.
"Then stop running!" Ryan chased him around the couch. "You'll just tickle me dammit!" Brendon remarked, standing on the opposite side of the couch.

"Fair point." Ryan ran the opposite way Brendon was, knocking the two to the floor.
"Ryan get off of me!" Brendon laughed, shoving Ryan upwards.
"I dunno. It's kinda nice here." Ryan mumbled.
"Y- You're too heavy!" Brendon grunted finally giving up. "Are you calling me fat?" Ryan raised an eyebrow. "What? No! I'm just saying- that uh- I mean..."
"Hm." Ryan grinned, pressing his lips softly to Brendon's.
"I love you so much, Bren." Ryan hummed against Urie's lips.
"I love you too, Ry." Brendon opened his eyes to look at Ryan's soft facial features, closing them as Ryan cupped his face, thumbs running gently along his jawline.
Brendon whined softly as Ross stopped, grabbing his wrists and pulling them towards his face.
"You big baby." Ryan laughed, forcing his arms out of Brendon's grasp, standing up.
"Ryan..." Brendon groaned, scrambling to his feet and following Ryan to the front door. "Where are you going?"
"We're going on a drive. Just you-" Ryan kissed the tip of Brendon's nose, "-and me."
"Sounds nice." Brendon interlocked his hand with Ryan's as the two walked outside.

The wind tousled Brendon's hair as he and Ryan drove down the highway.
They were in Ryan's convertible, it was a '86 model that Ryan treated like his baby and if there was something more cliche than a ride down a California highway in a convertible listening to 60s rock, Brendon wanted to know what it was.
Ryan took one hand off the steering wheel, placing it over Brendon's.
"This is nice." Urie remarked, watching billboards and cars pass. "I knew it would be." Ryan smiled, "Can you get my sunglasses from the glove box, Bren?"
"Sure thing." Brendon opened the glove box, pulling out the pair of sunglasses, placing them on Ryan's nose.
"Thank you..." Ryan said trailing out the 'you'.
"Never problem." Brendon nodded, turning up the radio.
"I love this song." Ross began humming along.
"Dear Lord, have I done so much wrong." Brendon quietly began singing, "How can I go on, wondering what I did wrong, can it be too much to ask? Please, oh please, let it be."
"And now I love it ten times more." Ryan pursed his lips, rapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
"Oh shut up." Brendon gave Ryan's hand a small squeeze.
"Make me, Urie. Make me." Ryan glanced over at Brendon.
"Keep your eyes on the road, dummy." Brendon advised, half joking.
Ryan turned his attention to the road, "Okay... Okay..." He pulled off the highway, stopping at the stop light and then pulling forward to turn.

And the truck hit the driver's side like a bullet.

The car flipped so many times that Brendon had become disorientated before he even sustained the concussion that had him drifting in and out of consciousness. He was aware of the bloody taste in his mouth but he couldn't figure out what it was. At times his eyelids fluttered and he thought he must be at home in bed because it was so dark. Then why the pain, God, why so much pain?
"R- Ry?" Brendon weakly asked, looking around.
The car was flipped over, and looked completely demolished, even from the inside.
Urie then turned his attention to Ryan.
He couldn't look for long without letting out a strangled sob.
He shakily pushed himself out of car somehow. Immediately falling to the ground. Not like he cared.
"Ryan..." Brendon cried into the pavement, gritting his teeth as he got back to his feet, stumbling over to the car and to Ryan's side, "Ry... Please... B- Be okay please..." He whimpered, going on his knees, reaching in through the window of the car and grabbing onto Ryan's hand. "Please..."
Brendon only got was a small squeeze. But that was enough.

"There is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends"

A/N- Definitely not just an undertone of sadness. Did I make you sad? Also that last line is talking to you, dear reader hA

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