Chapter 5

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"Niall?!" she gasped. She couldn't believe it. It was like fate was drawing them together! "Oh my god! Katie? Hey!" he said a bit shocked as well, "Oh god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to run into you! I just heard your name on the intercom so I came to find you!" he seemed so excited to see her. "You didn't text me back last night so I thought you might've been a little freaked out by me from what happened on the plane," he said looking at the ground. Katie felt awful! "Oh no! I left my phone in the taxi yesterday so I won't be getting it back until Sunday when the taxis are all parked and stuff. And I wasn't freaked out at all, I thought you were adorable," Katie said flirtatiously. She was defintley feeling a lot more confident now that she had gotten the chance to talk to Niall more. "Oh okay, I thought you were avoiding me for some reason," he said blushing. Katie couldn't help but giggle at his adorableness. "So do you want to-" Niall started when he was suddenly interrupted. A young girl who looked about 2 years younger than Katie and about 4 years younger than Niall was standing next to them with a pen and a CD in her hand. "Hi Niall!!! Will you sign my cd for me? I'm a huuuge directioner and you are sooo hot!" screamed the young girl. "Of course! And thank you!" Niall stated as he signed her CD. While Niall was looking away, the young girl gave Katie a stare that could have burned a hole in her face. "So is this your girlfriend?" the girl asked rudely, holding her stare. "Oh no I'm just-" Katie began when she was cut off. "Niall I didn't know you had a girlfriend! I mean my 1D app hasn't said anything about it!" the girl gushed to Niall. He started to blush, "Oh no Katie isn't my-" when once again the girl Rudely cut him off. "Well sorry to bother you, have fun with your girlfriend!" and with that she stormed off to a group of girls. "Wow I'm sorry Katie. Sometimes it can be hard to talk to someone without a fan noticing me," he said apologetically. "Niall it's fine, I completely understand," Katie returned. He smiled in response for a few seconds. "Umm well maybe later we can-" he started, when another interruption came. "THAT'S NIALL HORAN AND HIS GIRLFRIEND!" screamed a mob of young teenage girls. "HURRY GET A PICTURE!" one of the girls screamed. Without hesitation, Niall grabbed Katie's hand and took off running, with a mob of horny teenage girls running and screaming not far behind them. Once a few more feet ahead, Niall pulled Katie into the nearest door and slammed it shut. It was a tight space, considering it was the towel closet, but it's not like Katie minded being close to Niall. They listened for the mob of girls to go away. "Did you get a picture?" she heard one say. "Yeah. This is going to be all over twitter by tonight. I can already imagine the trend now. 'Niall and his mystery girl'". Soon after, the mob started to dissolve. Niall looked up at Katie. "I'm so sorry Katie. That picture is going to be all over twitter and it's all my fault. I didn't mean for this to happen," Niall apologized, the sincerity visible in his eyes. "Hey it's okay!" she returned just as sincere. "Well what I was gonna say earlier is, maybe you and I could go get dinner tonight? I want to get to know you better," Niall said grabbing her hand. She could feel the butterflies floating around in her stomach, and she knew her face was the color of a tomato. He giggled at how adorable and irresistible she was being. "Yeah I'd love that," she giggled in reply. He let out a huge grin, "How about I come get you at seven thirty? Meet in the lobby? We can go anywhere you want." Katie thought for a minute. "Maybe somewhere low key? Not too fancy?" he smiled and kissed her hand. "Then I guess I'll see you tonight," and with that he left the closet and returned to his mates. Katie sat there speechless. She had just made a date with Niall Horan.

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