Chapter Twelve- We're So Starving

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"Oh how it's been so long. We're so sorry we've been gone. We were busy writing songs for you."

Dallon stepped off the tour bus, holding his hand out in the cold, night air of Chicago. He glanced around giddily, glancing at the stadium they would be performing at.
This was Dallon's first concert. Well, his first concert with Panic! At The Disco.
"You look excited." Brendon jumped from the steps of the tour bus, making his way over to Dallon. "Yeah. I am. How many people are going to show up?"
Brendon shrugged. "Depends how many people remember us. Maybe five-hundred-ish?"
"Five-hundred?" Dallon's eyes widened. "Mhm. If we're lucky."
"That's a lot of people... I- I've never- I'm not sure I can do-"
"Hey," Brendon grabbed Dallon's shoulders, turning him to face the shorter one, "You've got this."
Dallon closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, "Okay... I've got this."
Brendon softly kissed Dallon, "That's more like it. Now let's go play some fuckin' music, shall we?"

This was more than five-hundred people. This was more like one-thousand. Dallon was starting to realize how famous Brendon had been. And how famous he still was.
"I'm ready to go..." Brendon leaned to the side with the mic, stopping to let the crowd sing.
Once the song ended the crowd cheered and Brendon smiled, pulling the mic from the stand,
"How the fuck are all of you?"
The crowd screamed in response, "I'm sorry we've been gone so long, things went to hell in a year. But hey! We're back! And we've got a new guitarist and bassist! Everyone give it up for Ian Crawford on guitar and Dallon Weekes on the bass!" Brendon excitedly introduced.
Dallon bowed slightly, looking out at the crowd.
"Alright next song, here we go! Now I'm of consenting age to be forgetting you in a cabaret-"


Dallon smiled as the band walked off stage, he stood in place for a moment before making his way after the band.
"We fucking killed it!" Brendon highfived Spencer, taking a towel from a table.
"We fucking killed them." Spencer corrected.
"Well, it was mostly Brendon's voice that killed it." Dallon corrected a second time.
"And your bass playing." Brendon leaned into Dallon, throwing an arm around him.
"But mostly your singing-"
"No... It was your bass pla-"
"Okay ladies, we get it. You're both pretty." Spencer interrupted.
"But, Dallon's prettier-"
"Brendon! Zip it!" Spencer smacked Urie's shoulder lightly.
"Okay, damn," Brendon laughed, walking off, "I'm going outside."

Dallon opened the backstage door, leading outside, peering out.
"Yeah of course." He heard Brendon chirp over the soft talking of fans.
Dallon walked over, smiling awkwardly as the small crowd screamed.
"Hey guys." Weekes took a stand next to Brendon, stumbling back as fans; mostly teenagers, shoved posters and pens in his face.
"Oh uh... Yeah." Dallon shakily began signing things, smiling.
"Brendon, where did Ryan go? Did he leave the band?" A fan asked, quieting most of the crowd.
"Y- You didn't hear?" Brendon breathed, clenching his fists.
"Hear what?"
Brendon swallowed thickly, "Ryan... He passed away... Back in 2008."
"What! Oh no!"
The crowd erupted into questions, all pushing to get them answered.
"How did he die?" "Did he kill himself?" "When was the funeral?"
"I- I- Well..." Brendon stuttered, holding back tears.
"Guys, let him breathe." Dallon put an arm in front of Urie, speaking softly.
"It's fine-" Brendon sniffed, smiling up at Dallon in assurance.
Dallon sighed, "That's enough questions for now guys, thanks for coming out to see us play." He turned to the fans, putting an arm around Brendon.
"Dallon, it's fine, really. I'm fine to-"
Weekes shook his head as the two walked away, "You aren't thougb. Let's just go back to the bus, yeah?"
"Yeah. Okay." Urie agreed in a lamented tone.
The two boarded the tour bus, taking off jackets and shoes in a quiet orderly manner.
Brendon fell down onto one of the bunks, back turned from everything. He wiped away tears, closing his eyes.
"Mind I join you?" Dallon asked, kneeling down to the level of the bunk.
"Please." Brendon rolled over, making room for Weekes who crawled up next to Urie, instinctively putting arms around the shorter one.
"You okay?"
"I will be."
There was a moment of silence and then Dallon spoke.
"Do you still miss him?"
"I don't know." Was the expected response.
And Dallon didn't either.
He didn't know if Brendon missed Ryan.

And he was scared that he didn't know if Brendon loved Ryan still. And god did Dallon feel awful for being so jealous.
So he just held on tighter. Dallon didn't like letting go.

A/N- how's your day been going, friends?

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