Chapter 20

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I apologize for the stupidity of this chapter. Idk wtf happened.

The next morning, Caroline was awoken by the sound of Liam, Zayn, and Louis chatting in the living room. She stood up to see Harry Katie and Niall still asleep. "Shhhh you guys be quiet! Everyone else is still asleep!" Caroline whispered tiptoeing into the living room. "Whoa Caroline your eye!" screamed Louis. Liam smacked his arm "Louis!" he yelled. "What? What's wrong with my eye?" Caroline asked feeling her face. "Nothing! You look fine!" Liam replied. Zayn was quietly sitting on the couch holding a mirror, admiring himself in it. Caroline yanked it out of his hands and held it up to her face. Her eye was black and blue, and nearly swollen shut. "Oh my God! I look awful!" she cried. "No you don't Caroline! It's just a black eye, it'll go away I promise! You're still beautiful!" Liam said trying to comfort her. "Thanks Liam, but this thing isn't going away anytime soon. And i am certainly NOT beautiful with it," Caroline said crying even harder. Moments later Harry came out of the bedroom. "You guys- oh my gosh Caroline!" he said rushing to her side. "why are you crying?" he asked hugging her. "Why? Because look at my eye Harry! IT'S DISGUSTING!" she yelled back. "Babe, you don't look any different to me. Still the same beautiful Caroline. That black eye doesn't make you any less stunning," he said giving her a kiss. He wiped the tears from under her eyes. "I love you," Caroline said smiling slightly. "I love you too."

**30 minutes later in the bedroom**

"mmmmmorning babe," Katie said waking up. Niall had already been awake and was sitting with his laptop on his knees. "Katie. Look." he said turning the screen towards her. She rubbed her eyes a few times so they would adjust. Katie's eyes got huge at what was on the screen and she immediately sprang out of bed and sprinted into the living room. "Guys! Come here now!" she yelled. "Well good morning to you too!" Louis teased. They all followed Katie into the bedroom to find Niall looking at his laptop screen with his mouth gaped open. "Guys what's going on?" Zayn asked very confused. "It looks like our good friend Caroline Flack has been on twitter lately!" Niall said sarcastically. Everyone ran to Nialls side to see what she had tweeted. It read:

"Met @Harry_Styles girlfriend last night. What a lovely girl.....btw they're staying at Beachside at the Marriott. Whoops!"

Harry pulled out his phone to check his twitter. His mentions were flooded with people asking about this mystery girl. "I need some breakfast," he said trying to avoid the situation heading towards the kitchen. "Were out of breakfast food," Katie hollered after him. "Great," he said in a pissed tone. "Me and Katie will go get some from the lobby," Niall said grabbing Katies hand heading out the door. "Can you believe Caroline said that on twitter?" Katie said once they were on the elevator. "I know, I can't believe she tweeted what hotel we were at!" Niall said angrily. Moments later the elevator doors opened to the lobby. There were tons of screaming girls. As soon as Katie and Niall were spotted, screaming fans started to sprint towards the elevator. "Crap! Shut the door!" Niall yelled pressing the button to close the doors repeatedly. The door was nearly shut, when a hand shot through and a girl entered the elevator with them, shoving fans out of the way. "Jesus, what's with all the screaming girls?" the girl asked. Niall shrugged pretending not to know. "They had me up at six o'clock this morning!" the girl said annoyed, "so where are you guys staying?" "Oh we're up in the presidential suite," Niall answered. Katie elbowed him, she thought it was kinda weird some random girl they didn't know wanted to know where they were staying. "Oh cool I'm right down the hall!" she said. "Okay, well bye!" Katie said yanking Niall into the suite when the elevator opened. "Niall!" she yelled hitting his arm. "What? What did I do?" he responded. "Why in the world would you tell some random girl you don't even know where you're staying in a hotel? Are you stupid?!" she yelled. "Katie! Calm down! What's the big deal?" he said rubbing his arm where she had hit him. "What if a bunch of fans come up here and mob you guys! Yall aren't going to have any privacy for the rest of this trip!" she yelled. Niall's eyes got wide, when he realized she was right. "Did you get breakfast?" Harry hollered from the kitchen. "No there's a bunch of fans in the lobby!" Katie screamed. Moments later there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Liam said going to the door. Seconds later many teenage girls filled the room. "LIAM!" a girl screamed nearly tackling him to the ground. Niall's eyes got wide at the massive crowd of girls. He was getting really nervous, and now there were a bunch of them coming towards him. Katie grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom and locked him in there. "Hey! Get out!" she screamed pushing though the sea of girls. She went over to help Liam up. "Liam go on the balcony and call security to get these girls out of here," she said pushing girls off of him. She made her way over to the closet to see if any of the rest of the boys were hiding in there. She found Zayn and Louis crammed between pillows and towels and shut the door immediately before any girls discovered their hiding place. "I FOUND HARRY AND HIS GIRLFRIEND!" Katie heard someone scream from the kitchen. Girls started running towards the kitchen. Katie pushed her way though them to get to Harry and Caroline. She pulled them into one of the empty bedrooms and locked the door. Everyone realized that the boys were gone. "Hey where are they?" a girl screamed. "They left!" Katie yelled. Suddenly the mass crowd of people all looked at her. "It's Niall's girlfriend!" someone screamed before people started mobbing her. She swung her arms around, trying to get people to let go of her. Finally breaking free for a few mere seconds, she ran to the bathroom where Niall was hiding and quickly locked herself in with him. "Baby are you okay?" he asked hugging her. She had cuts on her arms and holes were ripped in her shirt. She nodded in response. "I'm so sorry I told that girl our room," he said hugging her. "Its okay, you didn't know she would do this!" she replied. He smiled at her and gave her a soft kiss, when her phone rang and Liam's picture lit up the screen. "Hey Liam," she answered. "Hey Katie. Is everyone safe?" he asked. "Yeah, Zayn and Louis are in a closet, and I dragged Harry and Caroline into a bedroom, and also I'm in the bathroom with Niall," she responded. "Okay good. Security said they're clearing the girls out of the suite right now and they'll come and knock on the balcony door when everyone is gone," he said. "K thanks bye," Katie said hanging up. "You dragged them into a bedroom?" Niall asked. "What? Oh yeah they mobbed Caroline and Harry in the kitchen so I went and got them and locked them in the guest room," she replied. "So you made sure everyone else was safe before you were?" he asked. She shrugged in response. Moments later Liam came in the bathroom and told them the girls were gone. They came out and saw everyone gathered in the living room. "Harry its not your fault," Caroline said hugging him. "What's going on?" Katie asked. Everyone looked up at her and Niall. "They got pictures of us kissing in the kitchen," Harry said

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