Chapter Seven- Turn Off the Lights

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Brendon looked out across and the smoggy Las Vegas night sky, fidgeting with the lighter in his hand.
He had a long day at his work, and was pretty much done with everyone.
His hair was a mess, strands flying in every direction and his face shiny and oily from sweat. He pulled a small worn paper from his pocket, looking at it for a moment and the hastily, but carefully putting it back in it's place in Brendon's pocket.
Brendon turned to the sound of a knock at the door, setting the lighter down and walking to the door.
He opened it, being greeted by the face of Spencer and... Dallon.
"Yes?" Brendon squinted at the two, "It's kinda late-"
"The power's out at mine and Dallon's places."
"And you can't live without it for one night?" Brendon folded his arms.
"Well..." Spencer shrugged.
"What do you really want, Spence'?" Brendon chuckled.
"We were wondering if Dallon could stay here since he got evicted from his place and I don't have room at my house." Spencer moved slightly to the side of Dallon.
Brendon blinked, processing what Spencer said, looking between Him and Dallon.
"No. Hell no."
"Oh c'mon, Bren. It won't be forever. And he won't get in your way, right Dal?" Spencer elbowed Dallon.
"Right." Weekes winced, nodding.
"Can't he just stay at a hotel or something?" Brendon inquired.
Spencer was quiet.
"Spencer wants us to learn how to get along." Dallon finally explained.
"Dallon!" Spencer smacked his arm.
"Ohh... Nice try, Spence' but Weekes isn't setting foot into my apartment.
"You did last time." Dallon muttered under his breath.
"What?" Spencer turned to Weekes who responded with a quiet, 'nothing'.
"Come on, Brendon please..." Spencer begged, sighing as Urie shook his head.
Spencer's face then lit up, "I've got an idea."
"Oh no."
"What about you two go out. Not a date but like, just as friends. Brendon, you could show some of your favorite places and actually get to know Dallon."
"That." Dallon laughed, "Actually sounds fun."
Brendon raised an eyebrow, "Wow I didn't think you could have fun."
Dallon rolled his eyes, "So are we going or not?" Brendon sighed, "Let me grab my jacket."


So there Brendon was, sitting at a booth at some steakhouse in Las Vegas with Dallon Weekes.
"Is this place any good?" Dallon finally asked, looking at the menu.
"No, it's shit." Brendon said sarcastically stated.
Dallon clearly didn't pick up the sarcasm and gave Brendon a puzzled look.
"I'm kidding." Urie laughed quietly, "But in all honesty, get the roasted turkey sandwich, it's really good."
"Alright. I'll take your word for it." Dallon nodded hesitantly, "Although I'm not too sure I trust you."
"You doubting me Weekes?" Brendon leaned back in the booth.
"I have plenty of reasons to." Dallon scoffed.
"Hmph." Brendon waved his hand dismissively.
The waitress walked over with drinks, setting them on the table, "Alright, gentleman what'll it be?"
Dallon made eye contact with Brendon, "Yeah I'll get a steak salad." He smiled.

Brendon watched Dallon pick at his salad, glancing up to see Brendon shit-eating grin.
"How's the salad, Dally?"
"Shut it, Urie." Dallon hissed, pushing his salad to the side and resting his head on the table.
Brendon laughed, picking up a fry and setting it in his mouth.
Dallon sat with his head down on the table for a moment before a plate nudged at his arm and looked up slightly to an untouched sandwich half.
Dallon lifted his head from the table, looking and Brendon.
"Have it."
Dallon semi-cautiously picked up the sandwich, taking a small bite, all the while looking directly at Brendon.
"I didn't poison it if that's what you're wondering." Urie rested his chin on his hand.
Dallon hummed softly, mouthful of sandwich.
Brendon picked up another fry, eating it, "I told you it was good. But you didn't listen."
"I have plenty of reasons to not trust you. You haven't been the nicest." Dallon took another bite of the sandwich.
"I'm guilty of that. But maybe we don't have to be assholes to eachother." Brendon looked at the table.
Dallon nodded, swallowing, "Why were you acting like a complete jerk after... Ya know..."
"Honestly? I have no clue. I guess I was angry."
"Angry? About what?" Dallon leaned into the table slightly.
"About you leaving." Brendon said.

Except he didn't say that. "You just showing up everywhere. It annoyed me I suppose."
Dallon made a small 'hmph' sound, "So you think I'm annoying?"
"No. Not really. Well, not as annoying as I initially thought." Brendon explained, waving his hands around slightly.
"I'll take it as a compliment." Dallon smiled slightly.
"Take it however you want it."
"Thanks, I'll take it as a compliment." Dallon smiled.
Brendon snorted, "Not sure if you were joking or not."
Dallon grinned, "I was joking."
"Okay. Keep telling yourself that." Brendon threw a fry at Dallon, provoking a quick, 'hey' and a fry returned in Urie's direction.
"Eat the fuckin' fry, Dallon." Brendon threw it back in Dallon's face.
Dallon picked the fry up, squinting at Brendon, "You are a strange individual, Brendon Urie."

A/N- I already know how this story is gonna end hooo boyyy >:)

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