Chapter Eleven- Oh Glory

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Soft first morning light wafted through the bedroom window, rays reflecting off the small mirror on the back wall.
Brendon lifted his head from the pillow, yawning and stretching.
He rolled out of bed, stumbling to his feet and over to the mirror.
Urie ran a few fingers through his hair, tilting his head side to side slightly. He made his way to the door, opening it and making his way into the kitchen.
Spencer looked up from his phone, "Oh hey, Brendon."
"Spencer? What are you-"
"Good morning, Brendon." Dallon stood up from behind the counter
Spencer sat down on one of the barstools at the kitchen counter, "Dallon invited me over for breakfast."
"Ahh." Brendon smiled, taking a place at the counter.
"Just so you know, I'm an awful cook and you're getting cereal and scrambled eggs." Dallon leaned across the marble counter, quickly kissing Brendon.
Spencer raised an eyebrow, scoffing, "Am I missing something here?"
"Oh yeah. I'm dating Dallon." Brendon said in more a question, turning to Dallon who gave a nod of confirmation, "Yeah. Dating."
"Well I'll be damned. And you've known eachother for what? Three weeks?" Spencer took a sip of coffee.
"Hm?" Spencer hummed softly.
"Six weeks. We uh. We met at club. And um..." Dallon turns a bright red.
"We fucked." Brendon interjected, causing Spencer to choke on his coffee.
"What the fu-"
"And then we fucked in a supplies closet at that party."
"What the actual fuck?!" Spencer sputtered, his glance flashing between them.
"Yeah..." Dallon nodded.
"So when we had our first practice-"
"Oh and then we made out while you were gone." Brendon folded his arms.
"What the fuck?" Spencer blinked.
"You sound like a broken record, Spence." Dallon remarked, setting a bowl of cheerios and plate of slightly burnt eggs in front of Brendon and Spencer.
"I know but what the fuck?" Spencer began pacing, "You've been having sex all this time?"
"Only twice." Dallon said sheepishly, pressing his pointer fingers together and looking at the floor.
"And Brendon," Spencer turned to Brendon, "What about-"
"It's in the past, I'm moving on." Brendon quickly said, taking another bite of cereal.
"Ah. Sorry I-"
"No it's fine." Brendon pushed his bowl and plate away standing up.
Spencer bit his lip, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Mhmm." Brendon nodded, making his way over to Dallon.
Spencer sighed, "I'm really happy for you Brendon, I really am. I admire the strength you had to move on."
Brendon leaned into Dallon, "Thank you Spence. Really. For sticking around and..."
"Okay I'm interrupting to say that was the most awkward three minutes of my life." Dallon pushed into the conversation.
Both Brendon and Spencer broke into laughter.
"Every minute of your life is awkward, Dal." Brendon snickered and poked Dallon's chest.
"Oh!" Spencer slapped his hand down on the counter, "That wasn't even that good but nice going, B."
"B?" Dallon tilted his head to the side, "That is literally the dumbest nickname ever."
"Ouch." Spencer shook his head, mouthful of eggs.
"I am hurt and appalled." Brendon gasped, softly shoving Dallon.
"How's it feel, pretty boy?" Dallon shoved Brendon back a little harder.
"I mean, in retrospect, the feeling's mutual. But still, that hurt me, Dallon." Brendon put all his arm strength into pushing Dallon.
Weekes slipped, grabbing Urie's arm and dragging him down with him.
"Dallon!" Brendon shrieked, arms flailing before he fell on top of Dallon.
Dallon smiled wrapping his arms around Brendon.
"Oh my god, Dallon!" Brendon lifted his head from Dallon, looking at him with a shaken smile. Dallon smiled back, sifting a hand through Brendon's hair.
"Uh, guys?" Spencer peered over the counter, chuckling.
Brendon looked up, "Hey Spencer."
"Care to join us?" Dallon jokingly  offered.
Smith shook his head, slightly out of disbelief, "You guys are actually losers."
"Cool losers."

Oh glory, I think I see you 'round the bend. And I think I'd try any pose and get there, in the end. Oh glory

A/N- Next chapter is going to be about 5 months later and Panic! is going to be back together and on tour. Also random tidbit of info but, I'll probably have it so that they left Fueled by Ramen when Ryan died and then they resigned. So
That's all. Have a nice day.

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