Chapter 21

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Straight away Katie pulled out her laptop to go on twitter. There were pictures of Caroline and Harry all over twitter tagged "Carry". Of course, there were a few hateful comments on some of the tweets, but also some sympathetic ones. One read "I am so sorry that you all got mobbed in your own room. I hope everyone is okay! And btw, I think that Caroline is gorgeous and I totally ship Carry (; xx" Katie smiled. Then, a notification popped up on her screen from her calendar. It read "Vacation over in 3 days :(" Katie's eyes grew big. Had time really gone by that fast. "Guys?" she said. Everyone turned to look at her. "Me and Caroline leave in 3 days." Caroline jumped up off the couch. "WHAT?! There's no way it's been that long already!" she screamed. Katie nodded. Caroline sprinted out of the room crying. "I'll get her," Harry said standing up. Harry left the room to find her sitting in the hallway sobbing into her hands. "Caroline!" he said rushing to her giving her a big hug. They sat there for a few minutes just hugging while Caroline cried. "Caroline, why are you upset? We're going to still be together after vacation!" Harry said breaking the silence. "Because! Harry you're going to be touring and there are going to be millions of girls throwing themselves at your feet!" Caroline said crying even harder. "Caroline, I dont want any of those millions of girls out there! I just want you! Don't you know how amazing you are? Do you not trust me or something?" he asks. "No baby I trust you, it's other girls I don't trust," she said. "Love, the other boys have the same situation. Louis, Liam, and Zayn have had girlfriends for way longer than me and Niall. They've had girls throwing themselves at them for a while, and they're still with their girlfriends! They even have some people try to convince them they're girlfriends aren't good enough for them by insulting them! One fan even told Louis that Olivia was saggy. I promise, just like the other boys have stayed with their girlfriends, that I'll stay with you no matter what," Harry said kissing her before she could respond. "I love you," Caroline said breaking the kiss. "I love you too babe," he responded. They walked back in the room to see Niall and Katie cuddling on the couch looking at twitter. "Guys! Guess what!" Katie said excitedly when she saw the couple walk in. "What?" Caroline responded. "The fans want Harry and Niall to do a twitcam with us tonight!" she gushed to Caroline. "Oh my gosh yay! Can we do it Harry?" Caroline said looking to Harry. "Sure yeah that'd be fun!" he said looking to Niall for approval. A few minutes later Louis Liam and Zayn got invited over to their girlfriends hotel, so they left. "Hey we should go down to the beach," Niall absentmindedly said aloud. The other three agreed. "Okay you guys can go get changed and well meet you down there," Caroline said kissing Harry on the cheek. The girls were getting ready when Caroline's phone buzzed. It was Harry. The text read:

"At the beach. Wear a hat or sunglasses if you have some, there are still some fans in the lobby. Be careful babe. Love u ;)xx"

Ten minutes later, the girls managed to get down to the beach without being spotted by fans. "Oh my God," Katie said to Caroline. "What? Do you see them?" she replied searching for the boys. "Yeah look!" Katie said pointing. The boys were siting in the sand with four surfboards around them. The two girls made their way over to their boyfriends. "What is this?" Caroline asked. "Surprise! We're going surfing!" Harry yelled. "So put on your wetsuits!" Niall said throwing wetsuits at the girls. They quickly slipped into them and grabbed the boards running straight towards the ocean. They paddled out deep into the water and sat waiting for their boyfriends to catch up. "Katie?" Caroline said splashing water around, "could you imagine our lives without the boys?" Katie looked over at her. "No. I couldn't. Winning that contest was the best thing that ever happened to us," she said with a small tear in her eye. "I know," Caroline said grabbing Katie's hand. Moments later the boys came paddling up. "How did you guys get out here so fast?" Niall said out of breath. "Practice," Katie said winking. "You guys have surfed before?" Harry asked. "Maybe," Caroline shrugged before the two girls started paddling ahead of the perfect wave. They were riding on their stomachs for a few seconds. "Ready?" Katie asked looking over at Caroline. She nodded and they both stood up. They could hear the boys cheering behind them, making them giggle. After the wave crashed they jumped into the water. "Your turn!" they screamed to the boys. A wave started to appear behind them and they started to ride it. Niall fell off almost instantly. While Harry was laughing at him he lost his balance and fell off too. They swam over to the girls, who were cracking up so hard, they were nearly drowning. "Why are you laughing? I looked hot!" Niall said sitting up on his board across from Katie's. "Yeah! You did!" she said laughing some more. Soon they started splashing each other and fell into the water laughing. "Wow Harry, you and Niall didn't tell us you were so good!" Caroline teased as Harry swam up. He climbed up on her board and they straddled it facing each other. "Well I didn't want to intimidate you or anything," he joked. "Well at least you're good at one thing," she said wrapping her arms around his neck. "And what would that be?" he said putting his hands on her waist. "This," Caroline giggled giving him a big passionate kiss. Just seconds later, Katie and Niall swam up under the board and flipped it over. "Hey, we were in the middle of something!" Caroline joked splashing Katie and Niall. "No one wants to see that!" Katie teased splashing back. The two couples spent hours playing around in the water, occasionally catching a few waves. When they got back to shore, Katie checked the time on her phone. "Guys it's already nine thirty!" she exclaimed. The four quickly got all their stuff together and headed up to the boys suite. "Harry can I borrow some comfy clothes? I don't wanna go back upstairs to change," Caroline asked. "Sure babe," he responded. "Oh me too?" Katie said turning to Niall. "Of course," he replied. The girls went to the bathroom and came out in their boyfriend's tshirts and pj pants. "Ready to do the twitcam?" Niall said with his laptop on the bed. "Oh crap! I forgot about that, I look so gross!" Caroline complained. "You look beautiful!" Harry said pushing the two king sized beds together. Caroline smiled shyly blushing in response. "Why are you doing that?" Katie asked. "So we can all have room to sit on the beds," Harry replied. "Ohhh okay. I'll be right back," Katie said disappearing out of the bedroom. She came back with four large bags of chips and set them on the bed. "Okay, NOW I'm ready for the twitcam," she said climbing onto the bed next to Niall. Niall smiled at her and started the twitcam. There were already sixty thousand people waiting to watch. "Hey guys!" Niall waved into the camera. Katie giggled at his adorableness while stuffing her face with chips. "Hey guys! Ask us questions, make it fun!" Caroline screamed into the camera. "You're gonna regret saying that..." Harry said. Seconds later tweets with questions started flooding in. "ooh I like this one!" Katie said pointing to the screen, "it says 'Niall is so perfect!!!! What can't he do?' well I can tell you, he can't surf." Niall giggled, "Its true. I really can't," he agreed. He looked into Katie's eyes, kissing her,and in the moment they forgot they were doing a twitcam. "Shit," Katie said pulling away. "I think you guys just made twitter explode," Harry laughed. Tweets started flooding in with the trend #KiallKiss. "Aww cute! You guys are trending!" Caroline said poking Katie's arm. "Now you guys have to kiss!" Katie said poking back. Seconds later the trend #CarryKiss started. "If this trend goes worldwide then I'll kiss Caroline," Harry said looking into the camera. Minutes later, after a few more questions, Niall checked the worldwide trends. "Guys #KiallKiss and #CarryKiss are trending worldwide!" he yelled. "You know what thaaaat meeeeans," Katie sang elbowing Caroline. She rolled her eyes and kissed Harry, in front of the whole world. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you too," said Harry

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