Chapter 11

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They all looked at Katie eager for an answer, but Katie stormed out of the room without a response, Niall following not far behind her. "Katie what's going on?" he asked her. "It's that stupid girl!" she screamed frustrated. Niall shook his head in confusion, "What girl?" Katie sighed, she could feel the tears starting to form in her eyes, "it's that fan, she said she didnt like the fact that we were together and that she was going to make you hers," Katie said beginning to cry. Niall took her into his arms. She buried her head into his shoulder, "I'm so sorry Niall. This is all my fault," she cried. "Hey, don't say that. None of this is your fault. You haven't done anything wrong Katie," he replied kissing her cheek. She gave him a halfhearted smile as he wiped the tears from under her eyes. "I'm going to go find that girl," he stated grabbing her hand pulling her into the elevator. "Niall no, you don't have to-" she started when Niall cut her off, "Yes I do. No one can make my girlfriend cry and get away with it." he gave her a quick kiss and the elevator doors opened up into the lobby. "I saw her by the pool on our way in," Katie stated. The couple made their way over to the pool. Not too far away from them was the girl and her posse. Katie pointed over to them and Niall began to storm over their way. "Excuse me, we're you the girl who put that picture of me and Katie on twitter?" the girl just laughed. "Yeah why?" "Well she has been getting lots of hateful tweets because of you and I don't appreciate it," he said as calmly as he could. The girl and her posse laughed again, "that's the idea baby. She's supposed to get hate, so then she'll dump you, then you'll be on the market, and I'll be your new girlfriend." The both of them were furious. "Do you really think I would leave him just because of what a bunch of girls don't like me? You know what? Screw the haters! I don't care! You want to give them something to look at? Why don't you tweet a picture of this bitch!" she screamed, and then she pulled Niall in for a passionate kiss. At first, Niall was shocked at how suddenly she had done it, but then he began kissing her back. The girl was furious. All her friends were taking pictures of the couple kissing, when she pulled them apart. "Get off of him!" she screamed to Katie. "Listen, you need to leave us alone. If not me, at least leave my girlfriend alone okay?" Niall pleaded. "Why should I? You belong with me Niall not her! Do you remember me at all?" the girl said now crying. Katie and Niall looked very confused, when a look of understanding crossed his face. "Jenna?" he asked. She nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Wait, what's going on?" Katie asked, still confused. "Jenna is my ex girlfriend. We were together before I went on the x factor. I broke up with her so I could go audition," he stated. "Why don't you tell Katie the promise you made?" she asked. Niall looked at the ground. "I promised her that I would come back after the show was over." "Yeah, and the show is over now! Why didn't you come back for me?" Jenna asked. Katie was in complete shock. "Jenna, I didn't think my career would end up like this! I thought I wouldn't make it very far, then I could come home. But I'm very happy with the way everything turned out, because now I have four best friends, im doing what I love, and I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world," he said looking into Katie's eyes. Katie smiled at him. "Okay. Well I'm really sorry that things got so out of hand, will you guys forgive me?" she asked. Katie and Niall smiled and gave her a hug, letting her know she was forgiven. She waved goodbye and her and her posse headed off. "Well that was bizarre," Katie said to Niall. When she turned to face him, he was already looking straight at her. They both leaned in for a kiss. "Katie?" he asked as he pulled back from the kiss. She nodded acknowledging him. "I love you," he said looking into her eyes. "I love you too," she replied before kissing him again

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