Chapter Ten- Memories Pt. 2

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A/N- Memories is such a nice song like ah??

Dallon was bored. Brendon wasn't home and he had nothing to do. Not like Brendon being there would be any different of course, things had been tense between the two since the kiss.
And it seemed like Urie was avoiding Dallon the best he could.
So Dallon decided to do some snooping, simple things like looking through kitchen drawers and through closests.
Although hesitant, he entered Brendon's room, still being cautious nonetheless.
The room was the most depressing thing Dallon had seen.
Even if he had been in their once, it was dark and he was in a rush.
But now that he was actually looking at it, he realized how sad this room was.
The curtains were closed, there was a towel over the mirror, the bedsheets are messy. Even the aura and feel of the room made Dallon sad.
He walked into the room further, making his way to the closet and opening it slowly.
There weren't any clothes in this specific closet, just a large box, a smaller box labeled 'camera' and a lamp.
Dallon picked up the larger box, dragging it to the center of the room, sitting besides it and opening it.
The first thing that caught Dallon's attention was a small snowglobe, the inside had a surfboard and palm tree and the label at the base read, 'California 2008'
Dallon set the small snow globe down, picking up a stack of letters, the first one reading:

'May 28th, 2008

    Ryan, I want you to know that I think of you every day. I want you to know that I miss you more than anything, and I would give anything to talk to you one last time. I still remember the last time that I saw you and I begged you not to leave. I told you that I would miss you so much and that I knew it would be a while until I saw you again. For some reason, when I hugged you, I felt like it would be the last time I saw you. Looking back now, I wish I would have spent more time with you, shared more stories with you, and made more memories. You were the happiest person I knew. I only saw you upset one time in your whole life, and every other time you were smiling the brightest smile I've ever seen. I look at old pictures and videos I have saved of our memories, but it's just not the same, but I know you are happy still. Although it is cliché, think about you everyday. This year has been so hard for me, and so much has happened, but I know you have guided me in the right direction. Somehow, you still influence my life, even if you aren't here. I can't even count the amount of times I needed to talk to you, to call you, because you were the only person I knew would understand my problems or situations I was going through. Love, Brendon'

Dallon furrowed his brows, flipping through the letters, looking at the last one, dated only a week ago.

'Ryan, I'm sorry. I broke my promise. I know you'd be mad. I'm so so sorry. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry. -Brendon'

Dallon sighed, setting the letters down and lifting a small box without a lid on it out.
The box was filled with photos, mostly polaroids. A lot of the photos on top were stunningly taken, ones of forests and waterfalls, skylines and small coffee shops.
The one that stood out was a picture of a man's silhouette against a dark sky, sitting on a balcony.
Dallon dug through the photos, finding one of Brendon and a man. It was definitely old, Brendon still had a fringe and so did the man. They were both hugging with bright smiles plastered on their faces.
The next one was of Brendon with the same man, kissing his cheek. A sarcastic overexaggerated look on the man's face.
Dallon flipped through the pictures, a lot of them pictures of Brendon, the man, or very scenic pictures.

Dallon returned to looking through the box, jolting around as the door opened.
"What are you doing?" Brendon dropped his jacket.
Dallon stood up, "I was just-"
"What are doing in my stuff?" Brendon snapped, "This is private! You can't just go through someone's stuff without permission!"
"I'm sorry, Brendon I was-" Dallon took a step towards Brendon.
"Just what? Dallon? What made you think you have the right to go through my stuff?" Brendon pushed Dallon out of the way, scrambling to the floor, picking up the photos and letters, knocking the snow globe over, glass flying as it broke.
"No!" Brendon picked up the remnants of the snowglobe, making a desperate attempt to put the pieces back together. "No, no, no... Please." Brendon cried out, breaking into heavy sobs, "Please..."
Brendon cradled the snow globe in his hands, crying. He jumped slightly as Dallon sat besides him on the floor, hugging him.
"I'm sorry I went through your stuff. That's really disrespectful. I- I- I can get you a new snow globe if you want."
"No. It's okay. I don't need a new one." Brendon said in a cracky voice, leaning into the hug.
"The guy in the photos was he-"
Brendon pulled an engament ring from the box, "My fiancé, Ryan."
"Did you break up?"
"No." Brendon whispered, pointing to the newspaper article cut out inside the bottom of the box.
Dallon picked up the newpaper, reading it carefully, it was a California newspaper dated, April 16, 2008 and read,
'Yesterday, April 15, 2008 a major nearly fatal collision crash took place off of Route 101. When the 1970 Convertible Mustang belonging to band members Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross of Panic! At The Disco hit head on with a speeding 2008 Chevrolet Silverado. No one was killed although Ross was immediately hospitalized with serious chest and head damage.'
"Brendon-" Dallon set the newspaper down.
"He- He was getting better. They were g- going to release him at t- the end of the month. I- I remember going to the hospital. He- He was so happy to see me and..." Brendon buried his face in his knees, "He was gone. Just like that."
Dallon shakily cleared his throat, "In the letter, you promised him something. What was it?"
"The night he died... I promised I'd never love anyone but him..." Brendon lifted his head from his knees.
"I see." Dallon plainly nodded.
"But-" Brendon linked his hand with Dallon's, causing him to look up.

"Some things are meant to be broken."

'When July became December, their affection fought the cold. But they couldn't quite remember, what inspired them to go."

A/N- Aye look at that. Actual Brallon?? In my story?

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