Chapter 2

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Katie searched for words. Niall Horan had been her celebrity crush since she first laid eyes on him when he was on the show, X Factor. He was in her favorite band, One Direction. Sure, she loved the other four lads as well, but Niall was definatley the most crush worthy to her. She looked around the plane to see the rest of the band scattered amongst first class. Liam and Louis were sitting in front of her, and Zayn kept to himself a couple rows forward. Harry was sitting next to her best friend! She looked over and saw them flirting back and forth. Katie finally found the words to say, but they weren't very intelligent sounding "umm hi. Niall? Wow, umm......I love you," she clapped her hand over her mouth. How could she say something so stupid? But he seemed to like it. He giggled beautifully, making Katie blush and laugh a bit too. "Sorry. Im just a big fan, that was for me I guess," she sputtered out. "Hey it's alright, it was pretty cute," he said getting a little blushy. This made Katie's face flood with redness. Embarrassed, she smiled at the floor. "What's your name?" he asked. "I'm Katie, it's really nice to meet you Niall. I love your music," she said a bit more intelligibly. "Haha thanks, and it's a pleasure to meet you," he returned. There was a moment of brief awkwardness when neither of then could figure out what they should say next. "Hehe so umm, why are you guys going to the Bahamas?" Katie asked stupidly. "Well we never get much of a chance to relax, so we're gonna go and have some fun," he replied ever so smoothly. "Oh that sounds like fun!" she exclaimed too excitedly. She blushed again and once again, Niall giggled. She had to bite her lip to hold back her smile. "So what are you headed to the Bahamas for, Katie?" he asked. Oh, his accent was so sexy. She felt so honored to have her name spoken by his beautiful Irish dialect. "Well me and my friend Caroline won a contest for a free trip to the place," she said motioning towards the seat across the aisle. For a moment her and Niall both watched caroline and harry laugh and talk. How could she keep her cool around him? Caroline had always been so smooth around guys. "Well they seem to be hitting it off," Niall said. "Yeah i guess so," Katie said shyly, wishing she could get along with Niall as easily as Caroline did with Harry. After a few minutes, the plane took off and their conversation died down, so Katie resumed listening to her music, dozing off. She dreamed of laying on the beach next to her best friend, and Niall, along with the rest of One D. "She's so pretty. Just look at her face. It's....perfect," Niall said to Liam as they laid on towels by the water. "Oh stop it!" she teased. "Yeah she is," replied Liam, "she looks so peaceful in your arms. Like she was meant to be there." That was an odd thing to say, considering in her mind, they were laying on separate towels, not cuddling close. "Liam what are you talking about?" She asked imaginative Liam. "Yeah, she looks really cute when she's sleeping too," Niall said in a soft voice. "You guys I'm not sleeping! We're on the beach!" she yelled a bit annoyed to her imagination. "Hey are you guys even listening to me!? Guys!!!" she screamed in her mind, when she finally awoke. Her head was rested on Niall's shoulder and his arms embraced her in a cute cuddly way. She also noticed Liam turned around, as if he and Niall were just having a conversation. "Oh my god. They were! That wasn't a dream! That was a real conversation! Wait, so did Liam really mean, that I was MEANT to be in Niall's arms? What could that mean?" thought Katie to herself, "stay calm. Pretend you didn't hear a thing" she thought. She looked up, and Liam smiled at the both of them and turned back around. She tilted her head up to face Niall. "Niall? What are...why am I...." she questioned still a bit groggy. "sorry, you fell asleep on my shoulder, and you looked a bit cold. Didn't mean to freak you out," he said a bit embarrassed. Now Katie felt a pang of guilt, "oh no don't be sorry! It was....nice!" she replied. Contentment covered his face, and a grin spread across hers, when they both realized at the same time that they hadn't budged. Awkwardly, Katie sat up and Niall put his hands down next to his side. She checked over to see how Harry and Caroline were hitting it off. She was touching his curls and twisting her fingers around them. Wow, what Flirts they were. "Well I guess they really are hitting it off!" Niall laughed. Katie let out a burst of laughter, then instantly blushed and covered her mouth, remembering how embarrassing her laugh was. "You have a beautiful laugh," Niall said. "Thanks, everyone thinks its annoying," she said looking at the ground. They sat briefly in yet another moment of awkwardness, until their conversation picked up again. They talked with each other right up until the plane reached the airport. "Katie? Can I have your number? I would love it if you could maybe text me sometime?" he asked rather shyly. She smiled and nodded. They exchanged phones and typed in each others numbers. "Thanks for the wonderful time. Text me?" she asked. He nodded in response. When off the plane, she hugged him goodbye, as did Caroline did to Harry. As soon as the boys were out of sight, they shrieked and shared every detail of the flight with each other in the taxi. "Holy crap katie! So did Liam really say that or was it your dream?" flipped Caroline after Katie had told her what happened. Katie giggled at her silliness. "I don't know, it's hard to tell," replied Katie. Caroline rolled her eyes. They both giggled excitedly. "I even got his number!" Katie yelled waving her phone in Caroline's face. Caroline went pale. "I forgot to ask for Harry's number. What is wrong with me? Now I'll never see him again!" she cried. Katie set her phone down and comforted her best friend, who seemed to pipe up when they arrived at the hotel. They eagerly leaped from the cab and walked quickly into the lobby to sign in. The two friends rode up the elevator to the top floor of the hotel, where the presidential suite was. As the elevator opened, they stepped out into a long corridor. At the end, stood two posh French doors, with a golden plaque above the frame reading 'presidential suite'. The two raced down the hall to the doors and swung the them open, entering the most beautiful room they had ever seen. To their left was A kitchen stocked with food, And four stools along a bar. Directly in front of them sat a beautiful living room set. A glass coffee table sat in the very center, surrounded by cream colored couches on two sides. Crystals sat in a jar in the center of the table surrounded by beautiful decor. Katie and Caroline ran into the room. The first thing they did was open the doors to the master bedroom. They chucked the suitcases against the wall and made a run for the bed, leaped in the air, then sunk into the soft mattress on their backs. For a bit, they laid there relaxed, mesmerized by today's events. After a while, they unpacked and began to get ready for bed. They took turns in the master shower, with Katie done first. As she rung out her hair Caroline had just begun her shower. Katie decided to explore the room a bit more. Directly across from the entrance sat two large French doors which obviously opened up to a balcony. She swung open the doors and the view took her breath away. The sun had begun to set, setting fire to the sky overlooking the beach in the distance past the hotel's pool and outdoor spa area. The glorious view reminded her of Niall. She reached for her phone in her pocket to text him, when she noticed it was missing, and she realized, it was still in the taxi.

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