Chapter 19

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Hours later the boat arrived back to the mainland. Harry got off the boat and caught Caroline at the waist and set her down as she jumped off. It was near seven oclock and the sun was starting to set, and the beach was nearly empty. "Harry look how pretty the sunset is!" Caroline exclaimed, "we should go walk on the beach!" So Caroline and Harry began their romantic walk along the shore line. "Hey since those two are gonna be out of the room for a bit, that means we get some alone time," Katie said giving Niall a cheeky grin leaning in close to him. "Well what are we waiting for?" he asked. He scooped her up and sprinted through the sand up to the hotel. "Niall put me down!" Katie screeched giggling, as he carried her into the elevator. He set her down and as soon as the elevator doors closed, he moved her towards the corner and started kissing her passionately. When they got to their floor, Katie sprinted down the hall. "I'm gonna beat ya there!" she screamed. Niall ran after her and chased her into the suite. She searched for a place to hide before he caught up with her. "Hmmm, where could she be?" Niall asked pacing the room. Katie accidentally giggled, revealing her hiding spot on the other side of the couch. "Found you!" Niall yelled tickling her on the floor. She screamed and begged for him to stop, when she finally got control. She flipped over, so now she was on top of him. "Now I've got you!" she said pinning his wrists and attacking him with kisses. The couple kissed on the floor for a few minutes, when there was a knock at the door. "It's probably just Harry and Caroline," Niall said making his way to the door. He opened the door to find Caroline Flack standing there. "NIALLERRRRR!!!" she screamed attacking him with a suffocating hug. "Caroline? Why are you here? And are you drunk?" he said pushing her off. "I'm here to see you guys! Well mostly Harry. And yeah I'm shit-faced wasted! But who cares?" Caroline responded slurring her words. "Caroline, why do you want to see Harry? You guys broke up a long time ago," Niall said backing away from her. "Soooooo? We can still have sex right? Like the good old days! It's not like he's not available or anything!" Caroline said stumbling. "Umm actually-" Niall started. "Who's that?" Caroline interrupted pointing to Katie. "That's my girlfriend Katie. Katie, this is Caroline," he said introducing the two. "Shouldn't you be in daycare little girl?" Caroline said in a voice you use to talk to a baby. "Caroline!" Niall yelled. "Shouldn't you be in an old folks home?" Katie blurted out getting defensive. Niall laughed at the comment. "It's not funny!" Caroline yelled punching his arm, "where is Harry anyways?" "He's down at the beach, but Caroline there's something you need to know! He has-" Niall started before being interrupted by Caroline once again, "Oooooh Kay, I'll just wait until he gets back!" she said kicking off her heels and flopping onto the couch. Katie got up and headed over to the kitchen. "So much for alone time," she said a bit let down. Niall looked at Katie and mouthed the word 'sorry'. She motioned for him to follow her into the kitchen. "Okay, she needs to leave," Katie said sternly. "I know, trust me I don't want her here either. But shes not going to leave until she sees Harry," he replied. Katie rolled her eyes. "Well we need to at least tell her that Harry has a girlfriend!" she yelled. Niall nodded, when they both suddenly heard the front door open. "HARRYY-oh," they heard Caroline say as they walked into the living room. "Caroline? What- who let you in?" Harry asked. He knew the boys would never let Caroline in. "Whos this?" Caroline asked ignoring the question. "Oh this is my girlfriend! Her name is Caroline also," he replied. "Uh girlfriend? Ha yeah I don't think so!" she yelled. Caroline Rohan looked furious. Her face was turning beet red. "Yeah, you got a problem with that?" she said stepping closer to Caroline Flack. She could easily take on the old lady. She was strong, and wouldn't hesitate to fight if need be. Caroline Flack rolled her eyes, "honey pleasszzzze, by the time Im done with him tonight, he'll be begging on his knees for me!" This made Caroline even more furious. Harry was starting to grab her hand as a precaution, just in case she attacked Caroline Flack. "Look grandma, why don't you just take your drunk ass back to your own suite and fuck someone your own age, kay? He's mine and there's nothing you can do about it," Caroline said stepping even closer to Caroline Flack. "Oh yeah sweetheart?" she said before basically shoving her tongue down Harry's throat. Niall and Katie jumped in and pried her off of him. "Caroline you're drunk. Go get some rest," Katie said while her and Niall dragged her across the hall and threw her back into her own suite. They sprinted back to their room and locked the door before she could return. Moments later there was a pounding on the door. "I'm not through with you! Harry will be mine!" Caroline yelled. "What the hell just happened?" Katie asked. "Caroline Flack just threw herself all over my boyfriend! That's what happened!" Caroline yelled. "It's okay baby, she was wasted so she didn't know what she was doing," Harry said wrapping his arm around Caroline's waist. "I think I'm gonna go to bed," she said walking out the front door. "Wait, you can stay here if you want baby," Harry called after her. "I don't want to," she said already in the elevator. "Im gonna go to bed then. Bye guys," Harry said disappearing into the bedroom. "Do you want to sleep here?" Niall asked. Katie shook her head. "I better stay with Caroline. She seems a bit upset about the whole thing." Niall nodded in understanding. "I'll see you tomorrow," she said kissing her boyfriend goodbye. When she got up to her room, she found Caroline sitting in the bed crying into her pillow. "Caroline! Are you okay?" Katie said rushing to her side. "No," she mumbled in the pillow. "Look, what happened between Harry and Caroline was nothing. She was just drunk!" Katie said trying to comfort her friend. "But what if being drunk has nothing to do with it? What if she tries to break me and Harry up?" Caroline said sobbing her eyes out. "Caroline you know Harry would never let that happen! He loves you too much to let some saggy old lady mess up your relationship together," Katie said hugging Caroline. "I know. I just love him so much! I'm so afraid of losing him. There are millions of girls all over the world throwing themselves at his feet. Why whould he want to stay with me?" she asked still crying. "Caroline he doesnt want any of those other girls! Especially not Caroline Flack! He only wants you! Trust me, from the way he looks at you, I can easily tell he is madly in love with you," Katie responded. Caroline let out a small grin. "Why don't you get some sleep? I know this whole thing has you worked up, it'll be good for you to rest," Katie suggested. Without a moment of hesitation, Caroline passes out right there on the bed, and so did Katie. Hours later, Caroline was woken up by loud banging and screaming on the floor below her. She checked her phone for the time. It was 2:48 in the morning. She had a text from Harry he had sent her just five minutes before. It read: "Ugh. Caroline is still drunk and she has been screaming through the door and banging on it for the past two hours." She looked over to see Katie still sleeping soundly, so she stepped out on the balcony to call Harry, when she looked down and saw him, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn on their balcony. "Hey, you guys!" Caroline said trying to get their attention. "Caroline!" Liam exclaimed. "When did you guys get back?" she asked. "Around ten-ish," replied Louis. "Oh, well why are you guys all crowded onto the balcony?" she asked confused. "If Caroline gets in our room she's probably going to try to hurt someone," Harry responded. "Why would she hurt you?" Caroline asked. "Because she said she was going to whenever she got the door open," Niall said. "Okay, I'm gonna come down there and talk to her," Caroline said. "No!" they all screamed. "She'll try and hurt you too! Just stay up there, she'll have to go to sleep eventually," said Zayn. Caroline ignored the boys and made her way down to their floor. Standing at their door was Caroline Flack surrounded by a bunch of beer bottles. She was screaming things like "I LOVED YOU HARRY!" and "HARRY TAKE ME BACK!" Caroline took a cautious step towards the drunken mess of a person. "Caroline? Go back to your room! You're drunk! You need some sleep," Caroline yelled. "NO!" Caroline Flack screamed. She picked up one of the empty beer bottles and chucked it at Caroline Rohan's head. Just in time, she ducked it and the bottle shattered on the wall. "AHHHHH!!!!" Caroline Flack screamed and charged towards Caroline, tackling her to the ground. She pinned her arms down with her knees and started punching her face. Caroline Rohan started screaming and crying for help. When all the sudden, a bottle shattered on Caroline Flack's head, knocking her out. It was Katie. "Suck it bitch!" she screamed kicking Caroline Flacks unconscious body. She looked over and saw her friend laying on the ground, barely conscious. "Caroline!" she screamed. Just then, all five boys piled out of the suite. They helped Caroline Rohan up and into their hotel room. "You guys im fine really!" she said. "Love, your nose is bleeding like crazy!" Harry said holding a tissue wad up to her nose. "And you're starting to get a black eye!" Katie said handing her an ice pack. "Ugggh guys stop babying me! It's not a big deal! Just a few cuts and bruises!" Caroline complained. "Hey maybe you guys should come stay in our room tonight, just in case Caroline Flack wakes back up," Katie said to the boys. They all agreed, piling into the elevator. Liam and Zayn decided they would sleep on the pullout couch, and Louis would sleep in the second bedroom. Harry, Caroline, Niall, and Katie decided to sleep on the two beds in the master. "Hey love, are you sure you're okay?" Harry said climbing into bed next to Caroline. "Of course!" she said rolling her eyes, "goodnight babe," she said kissing his forehead. "Goodnight love," he replied before drifting off to sleep.

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