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After getting home and showering you quickly pulled an outfit together. A black skirt with (f/c) over the knee socks, your favourite top and your (f/c) denim jacket. Once dressed you applied some mascara and concealer and bounded down the stairs, your bookbag already having the necessary notes for English in them. Reaching the kitchen you went to grab a snack however you noticed a note on the fridge.

Gone for my date, will be back later. I've left you some money if you want to go out. Stay safe, love you x

Mum x

Looking at the counter behind you, you noticed she had indeed left you a lot of yen, around 2500¥ (like $20 or £15). With a smile, you decided to get something to eat at the cafe. Stuffing the money into your coat pocket you picked up your phone and messaged Yamaguchi.

(n/n): heyo im ready whenever u are!     15:28 

Whilsy waiting for him to reply, you put on your shoes and checked yourself over in the mirror one last time. You didn't really know why you were so bothered if you looked that good.

'Maybe it's because Tsukishima will be there.' you thought. Horrified at yourself you frowned into the mirror and let out a grumble.

"No, no, to the no, no, no. Never." You were pulled out of your mantra by your phone notification going off and you silently thanked any God(s) up there.

Yams: come down 2 mine now im ready.     15:34

(n/n): kool beans     15:34

You replied instantly and left the house, putting your earphones on and turning on your favourite song. As you apporached Yamaguchi's house, your hands started to swing to the rhythm of the song playing and you absentmindedly nodded your head to the beat. Approaching his door, you began to hum and lightly knocked your fist against the door. 

(n/n): im here pls come now i dont want to look like a dork:))))     15:45

You messaged your timid friend as you tapped your foot to the beat of the song. Quickly the door opened and you hastily pulled your earphones out and put them away. There stood Yamaguchi and no surprises here, Tsukishima.

"You always look like a dork." Tsukishima snorted. Rolling your eyes you moved back a bit to let the two of them lead the way.

"Hello to you too, I see we're wasting no time in getting straight into today's feats." you said, a dull sarcastic ring to your tone. The blonde just simply glared at you and put on his headphones. This left you to speak to Yamaguchi.

"Hello Yamaguchi! You ready to get right diggity down into English?" you fake cheered in excitement and the boy laughed at you.

"As ready as always (l/n)-san." he replied running a hand through his hair. 

"So why's four eyes joined us then? Third wheeling our mate date, what a bummer." you huffed with a pout. Yamaguchi let out a sound of confusion before he replied.

"He wanted to hang out today and I told him I was busy with you then he basically demanded he came with us."

You mulled over what he had said for a few moments as the three of you nearded the coffee shop, it being a quick walk from Yamaguchi's house. With furrowed brows you looked between the blonde and the olive haired boys before speaking up.

"Pretty strange of him to volunteer to be around me." then you gasped in fake horror. "I-I wonder if he's dying." you concluded. This caused your friend to let out a loud laugh.

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