Chapter 10

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*this entire chapter is about Harry and Caroline's relationship*

**Caroline's POV**

So there I was. Sitting on the plane, waiting for it to whisk me off to the Bahamas. Me and Katie had been chatting for a few minutes, when a flight attendant approached us and tried to kick us out of first class. Ha! Yeah right, did she really think we were going to move? So I made myself clear that we were definatley not going go move. The next thing I know, a gorgeous curly haired lad takes a seat right next to me. But it wasn't just any curly haired lad. It was Harry Styles.

**Harry's POV**

The lads and I had really been working hard with our new album and our touring. We were so exhausted, and when Simon told us we had a month to ourselves, we all knew exactly what we were going to do. We had always talked about going to the Bahamas together one day, but now we actually had the opportunity. So we packed our bags within a day, not wanting to waste a second of our month off, and headed off to the airport. We got to the airport with little time to spare, and immediately boarded the plane. When we boarded, there were two girls sitting in first class already, a blonde and a brunette. Niall made a beeline to sit next to the blonde one, as did I to the brunette. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had long beautiful brown hair, and big brown eyes. She was absolutely stunning. I didn't know what to say to her. "Hello, I'm Harry," I tried to sound as charming as possible. "Oh hey! I'm Caroline! I love One Direction by the way," when she spoke, I swear my heart nearly stopped. But I smoothly replied and we talked for the whole plane ride. We flirted for hours, and she even played with my hair, which was such a turn on. After the plane landed, we said our goodbyes and the lads and I headed off in our limo.

**Caroline's POV**

When we hugged goodbye, it was so overwhelming. I couldn't believe I was hugging Harry Styles! But unfortunately, I was so overwhelmed that I never got his number. I was so upset, I nearly broke down in the taxi. But I didn't want to ruin Katie's happy mood, since she had just gotten Niall's number and she seemed really excited, so I forced a smile when we got to the hotel and decided to try and forget about him. But it was just so hard. So we got to the hotel, but all I remember about that night was thinking about Harry. The next morning I woke up with Katie still asleep next to me. I didn't want to wake her yet, so I put on attire to go for an afternoon of laying out by the pool. By then it was eleven, so I woke Katie up. She joined me and we headed down to the pool. Still feeling down about Harry, I thought a smoothie would cheer me up, so I decided to order one from the snack bar at the pool. As I was walking away after placing our order, I could have sworn that I saw a flash of curls. I searched, but came to the conclusion that I was just imagining him. God I missed him.

**Harry's POV**

When we arrived at the hotel, I was still thinking about Caroline, but it then dawned on me that it was very unlikely I would see her again. I mean, I didn't even get her number. The boys asked if I wanted to head down to the bar for a few drinks, but I wasn't really in a mood to do anything. All I could do was think about the loveliest girl I have ever laid eyes on. Caroline. I decided to turn in early so I could rise early to go for a swim in the lap pool. Swimming always clears my head. The next morning I rose at seven and swam for three or four hours, when the lads met me down at the pool. So we mucked around at the pool for a bit. Louis and I were splashing water at each other, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw her. But when I looked, I couldn't find where she had gone. I missed her so much, I was starting to hallucinate about her. I needed to see her again. I was taking a nap on my lounge chair, when Niall came running over to me. "Harry! Oh God Harry you're not gonna believe this," he screamed. I moaned in response, still half napping. "Katie and Caroline are here!" I jolted upright. Could this be happening? I would get to see my dream girl again? "And I asked Katie on a date for tonight, so you might get to see Caroline!" My heart nearly stopped. I was already taking off running to the hotel room to fix up. Hours later, after mucking around for quite a bit, it was time for Niall's date. We all accompanied him to walk down to the lobby to meet Katie. I prayed and prayed that Caroline would be there. We stood in the middle of the lobby, awaiting the elevator to open. As it did, Katie emerged, and I saw Caroline dash for the coffee machine. I quickly made my way over to her. I couldn't believe that I finally got to see her again. I felt the butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach. I had never felt this way about a girl before.

**Narrator's POV**

The moment Caroline and Harry's eyes met for the first time since the plane, they were both so happy and nervous and all sorts of emotions. Harry opened his arms wide and embraced her. "Caroline I'm so glad you're here! I thought I would never see you again!" he said rocking her back and forth in his arms. "Me too Harry! I've already missed you so much!" Caroline said into his shoulder. As their hug dissolved, the first thing they did was exchange numbers so they wouldn't lose touch again. "So umm, Caroline?" he said reaching for her hand. She nodded in response and intertwined their fingers. "Would you like to come up to the room?" he asked. She giggled in response and he took at as a yes. They rode up the elevator hand in hand, chatting and giggling. As they opened the door, they noticed Liam Zayn and Louis in the kitchen sipping on tea. They said a quick hello to the lads, and Harry whisked her away to the bedroom. Caroline kicked her shoes off and flopped onto the bed Harry gave her a seductive look then climbed next to her. She rested her legs on his lap and hooked her arms on his neck and leaned in for a passionate kiss. They were lost in passionate kisses for a few minutes, when Harry pulled back. "Caroline?" he asked. " Something wrong?" she replied worrily. "No no nothing at all. It's just that, I don't want to lose you again. When we leave the Bahamas," he stated. "you don't have to lose me. I'll come to see you as much as I can, and we can text and Skype and-" but Harry cut her off. "Caroline. I want you to be my girlfriend." At first, Caroline was shocked and didn't know what to say. But her mouth turned up into a grin and she nodded in response and went in for another passionate kiss. After a few minutes they stopped. "hey let's watch a movie," Caroline suggested to Harry. "Okay," he replied grinning. Before they put in the movie, Harry called up Niall and Katie asking if they wanted to join them. "Hey I think Olivia is here. Do you want to meet her?" Harry asked after hanging up the phone. Caroline shrugged and they headed over to the kitchen. The lads all introduced Olivia and Caroline and they instantly became friends. After a few minutes Harry picked up Caroline playfully and whisked her away back to the bedroom. Before the movie started, Niall and Katie arrived home from their date and joined them for the movie, during which they made their relationship official. Since they announced their relationship, Caroline and Harry did as well. It was a great night. After Caroline went back to her room with Katie, she fell asleep right away. The next morning, Caroline awoke and found herself alone in the bed. She assumed Katie was making breakfast in the kitchen, until she realized her phone was gone too. She got up and searched the suite to see if Katie had left her a note or something, but she found nothing. She started to panic, when she realized she was probably with Niall in his room, so she called up Harry to make sure. "mmmmmmhello?" Harry answered groggily. "Sorry love I didnt mean to wake you," Caroline said apologetically. "No it's fine I need to get up and make breakfast for everyone anyways. What's up?" he replied. "Umm, is Katie there with Niall?" she asked nervously. "I didn't hear her come in, but I'll check." she could hear him calling out Niall's name in the background. "Umm Caroline? Niall isnt here either." without a moment of hesitation, Caroline hung up the phone and went straight down to the lads room. When she arrived, Harry opened the door and gave her a big hug. Caroline started calling Katie, but she wouldn't answer. After about an hour of everyone sitting around anxiously, Katie called back. Caroline started screaming at her, then calmed down a bit asking her to come back. She hung up giving a sound of relief. The group sat around for a while chatting, while Liam absentmindedly scrolled through twitter. After a few minutes Liam spoke up, "umm guys? I think I know where Niall and Katie went." Caroline and Harry went around to look at the computer screen. There was a picture of Katie and Niall getting in a boat. The picture was taken around 3 am according to the tweet. The group was shocked, and knew this wouldn't be good for Niall and Katie's reputation. Caroline felt the tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't want her best friend to have to endure anymore twitter hate. Harry wrapped his arms around her whispering comforting words into her ear. Not much later, Katie and Niall came waltzing through the door. They came to see what everyone was looking at. "I know exactly who did this," Katie declared.

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