Chapter Four- Ready to Go (Get Me Out of My Mind)

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At one point, Brendon and Spencer had been a band together  with a few friends. Not anymore. But now, here Brendon was, at Spencer's place. Starting up their band again.
"Shit, Spencer. This band isn't going to work. We've got two members. Who's playing bass? We've got a drummer and a singer." Brendon watched Spencer set up his drumset.
"You'll be playing guitar too, Bren. And besides, I got a bassist, he'll be here soon." Spencer explained.
"It'll be like before the others left and..."
"It won't be the same, it might be our band but without- R-Ryan..." Brendon sighed, rubbing his eyes.
"Brendon-" Spencer began interrupted by a knock at the door. "That must be our bassist."
Brendon sat down on the couch looking down at his hands and sighing. He heard Spencer open the door and then speak, "Oh hey, come on in."
Brendon heard two pairs of footsteps enter the room and he looked up.
"Fuuuu...." Brendon made eye contact with Dallon Weekes, who looked just as shocked.
"Brendon, this is Dallon Weekes. Dallon, Brendon Urie." Spencer introduced.
"Pleasure..." Brendon nodded in Dallon's direction.
"This guy has some serious skill on the bass, Bren. Trust me when I say he's perfect for the band." Spencer assured.
"I'll just have to see for myself." Brendon muttered.


"Why you got me going. So let's go, we'll take it out of here, I think I'm ready to leave, I'm ready to live, I'm ready to go... Get me out of my mind..." Brendon stopped Dallon and Spencer by waving, Spencer gave him a confused look. "What's wrong?"
Brendon shook his head, "Dallon's playing the bassline wrong."
Dallon gawked at Brendon out of disbelief. "I followed your stupid sheet music exactly!"
"Yeah well. I'm changing it because I don't like the way you play it." Brendon straightened up his posture.
"You what?" Dallon fumed, taking one large stride towards Brendon, staring him down.
"I. Don't. Like. The. Way. You. Play. It." Brendon said methodically.
"Why you little-" Dallon grabbed a hold of Brendon's shirt front, barely lifting him off the floor.
"Dallon! Let Brendon go!" Spencer slammed down on his drum cymbal.
Brendon smirked as Dallon set him down.
"And Brendon. Don't be such a goddamn dick! What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Dallon shot back the same smug expression in Brendon's direction, picking up his bass.
"Let's just play some music." Spencer sighed, "Jesus Christ..."

The three played a few more songs, Brendon purposely backing up and stepping on Dallon's feet several times. The last one being Dallon's wit's end and he threw a hardback book of sheet music as Brendon's head. They decided it was best to take a break then.
"Lord you two fight like cats and dogs." Spencer ran a hand through his hair. "I'm going to get some water and fresh air, don't kill eachother."
After Smith had left the room, Dallon gave Brendon a nasty look.
"Fuck you too, princess." Brendon spat back.
"Seriously. I didn't know you could be such a- a jerk!" Dallon stood up, storming over to Brendon.
"Jerk? Really is that all you've got Weekes?" Brendon laughed.
"At least I have a better vocabulary and can use words other than curses, you idiot." Dallon shoved Brendon back into a wall, his face a light red with anger.
"Ohhh I'm so intimidated by the tall grammar queen." Brendon taunted, earning him a slap to the face from Weekes.
Brendon looked up at Dallon, "Fuck you."
And the two's lips collided, Dallon pushing Brendon up the wall, taking his hands up through Brendon's dark, and once neatly styled hair.
Brendon tightly wrapped his legs around Dallon's waist, forcefully pulling away from the anger-riddled kiss.
Dallon looked at Brendon, but with less anger and more passion.
They swiftly moved to the couch, Urie under Dallon. Brendon kept eye contact with Dallon as he unbuttoned his own shirt. Dallon bringing his hands to Brendon's chest as soon as the last button was undone. He gingerly kissed Brendon's collarbone as to test the waters before digging his nails into Urie's sides and biting several areas on the soft skin of his neck.
Dallon let his lips hover over Brendon's jaw, listening to his shaking and still pissed off breaths.
The two remained in the postion before Brendon shoved Dallon off, hastily buttoning his shirt and fixing his hair.
And just in time for Spencer to return to the room.
"Oh hey. You didn't kill eachother. What a surprise."

A/N- Hey I like this chapter a lot

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