Chapter Two- Lying is The Most Fun...

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Brendon Urie was never one for clubs, that was for sure. He prefered music and drinks in the comfort of his own without strings attached. Spencer had made off with some girl not twenty minutes ago, and now Urie sat at the bar, a glass of whiskey in front of him.
Brendon tapped his nails against the glass, watching people exit and enter the club. A small group enter, all smiling and clearly already drunk. Brendon watches all but one walk off. He was tall, a mess of dark hair on his head. He donned a white t-shirt, dark jeans and a black dress jacket.
Brendon watched him look around, hesitantly making his way to bar. He sat at the end of the bar, his posture squished and nervous.
Brendon called over the bartender with a small of his hand.
"What'll it be?" The bartend dried the glass in his hand.
"Whiskey for the fella at the end of the bar." Brendon handed the bartender a few crumpled dollar bills. The bartender nodded and briskly walked away.

A few minutes passed and a barstool pulled back and someone sat down next to Brendon.
He looked up to see the guy he bought a drink, "Can I help you?"
"You bought me a drink. Why?" Brendon was thrown back by his question, he laughed it off and shrugged, "You seemed like a nice person. You not like whiskey? I'll buy you something else if you want-" The guy shook his head, "I don't drink."
"Doesn't matter. I was hoping you'd come over either way." Brendon hummed, "Name's Brendon Urie. And you are..."
The guy folded his arms, "Dallon Weekes."
"Well Dallon, what brings you to a club in Vegas?" Brendon inquired. "My friends dragged me here."Dallon explained.
"That blows. No wonder you're acting so sour." Brendon tastefully took a sip of his whiskey. Dallon glared at Brendon as if to burn a hole in him.
"Kidding! Kidding!" Brendon laughed. Dallon rolled his eyes, "Hmph..."
"But," Brendon began, Dallon raised an eyebrow "But...?" "Just because your friends left you doesn't mean you can't have fun." Brendon smiled slightly.


The door to Brendon's apartment opened and closed quickly, feet stumbling across the floor. Jackets and shoes were discarded as Brendon pushed Dallon against the wall, glancing up at him, standing on his tiptoes and smashing his lips onto Weekes'.
"You have an interesting idea of fun." Dallon noted, pulling from the feverish kiss and placing a finger over Brendon's lips.
"Just shut it." Urie hissed softly, pulling down Dallon by the collar of his shoulder. He brought his hands up to the soft hair of the taller one, running his fingers through it.
Dallon leaned up, once again breaking the kiss. "Oh for fuck's sakes. What now?" Brendon looked up at Dallon.
"I'm assuming this 'fun' isn't going to just be kissing." Dallon retorted bitterly.
"Fuck you." Brendon laughed out of disbelief, grabbing Dallon's wrist and dragging him off briskly.


Dallon opened his eyes, squinting at the ceiling through the bright morning light.
He sighed softly, sitting up and looked around.
"Oh no."
Dallon looked down at the sleeping figure, his back to Weekes.
Dallon fell back down onto the bed, shakily sighing. "Mornin'." Brendon rolled over, looking at Dallon and yawning.
"Good morning..." Dallon swung his feet over the side of the bed, shuddering slightly at the slight draft. "I take it you're off then?" Brendon wrapped a spare blanket over his shoulders, moving closer to Dallon.
"I mean um... I... W- well..." Dallon stuttered as he fumbled his clothes on. "Dallon. You can go." Brendon mumbled as Dallon nodded, "Okay..."

And with that Dallon left.

A few hours passed and Brendon was in the living room, softly strummed a few chords, he looked at the writing that wasn't his before softly singing it, "I've got more wit, a better kiss. A hotter touch and better fuck."

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