Chapter 7

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"Hello miss, are you Mrs. Naroh?" he Asked. Katie replied with a nod. "Well this here seems to be your phone," he said holding out a familiar iPhone. Katie gasped and embraced the taxi driver in a huge hug, "thank you so much for returning this to me! You have no idea how much it means to me!" she cried. He handed the phone to her and walked away muttering to himself, "those crazy kids and their technology." "Caroline!!" Katie screamed running all over the room. "What I'm in the shower!" Caroline complained. "Ugh I'll tell you when you're done!" Katie yelled through the door. So Katie continued primping for her date with Niall. She curled her hair with a 2inch barrel iron to give her big loose waves. By the time her hair was done, Caroline had stepped out of the shower. She dried her her in a towel Nd got dressed, then approached Katie waiting for the important news. Katie held up her phone. "Oh my god you got it back!" she flipped. Katie explained what had happened with the taxi driver to Caroline. She checked her phone to see what the text from Niall had said from a while ago. She read it aloud "hey Katie :)" she giggled at his cuteness and texted back "guess who found her phone? ;)" she put down her phone and finished getting ready, and there was still an hour until she was supposed to meet up with him. He texted her back:

Niall: Sweeeeet :D excited for our date?

Katie: Yeah! I'm dying to know where you're taking me :)

Niall: It's a surprise babe! ;)

Katie: Hmmm, a good surprise? ;)

Niall: I sure hope so :)

Katie: well I guess I'll see u at 7:30 then ;)

Niall: Aww come on, keep talkin to me?:)

Katie:Ur gonna see me in fifteen minutes!

Niall: So? :)

Katie: Bye ;)

Katie tossed her phone onto the bed and looked at the clock. Only fifteen more minutes until her date with Niall, she couldn't wait! She spent her last 15 minutes pacing around the room, feeling a bit nervous, hoping she looked good enough for Niall. As the time came for her to meet Niall, she walked right out the door without saying goodbye to Caroline, but Caroline followed behind her anyways to go down to the lobby to get some coffee. They travelled in the elevator checking each other for different flaws. Caroline hoped she would run into Harry in the lobby. As the elevator opened, Caroline made her way over to the coffee machine, and in front of Katie stood all five members of one direction. They were all talking in a group, patting Niall on the back. At the sound of Katie's shoes against the tile floor, they spun around and took a good look at her. The other four boys dispersed, and Harry seemed to notice Caroline over by the coffee machine. Niall stood before her in a nice button up and khakis, taking it all in. "You look wonderful Katie," he said making his way towards her. "Thanks," she replied giggling. He wrapped one arm around her waist and led her towards the elevator. "Why are we going back up?" Katie asked as he closed the elevator doors. "For our date, silly!" he replied to her, as though it should have been obvious. Katie was a bit puzzled, but decided just to go with it. He pressed the button to the top floor. As they exited onto the floor, he led her down the hall and into the stairwell. "Niall, where in the world?-" Katie began. "you'll see when we get there," he replied. He led her up another flight of stairs and opened the door leading out onto the rooftop. Katie gasped at how beautiful everything was. There was a blanket laid out on the ground surrounded by tons of pillows, and a picnic basket in the center. Lanterns surrounded the edge of the building glowing beautifully against the night sky. "Niall, it's beautiful!" Katie gasped. He laughed, "you like it?" "I love it!" she replied. They made their way over to the blanket and sat amongst the pillows. Niall opened the picnic basket, and handed Katie a plate filling it with fried chicken and Mac and cheese. She giggled. "what? I'm not a very good cook and Harry refused to cook for me!" he teased. She laughed at his adorableness. "no it's perfect Niall," she said giggling. He grinned at her and began to giggle as well. The two talked and ate for a while, and after the meal was over, they felt so close, like they had known each other for a long time. They laid down on the pillows and stared up at the starry sky. Niall wrapped his arms around Katie and she leaned into his embrace. She giggled, remembering how he had done this when they met on the plane. "Hey Katie?" Niall asked breaking the silence. "yesssss?" she responded. "We should hang out again tomorrow night," he said leaning in closer to her. She turned her head from the sky, to see Niall looking right at her. She started to lean in closer to him, and he did the same, until they were just inches away from each other's lips. Their lips were about to meet, when "RIIIIIIIINGGGGG!" Niall and Katie jumped back at the startling noise of Niall's phone ringing. "Ugh, sorry its Harry. Hello?" he said putting his phone on speaker. "Hey Niall, do you and Katie want to come hang out with us at the room? Caroline is here, and Olivia just got here too." Niall rolled his eyes, "Harry! We're on a date!" "No its okay Harry we'll be right there," Katie said into the phone. "Sweeeet," said Harry before hanging up. "Do you really want to go hang out with them?" Niall asked. "Sure, it'll be fun! Plus we finished dinner an hour ago," Katie said getting up off the ground. Niall stood up after her, and reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers. They made their way to the master suite, where the boys were staying. "So who was that Olivia girl Harry was talking about?" Katie asked as they walked through the corridors of the hotel. "Oh that's Louis' girlfriend. She was supposed to come down here with us on the plane, but decided to fly down a day later since she had a paper due for one of her English professors." Katie nodded. The two finally reached the master suite and let themselves in. Liam and Zayn were playing cards over in the kitchen. Louis and a girl who Katie presumed to be Olivia cuddled on the couch. When they heard the door open, Olivia got up and introduced herself. "Hi you must be Katie! I'm Louis' girlfriend, Olivia Nosnilmot." "Wow, what a name!" Katie giggled, "it's nice to meet you Olivia!" she gave her a quick squeeze. Louis Liam and Zayn also approached Katie. "We haven't exactly introduced ourselves yet either," Liam said apologetically. "that's okay, I already know who you guys are," Katie joked to them. They each gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Umm, so where are Caroline and Harry?" Niall asked Louis. "Oh I think they're watching a movie in the bedroom. GUUYYYYS NIALL AND KATIE ARE HEEEEERE!" Louis screamed. The master bedroom door swung open and Harry and Caroline stepped out and approached Katie and Niall, giving them each a hug. "Hey do you guys want to come watch titanic with us? We haven't started it yet," Caroline asked everyone. Everyone except Liam and Zayn nodded and entered the room. Caroline and Harry cuddled on one of the king-sized beds, Olivia and Louis on the couch, and Niall and Katie on the other bed. Harry had his arms wrapped around Caroline's waist, while her legs were laid on top of his lap. Katie looked at the way her best friend looked at Harry, and she could tell Caroline had never felt so happy in her life. Then, her eyes travelled over to the couch. Olivia had her legs wrapped around Louis, and she laid on top of him, kissing him passionately. Niall noticed it too, and threw a pillow at the both of them shouting "get a room" teasingly. They both ignored him and continued to makeout. As the movie began, Niall put his arms around Katie, and they were soon in the same position as Caroline and Harry. About half an hour into the movie, Caroline and Harry began sharing passionate kisses as well, leaving Katie and Niall just cuddling. She snuck a glance up at his face, and just as she did, he looked right into her eyes. He started to lean in, getting ready to kiss her. SLAM! The doors flew open loudly, making everyone jump. "Ughhhh!" Niall groaned, disappointed. Katie giggled at his cuteness. She thought it was adorable that he was angry he didn't get to kiss her. "Zayn what do you want?!" he yelled angrily. "Sorry man, but you guys have to come look at twitter!"

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