Chapter 8

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Katie sat up and looked right at Niall. They both knew EXACTLY what it was. Their picture was going to be all over twitter with a trend like #niallsmysterygirl or #niallandkatie. Everyone pulled out their phones and started to search twitter. Yep, they were right. There was a trend called #niallhasagirlfriend! And a picture of the two holding hands, trying to escape from the mob. It was trending number one worldwide! Katie logged into her twitter account to see her mentions flooded with messages from angry fans. Some even included death threats! Katie was so overwhelmed that she couldn't hold it in any longer and she began to sob on Niall's shoulder. "Oh my God Katie I am so sorry. This is all my fault. I don't even know what-" he began when interrupted by Katie, "Niall its okay. It's not your fault!" she said looking up into his eyes. "Yes it is! It's all my fault! I can't even tell you how sorry I am. I feel awful, I hoped this would never have to happen to my girlfriend," he said looking at the ground. "Girlfriend?" Katie asked. Was he making them official? "Oh, umm sorry I didn't mean to, I mean if you want to......" he took a deep breath, "I guess what I'm trying to say is, Katie?" she nodded acknowledging him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked blushing insanely. She giggled and nodded in response, and he let out a huge grin. Everyone else had been watching without them even realizing until Caroline said, "Aww! How cute!" The new couple giggled at her. Then, Caroline nudged Harry, "Umm babe? I think that now would be a good time to....." Harry looked at her then wrapped his arm around her shoulders and said, "I think now would be a good time to tell you all that Caroline and I are a couple." Katie smiled and the whole room started clapping and cheering. "Yayy congratulations you guys!" Katie said giving Caroline a huge hug. "Same with you girl!" Caroline replied. Katie looked down at her phone and saw it was past midnight already. "We better head back to our room. See you tomorrow?" Katie said turning to Niall. He smiled in response and kissed her on the cheek. As her and Caroline got back to the room they both started squealing and flipping out. They were both dating members from One Direction! As soon as their excitement died down, they started getting ready for bed. Katie climbed into the soft warm bed and started scrolling through her twitter mentions on her laptop. Fans were saying awful things like "you're not even pretty! I hope you die!" and "you bitch! Niall is MINE! Go cut yourself you hoe!" Katie could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't want to be hated by the fans, especially since she was one herself. But then she noticed a few messages that made her feel a little better like "Katie I'm so sorry you have to go through this when no one is even sure if this is a rumor or not yet! God bless!" and one even said "Katie you are so pretty and if you are with Niall, he is very lucky to have you. Ignore all the "fans" who send hate." comments like these gave her hope. Then a new mention popped up at the top from @Liv_Nosnilmot who Katie presumed to be Olivia. It read, "#niallhasagirlfriend! And her name is @Katie_Naroh :) Congrats babe! Xx" Katie giggled at the comment. When, another mention popped up. It was from Harry. It said, "@Katie_Naroh + @NiallOfficial = LOVE" Katie giggled and responded "@Harry_Styles hahaha and Harry+Caroline=LOVE! Xx" Katie no longer cared what the world thought of her and Niall being together. As long as her and Niall were happy, that's all that mattered right? Katie decided to daringly post " #niallhasagirlfriend! me!" after she posted that, even more hate messages started flooding in. But then, a new wave of messages caught her eye. They said things like "OMG @NiallOfficial confirmed his relationship with @Katie_Naroh!!! Sooo cute!!!" She went to check Niall's twitter page and saw the most adorable tweet ever. "Yes #niallhasagirlfriend! And her name is @Katie_Naroh. Please stop sending her hate? I really like her, why can't some of my fans be happy for me? :(" Katie giggled at how cute his post was. She retweeted it, closed her laptop, and drifted off to sleep. A couple hours later she was awaken by her phone vibrating. She looked at the clock. It was 3 am! Who was calling her so early in the morning? "Hello?" she answered groggily. "Hey beautiful," she heard a familiar sexy Irish accent say. "Niall? It's so early! What do you want?" she responded. "I have a surprise for you. Come down to the beach," he whispered. Before she could say anything he hung up. She looked over to see Caroline still sound asleep. Katie got up and fixed her hair and makeup a bit before heading down to the lobby. She walked out through the spa area, which was odd to see so deserted, and onto the sandy beach where she found Niall standing by a doc. "Niall? What the hell? It's three o'clock in the morning!" Katie yelled at him. He turned to face her. He was wearing pj pants and a Tshirt just like Katie was. As she approached him he handed her a rose and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Well, I thought for our next date, we could watch the sunrise together," he said smiling. "Niall," she said laughing, "the sun doesn't rise for another three hours!" he gave her a suspicious look. "I know. Come on!" he said grabbing her hand and pulling her onto a house boat. "Where are we going?" she asked giggling. He just smiled as a response and started the boat motor. He drove the boat for an hour and a half way out until they reached an island. "We're here!" he shouted from the other side of the boat. He got out of the boat brining a picnic blanket and a basket with him. Katie jumped off the side of the boat and Niall caught her at the waist and gently set her on the wet sand. They then walked over to what Niall called the "perfect spot" and set up the blanket and picnic basket. They sat together and ate breakfast, making normal conversation for a while. "Wanna go for a swim?" Katie asked spontaneously. "But we didn't bring swimsuits," Niall said in all seriousness. Katie giggled at his cuteness. She stood up and removed her t-shirt and pj pants and walked over to the water and dove right in. "Hey wait for me!" Niall yelled, quickly ripping off his pjs until he was in his boxers. He ran towards the water. "Catch me if you can!" screamed Katie teasingly wading through the water. Niall ran over and picked her up out of the water spinning her around in the air. She laughed loudly, he had found where her ticklish spot was. The happy couple playfully wrestled in the water for a few moments, when their eyes met each others. Without a moment of hesitation, their lips crashed together. Neither of them had felt a feeling quite so strong before. Love. They both knew in they're hearts, just by that kiss, that it was love. They sat in the water kissing for a few minutes, when Niall noticed the sky getting lighter " hey look, the sun is rising," he said pointing to the sky. The two climbed out of the water and watched the sunrise together on the picnic blanket. His arms were wrapped tightly around her, almost in a protective way, and her head was buried in his chest, when they both started to drift off to sleep.

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