Chapter Thirteen- Stall Me

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Tour was supposed to exciting. Waking up somewhere new everyday, seeing people who came to see a band, people who adored this band more than anything. That's all Dallon expected, adventure and excitement. Nothing more, nothing less. But things were different. Instead of what was joyously anticipated was replaced with a sense of doubt and jealousy.
Was it even logical to be jealous of someone who was dead? For Dallon, sure. Why not. Brendon and Ryan had something Dallon could never compete with. Even his love for Brendon didn't seem like enough. He'd seen Urie break down into heavy tears over Ryan several times during the trips to venues and concert locations.
He didn't mean to come off as jealous and without sympathy. But it seemed like all Brendon talked about throughout the tour was Ryan.

Ryan this and Ryan that. Blah blah blah.

"Hey, Dallon." Spencer peered from backstage, leaving the spot and walking over to Dallon who was sitting at the edge of the stage, looking out at the once full stadium. "Hi, Spencer."
"So what's wrong?"
Dallon looked at Spencer, "What? Nothing..."
"I've known you for what? A year now? You can talk to me, you know."
Dallon swung his feet back and forth, sighing quietly, "It's just, jeez... It's Brendon." Spencer tilted his head, "What about him?" "You know he still misses Ryan and loves him to an extent, but I think he-" Weekes stopped. "He what?" Dallon closed his eyes, "It's stupid but... I think he loves Ryan more than me still-"

"You don't think I love you?" Brendon's voiced echoed around the stage and Dallon turned around in a quick motion. "Brendon, I-"
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you that selfish that you think I don't love you? For what? Missing someone who meant the entire world to me? Newsflash Dallon, Ryan was the best thing I had! He saved my life!"
"Oh and what am I? Just a distraction?" Dallon stood up, venom in his voice.
"That's not what I meant, Dallon. You know that."
"But it's true isn't it?"
"It is." Dallon laughed in disbelief, "Unbelievable."
"Dallon just listen-" "I can't believe I thought you actually loved me. I wanted that so badly and now-"
"Dallon just give Brendon a chance a to talk..." Spencer hesitantly intruded, placing a hand on Weekes' shoulder. "He doesn't deserve a chance to speak! H- He lied! You lied to me!" Dallon shrugged off Spencer's hand, making his way across the stage to Urie.
"I didn't lie Dallon! I really do love you! Jesus Christ, I thought that I showed you that." Brendon reiterated. "I don't even know if you're telling the truth. I want to trust you but I- I don't know what to believe." Dallon lowered his voice.
"Believe me. Believe me when I say I love you. I love you so much, Dallon Weekes. You came into my life at a time I really needed someone. You've made this past year the best time of my life I've had in a while." Brendon held out a hand to Dallon.
"I... I want to forgive you Brendon,"
Brendon's eyes lit up for a split second before Dallon spoke, "I need a minute to think." He said, walking off backstage.


A few hours had passed-
"You've got to talk to him, you know."
"I can't, Spencer."
"But you've got to." Spencer repeated, "You really pissed him off, Brendon." Brendon sighed, sort of hiccuping as he did, thinking for a moment, "Where did he go?"
"Outside I think, I dunno." Spencer shrugged, patting Brendon's back, "Well I'm going to bed, good luck."
"Thanks for the help, Spence." Brendon sarcastically grinned, grabbing his jacket and swinging the tour bus door open.
Urie stepped outside, rain had started to fall, darkening the pavement and cooling the air immensely. He took in the faint smell of rain, walking out further, "Dallon?" He calls, cupping his hands around his mouth.
Brendon made his way around the arena, looking around through the darkness and the rain, increasingly getting more heavy as he continued his search, "Dal?" Brendon pulled his hood over his head, holding either the side of it.
Urie finally spotted him on a bench on the side of the main road, sitting somewhat stiffly. Brendon slowly and hesitantly walked to the bench, silently taking a seat next to Dallon, where the two sat without talking
"Dallon, look-"
"I'm sorry." Dallon spoke first, turning to Brendon, wet hair clinging to the taller's forehead, Brendon couldn't tell if there were tears in his eyes or if it was the rain, but his voice gave it away quiet blatantly, "I'm really sorry Brendon."
"Hey, no. It's okay, I shouldn't have pissed you off in the first place." Brendon held out his arms to Dallon, "I really do love you, I hope you know that."
"I do. I really, really do." Dallon fell into Brendon's embrace, his breathing settling somewhat, "And I love you too."
"Hm. I'm glad." Brendon smiled, ignoring the fact that at the moment the two were completely drenched. The hug was nice, sincere, comforting. And when Dallon let go, this time,

He knew Brendon wouldn't. 

"A dark room in the wallflower garden of the party. Stall me, stall me, I'm all in."

A/N- Hey how're ya'll doing? I really like this chapter.

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