Chapter 15

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Moments later there was a banging on the door. Caroline hopped off the bed and sprinted over to the door, still sobbing her eyes out. "She's in the bathroom," she said leading the paramedics over to where Katie lay unconscious. "What happened in here?" one of the paramedics asked observing the mess. "Dont ask! Just help my friend!" she yelled before sobbing into Harry's shoulder. "Alright I need everyone to clear out of the bathroom and go wait in the living room," stated the other paramedic. Niall kissed Katies hand and followed the others into the living room. Niall called up Zayn, "Hello?" Zayn said picking up the phone. "Hey Zayn! Where are you?" Niall asked. "Me and Perrie are down at the beach, why? Everything okay?" he asked worrily. "Actually no. Katie slipped in the bathroom and hit her head and lost a lot of blood. She's unconscious now and the paramedics are here-" he started when Zayn interrupted. "Okay me and Perrie will meet you guys at the hospital," Zayn said before hanging up. Niall set down his phone "Okay Zayn and Perrie are meeting us at the hospital soon," Niall told the group. "Just got off the phone with Olivia," Liam started, "they cant get back until tonight, but they're going to come straight to the hospital." Just then the paramedics wheeled the stretcher out. Two of them wheeled it quickly down the hallway, when Niall stopped the other one, "can we come in the ambulance?" he asked. The paramedic looked at the huge group of people. "Only two of you," he said before chasing the others down the hall. Niall and Caroline decided to go and sprinted to the elevator just in time. The ride to the hospital was mostly silent, but full of tears. Caroline squeezed Katie's hand tightly while praying silently. Niall held Katies other hand and took in her appearance. She had a bloodstained bandage wrapped around her head, and a breathing mask over her mouth. The paramedics quickly unloaded the stretcher and wheeled it down the hall as soon as they arrived at the hospital. "You guys are going to have to wait in the waiting room for a while. A nurse will come down and let you know when she's ready for visitors," a paramedic told them. The two headed over to the waiting room to see their friends had already arrived. Caroline ran over to Harry and sobbed into his shoulder. Niall took a seat next to Liam and sat there quietly. No one spoke for a few minutes, until the door burst open. Everyone stood up, assuming it was the nurse. It was Danielle. Liam got up and ran to hug her. Being one of the most positive of people, Danielle said a few words of encouragement before taking a seat next to Perrie. "I haven't even met her yet," Perrie whispered with tears filling her eyes. "Me neither, but we will get to. I promise," Danielle said embracing her in a hug. Suddenly a nurse came through the door. "Is there anyone here who is closely related to Katie Naroh?" Caroline stepped forward. "How is she?" Caroline gulped. "Well, we did some X-rays, and the blow she suffered to her head caused her skull to crack open. She has a minor concussion and has lost tons of blood. She will need a blood transfusion. Also, she is still unconscious, but she is not in a coma," the nurse replied. "Okay, well I can give blood! How much does she need?" Caroline responded. The nurse shook her head, "sweetheart, it's not that easy. Katie has a rare blood type. Type O. And the only person who can give blood to her is someone with O blood, which will be hard to find." The room fell silent, when Zayn stood. "I have type O," he stated. The nurse nodded, "okay come with me." Zayn followed the nurse into another room to give blood. He returned ten minutes later, but the nurse didn't return for another hour. "Okay, shes conscious now. You can go see her," the nurse said re-entering the room. The group of seven piled into the elevator and entered the room. Katie was sitting in bed reading a magazine, when she noticed her friends at the door. A huge smile spread across her face. "Katie!" Caroline screamed before embracing her with a huge hug. "Hi," she said weakly. "How are ya?" she asked worrily. "I feel....tired," Katie said groggily. "Hey," Niall said approaching her. A huge grin lit up her face and she reached to hug him. "Niall!" she exclaimed while giving him a huge kiss. He giggled and gave her a huge hug. After a few moments, the rest of the group came in and introduced Katie to Danielle and Perrie. They girls hugged and ended up getting along really well. Soon after, a nurse entered the room. "Okay Miss Naroh, you're going to have to stay overnight so we can do some more examination and make sure there isn't any permanent damage." Katie nodded and thanked the nurse before she left. The group hugged Katie and promised to come by in the morning. They all left except for Caroline Harry and Niall. "We'll stay with you tonight," Harry said to Katie. She giggled, "you guys can't all sleep in here. Go back to the hotel and get some rest," she said dismissing the group. "No Katie we want to stay here with you. We want to be here when you wake up in the morning," Caroline argued. "You guys go, I'll stay with her," Niall said gripping her hand. Caroline opened her mouth to argue, when Harry stopped her and led her out the door. It was just Katie and Niall. "You don't have to-" she began. Niall cut her off with a kiss, "no, I want to," he said to her. She smiled and scooted to one side of the small bed to make room for Niall. They laid next to each other talking for hours, when Katie finally fell asleep in his arms. Meanwhile, Harry and Caroline were back at the hotel. He walked her back to her room and kissed her goodnight. Caroline climbed into bed and tried to fall asleep. She tossed and turned for hours. She sat up and reached for her phone to call Harry. "Mmhello?" Harry's deep voice answered groggily. "Sorry babe, did I wake you?" Caroline apologized. "No no its okay, you alright?" he asked in a less groggy voice. "I can't sleep. Can I come sleep with you?" Harry smiled to himself, "of course." Caroline hung up and went straight down to their suite. She immediatley climbed in bed with him, gave him a quick kiss, and fell asleep cuddled up in his warm embrace.

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